Are you interested in 385 pages about the Saughall Massie Fire Station project?

Are you interested in 385 pages about the Saughall Massie Fire Station project?

EA 2016 0054 First-tier Tribunal Bundle cover page CORRECRED VERSION

Are you interested in 385 pages about the Saughall Massie Fire Station project?


This continues from an earlier blog post which contains the first 44 pages of the bundle for case EA/2016/0054.

Below are pages 45 to 429 of the bundle for the hearing last year.

Since that time, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Services’ planning application has been refused by Wirral Council and a revised planning application submitted earlier this year has yet to be determined.

Photos on the valuation reports written by Hardie Brack have been removed and so has the First-tier Tribunal crest on First-tier Tribunal orders.

There are some typographical errors in the pages below.

Documents originally in colour have been converted to black and white for the bundle.

The current planning application (APP/17/00306) can be read on Wirral Council’s website.

Despite this matter being ended by consent order in September 2016, eight months later there are sub judice matters involving costs.

I therefore will not be commenting on those matters until they are resolved.

The revised planning application is expected to be on the agenda of Wirral Council’s Planning Committee for a public meeting on the 22nd June 2017 and if the Planning Committee decides on a site visit it will be finally determined at its public meeting scheduled for the 20th July 2017.

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Author: John Brace

New media journalist from Birkenhead, England who writes about Wirral Council. Published and promoted by John Brace, 134 Boundary Road, Bidston, CH43 7PH. Printed by UK Webhosting Ltd t/a Tsohost, 113-114 Buckingham Avenue, Slough, Berkshire, England, SL1 4PF.

4 thoughts on “Are you interested in 385 pages about the Saughall Massie Fire Station project?”

  1. P 158, 19/05/14, from Andrew S Fraser – “…it does not really function as an accessible public open space” says the man who’s never lived there and used it regularly for 10 years, as an accessible public open space as I used to do when I lived there, along with many other people from my local community. A talent for making sweeping statements knowing sweet FA about the subject is clearly a prerequisite for Senior Management employment at Wirral Council.

    1. I’ve visited the site along with the Planning Committee and can confirm there is a footpath that runs alongside it.

      But I can’t take the credit for the FOI request that led to that email being revealed.

      Personally I think the £300,000 Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority budgeted for the land owned by Wirral Council, only to be spent if Wirral Council’s Planning Committee granted planning permission to be extremely concerning.

  2. I bet £10.00 this gets passed at the next planning meeting!
    Love to know the total cost of all the applications and council meetings etc trying to get this though, compared to what they save by shutting the other two stations?

    1. The planning application fee for the first refused planning application was £5,005 according to the answer to this FOI request.

      The design work for that planning application was at least £153,250.61, the revised planning application is estimated at £56,000.

      That’s ~£214,000 so far.

      The estimated savings are ~£880,000 each year.

      The costs are higher than the above if you also include the costs of the consultation first on Greasby (although this was abandoned part way through), then on Saughall Massie (£46,343.00+staff costs).

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