EXCLUSIVE: Bill Norman (Borough Solicitor)’s advice to councillors on publication of Anna Klonowski Associate’s report

from: Norman, Bill D. billnorman@wirral.gov.uk sender time: Sent at 4:10 PM (UTC). Current time there: 01:34. to: john.brace@gmail.com cc: “Foulkes, Steve (Councillor)” , “McLaughlin, Moira (Councillor)” date: 12 December 2011 16:10 subject: RE: question for full Council (12th December) mailed-by: wirral.gov.uk Dear Mr Brace Thank you for your email and Question to which the Leader … Continue reading “EXCLUSIVE: Bill Norman (Borough Solicitor)’s advice to councillors on publication of Anna Klonowski Associate’s report”

from: Norman, Bill D. billnorman@wirral.gov.uk
sender time: Sent at 4:10 PM (UTC). Current time there: 01:34.
to: john.brace@gmail.com
cc: “Foulkes, Steve (Councillor)” ,
“McLaughlin, Moira (Councillor)”
date: 12 December 2011 16:10
subject: RE: question for full Council (12th December)
mailed-by: wirral.gov.uk

Dear Mr Brace

Thank you for your email and Question to which the Leader will respond tonight.

Please find attached a copy of my advice to Members on the subject of publishing Ms Klonowski’s draft report.



Bill Norman
Director of Law, HR and Asset Management
Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8498

Visit our website www.wirral.gov.uk
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From: John Brace [mailto:john.brace@gmail.com]
Sent: 01 December 2011 15:15
To: Norman, Bill D.
Cc: Foulkes, Steve (Councillor); McLaughlin, Moira (Councillor)

Subject: question for full Council (12th December)

Dear Bill Norman, Cllr Steve Foulkes & The Worshipful the Mayor of the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral and Rock Ferry Councillor Moira McLaughlin,

I have a question for the Chair of the Corporate Governance Committee/Cabinet Member for Finance & Best Value Cllr Steve Foulkes:-

There has been much public interest in the (as yet unpublished) AKA (Anna Klonowksi Associates Ltd) report into issues that need to be remedied at Wirral Council. My personal view is that Wirral Council needs to publish the report, reassure the public what it’s doing differently now and restore its tarnished reputation as a result of the events that led to the report being commissioned.

Please could you answer:

a) what date the report will be published on and whether changes are to be made between the draft version and final version (if so the reasons why) and
b) an update on changes and decisions made since the report, as a result of the report becoming available in draft form, including progress (which includes consultation) already made and how the changes will benefit Wirral Council, its staff, its councillors and the public?

John Brace

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From: "Norman, Bill D." <billnorman@wirral.gov.uk>
To: "Councillors" <Councillors2@wirral.gov.uk>
Cc: "Executive Team" <ExecutiveTeam@wirral.gov.uk>,
"Delap, Mark" <markdelap@wirral.gov.uk>,
"Moss, David S." <davidmoss@wirral.gov.uk>,
"Tour, Surjit" <surjittour@wirral.gov.uk>,
"MacCallum, Kevin" <kevinmaccallum@wirral.gov.uk>,
"O’Brien, Richard" <richardobrien@wirral.gov.uk>

Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 15:45:51 -0000
Subject: Legal Advice on the Possible Publication of Anna Klonowski’s Preliminary Draft Report

Dear Councillors

I am emailing you to set out my legal advice on the question of publishing AK’s preliminary draft report, as such action is called for in a Notice of Motion to be considered at tonight’s Council meeting.  I have also had the opportunity to receive from Anna Klonowski (‘AK’) an update as to her progression of the Right to Reply (‘R2R’) process.  This is set out in bold italics towards the end of this email.

Only a very small number of people have received a preliminary draft of AK’s report.  However, all persons receiving it did so on the strict understanding that that was a preliminary draft; that it was subject to strict confidentiality; and that no one could disclose the contents of the report until the R2R process is complete.  All recipients of the draft report (including me) signed undertakings to this effect.

The R2R process is in place to ensure that, before AK’s report is finalised, those criticised in the preliminary draft are given a fair opportunity to respond and to have their representations fairly reflected in the final version.  This principle of fairness is a fundamental tenet of Natural Justice.  Both AK, as the author of the report, and the Council, as the commissioning public body, have a duty to all people impacted by the report to ensure that it is as fair and accurate as can reasonably be achieved. Publication of the preliminary draft report would subvert the R2R process and is likely to deny Natural Justice to the people impacted by the report.

You will see from AK’s comments below that some of the R2R submissions will require her to change some of the facts and, possibly, her conclusions as set out in the preliminary draft report; or to add further information to ‘more accurately reflect the balance of opinions amongst the parties’.  As a result, the preliminary draft report, today, cannot be described as a comprehensive, wholly accurate, up-to-date, or fully balanced statement of AK’s views.

It has been suggested to me that the continuing delay in finalising the report might seriously prejudice one or more third parties. I have discussed this suggestion of possible prejudice, with the Acting Director of Adult Social Services (who has also read the draft report).  The Acting Director of Adult Social Services has informed me that he has no grounds for believing that any third party is being seriously  prejudiced as a result of the AKA Report being delayed by the R2R process.


