Cllr Simon Mountney also asked about the processes in place.
David Taylor-Smith said it was a decision of the administration, they were provided with the information which was then discussed. The Budget would be set by the statutory deadline.
Cllr Simon Mountney asked about actions taken by officers.
David Taylor-Smith said that there were a number of processes. There was the Budget Simulator which was running to the 30th November. The administration was making deliberations.
Cllr Simon Mountney said the decisions were based on a game?
David Taylor-Smith said there were assumptions and the report was a projection. It had been quickly revised over the 1% in 2013. There were also implications for Housing Benefit. He asked if Cllr Simon Mountney wanted him to share such matters with the Chair and spokespersons? He said the Budget Projections was a regular report to Cabinet and the latest projections would be in the next report. There had been announcements today but the next meeting would be mid January.
Cllr Ron Abbey asked if there was signficant movement then it should be shared with the Chair, Deputy Chair and spokespersons, as the longer it was delayed the less time they had.
Cllr Alan Brighouse asked if there were enough resources to fulfill the requirements of the Budget process?
David Taylor-Smith said it was kept under regular review.
Cllr Jim Crabtree asked what officers were doing to stay within projected budget spends?
David Taylor-Smith said that was up to individual Chief Officers. The budget allocations went to Cabinet along with assurances. He was happy to take specific instances to Chief Officers.
Cllr Jim Crabtree and the committee agreed the report and moved to item 4 (Internal Audit Update).