Cllr Jim Crabtree said they would find someone.
Cllr Abbey said he had other questions on actions and timescales.
Cllr Simon Mountney said he was happy to talk, but the decision over not having a legal adviser because he had a meeting tomorrow he thought “a disgrace”. He repeated that he thought it was a disgrace.
Cllr Jim Crabtree said it was his decision, that Sarjit had asked and that had been his response.
Cllr Simon Mountney said he was delighted that Colin was here, but that Colin didn’t know about the items on the agenda. He wasn’t going to ask Colin to go away but he felt it was a waste of their time.
Cllr James Keeley said he was happy to move forward.
Cllr Ron Abbey said he wasn’t being disrespectful, but that [Cllr Crabtree] should have asked the committee who would’ve said no. He felt that the Department for Adult Social Service had kicked it into the long grass with no answer. He said was important for good governance and for advising Cabinet. He was mindful that there would be the holidays soon. They would soon be dealing with the Budget, after that would be the local elections, then things would be delayed to the Mayor Making. He was sorry to labour the point, but it was symptomatic of the way things were happening.
Cllr Jim Crabtree said would be appropriate for Bill Norman to write to members of the committee.
Cllr Ron Abbey suggested this was done by “pony express” not “snail mail”.