Given the extent to which a number of persons criticised in the preliminary draft report have engaged with the R2R process, the publication of a now out-of-date preliminary draft of AK’s report would be highly likely to make those persons (in particular) much more inclined to take legal action against the Council.  In my view, to publish the draft report would be unreasonable and would contravene the legitimate expectations of those invited to participate in the R2R process: namely that the process would be conducted in good faith to a conclusion, prior to any publication.

In my view, the publication of a now out-of-date preliminary draft of AK’s report would be highly likely to provoke immediate legal action to restrain the Council from publishing (i.e. an injunction).

Moreover, given that the preliminary draft report cannot be described today as a comprehensive, wholly accurate, up-to-date, or fully balanced statement of AK’s views, it is much more likely, if the preliminary draft report is published, that the Council will face legal claims by those criticised in the draft report (for damages for defamation).

Having said all this, I fully recognise that there is obvious Member and public interest in bringing this matter to a conclusion as soon as possible: but that should not be at the cost of subverting the entirely proper R2R process.

Finally, I need to make clear that, if Council were to ‘call on’ the Leader to publish the preliminary draft report, the decision whether to publish or not would still be an executive decision for the Leader.  Council cannot ‘instruct’ the Leader to publish, it may merely ‘request’ (or ‘call for’) such action.  If, notwithstanding my advice, a majority of Members at Council were to ‘call on’ the Leader to publish the preliminary draft report, my unequivocal advice would remain that it should not be published, for the reasons stated above.

Set out below is AK’s update as to progress with the R2R process.  In my opinion this clearly demonstrates that the R2R process is being conducted robustly and in a timely manner.

I can confirm that the Right to Reply process has progressed well and has been worthwhile in testing the conclusions I have reached and seeing whether those criticised can raise any evidence to make me re-consider any of my conclusions.  I have ensured that people have had sufficient time to respond and have given people more time when necessary without allowing them to abuse the process by delaying it without good cause. 


As a result of the process, one additional family has come forward and asked for their views to be taken into account and, representatives of some of the organisations subject to the R2R have been interviewed. The notes of some of these meetings have/are being considered with one individual undergoing an operation and the family concerned specifically requesting more time. I have therefore had to allow them until 14th December 2012 for the return of their meeting notes.


In addition, it should be noted that a significant amount of additional information was supplied by one of the R2R subjects and, unexpectedly an individual associated with one of the R2R subjects has come forward. Having sought legal advice, I am arranging a meeting and to take a statement.


I have already identified that some of the R2R submissions will in some regards require me to change some of the facts and possibly conclusions contained within my preliminary draft report or, add further information which will more accurately reflect the balance of opinions amongst the parties. There are also some points that have been raised by the R2R submissions that need to be put to either Mr Morton or other people/organisations which are the subject of the review. After seeking legal advice, there are instances where before forwarding the documents and/or drafting further questions based upon those R2R submissions I have asked certain persons/organisations to consider whether they should seek independent legal advice before authorising me to rely on those comments as they could give rise to a claim of defamation if the statements are viewed as not being true against the individual and/or organisation submitting the R2R response.


As the Council and I have agreed previously, the Right to Reply process is in place to ensure that those I have criticised are given a fair opportunity to respond before the report is finalised.  It does not mean that interested parties are able to see the draft report.  If draft conclusions are published to interested parties then this would undermine the whole concept of the Right to Reply process which ensures that due process is followed before the report is finalised. 


I have established in the reports I have already submitted that I will make strong criticism and comments where I feel it is appropriate.  I should emphasise that the Right to Reply process is in no way intended as an opportunity to soften my report.  It simply enables me to make robust conclusions after following due process.  I will consider all the evidence put before me, including that evidence submitted by those criticised, and only if necessary will I alter my report where further evidence justifies such a change.

If any of the above is unclear, or if you believe that I have misunderstood any matters, please let me know as soon as possible.

This advice may be shared with others, if you so wish.



Bill Norman

Director of Law, HR and Asset Management

Wirral Council

Tel: 0151 691 8498

Visit our website www.wirral.gov.uk

Please save paper and print out only what is necessary

Cabinet (Wirral Council) 8th December 2011 Part 4 Council Tax Base 2012/2013, Council Tax Discounts, Council Tax Discounts Consultation, Insolvency and Charging Orders Policy, Capital Program (2012-2015)

Ian Coleman said report 4 (Council Tax Base 2012/2013) was an annual update and the basis for the grant settlement. Cllr Foulkes asked if the Cabinet were happy to endorse it and it was agreed.

Ian Coleman then introduced the report on Council Tax discounts. He said there were a range of discounts in line with legislation, some they had the power to vary. Cllr Foulkes asked about the second home issue and his opinions on that. Ian Coleman said it was too soon to say although he wasn’t suggesting any changes to it. Cllr Foulkes said he was happy to accept it and it was agreed.

Ian Coleman introduced agenda item 6 (Council Tax Discounts – Consultation on Technical Reform) as a Department of Communities and Local Government consultation paper. He said it didn’t cover the Single Person Discount which was not included in the consultation. However second homes, empty homes, solar panels and annexes were included. There was a proposed response attached as an appendix.

Cllr Foulkes asked the Cabinet if they were happy to agree the response. It was agreed.

Ian Coleman introduced the report on Insolvency and Charging Orders Policy. He said there were minor amendments which was being updated because of legislation changes. Cllr Foulkes asked if Cabinet were happy to agree the policy, so it was agreed.

Ian Coleman then introduced the Capital Program and Financing for 2012-2015 which was to be sent to the Department for Communities and Local Government who would decide the final grant at the beginning of February. There had been a review because of slippage in 2010/2011 which had a knock on effect on 2011/2012, there had also been some delays to projects in 2011/12 and 2012/13. Projects had made bids for money with the weightings agreed by Cabinet and those that scored highest went ahead. Cllr Foulkes said he was happy to endorse it and it was agreed.

Cabinet (Wirral Council) 8th December 2011 Part 3 Corporate Plan

Cllr Steve Foulkes said he wanted to make an apology and it had not gone out on time, there were a number of reasons behind the delay, one was the issues raised by the Corporate Governance Committee/Anna Klonowski Associates report. He said these had to evolve in time enough to know where they were going. Cllr Foulkes said the Corporate Governance Committee was working well with a difficult subject matter, but they had stuck to the major themes inherited from the previous Corporate Plan. He referred to the Conservative Notice of Motion to next Monday’s full Council meeting and the new public health agenda and responsibilities that Wirral Council would have. They had launched the Child Poverty Strategy which he had said at Cabinet was a top priority. It had a slightly changed style to make it “interesting for ordinary members of the public to read” but was “true to the values of the authority”. It had to be agreed by a full Council meeting, previously it had always gone through first time. They were against deadlines to set the Budget for the Cabinet meeting of the 22nd February 2012.

It was a working draft, he didn’t predict massive changes but the Budget was linked to the Corporate Plan. He was willing to have a mini-refresh in the future but the draft Corporate Plan captured the essence and the issues that they had been criticised on surrounding corporate governance. He said it was worthy of support and might be subject to scrutiny. He asked if anyone had anything to add? They didn’t so he asked if they were happy to endorse it. They did and it was agreed.

Cabinet (Wirral Council) 8th December 2011 Part 2, Declarations of Interest, Minutes (24/11), Corporate Plan

The agenda and reports for the Cabinet meeting can be found by following the link.

Cllr Steve Foulkes (Chair)
Cllr Harry Smith
Cllr Chris Meaden
Cllr Ann McLachlan
Cllr Anne McArdle
Cllr George Davies
Cllr Adrian Jones
Cllr Brian Kenny
Cllr Phil Davies

Cllr Steve Foulkes welcomed people to the Cabinet meeting. A blanket declaration of interest was made for councillors who are school governors on the item on school admission policies.

Cllr Phil Davies declared an interest in item 22, Funding of Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector 2012/2013 as he is a non-executive director of the Wirral Multicultural organisation (Wirral Council appointment).
Cllr Brian Kenny declared an interest in item 22, Funding of Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector 2012/2013 as he is a non-executive director of the Wirral Multicultural organisation (Wirral Council appointment).
Cllr Brian Kenny declared an interest in item 18, Local Development Framework – Developer Contributions and the Community Infrastructure Levy as he is a member of the Planning Committee (Wirral Council appointment).
Cllr Anne McArdle declared an interest in item 22, Funding of Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector 2012/2013 as she is on the management board of Leasowe Community Homes (Wirral Council appointment).

The minutes of the meeting held on the 24th November 2011 were agreed.

Jim Wilkie, Chief Executive, introduced the first item on the revised Corporate Plan. He said it was a proposed Corporate Plan which set out the vision for Wirral Council and its set of proposed values highlighting the sections on health, well being and child poverty. Mr. Wilkie brought people’s attention to the five themes of the previous Corporate Plan, it set out the goals for the next few years as well as the next year, he was happy to answer any questions.

Cabinet (Wirral Council) 8th December 2011 Part 1 Motions (libraries, Autumn statement, 0% Council Tax increase)

There were three motions to Wirral Council’s Cabinet meeting. For each motion you can click on the images for a larger version. The motion on libraries strategy is below, which will mean libraries will be open on Wednesdays and at lunchtimes after the merge with the One Stop Shops is complete.

Libraries motion (Cabinet) Wirral Council 8/12/2011

The second motion is on the Chancellors’ Autumn Statement.

Autumn statement motion (Wirral Council) Cabinet 8/12/2011

The third motion was on the Budget and is across two pages. It signals the minority Labour administration’s desire to have a 0% Council Tax increase for 2012/2013.

Projected Budget Motion (Wirral Council) Cabinet 8th December 2011 Page 1 of 2

Projected Budget Motion (Wirral Council) Cabinet 8th December 2011 Page 2 of 2