What are the changes to bin collection dates on the Wirral and what did I blow the whistle on to Liverpool City Council?

What are the changes to bin collection dates on the Wirral and what did I blow the whistle on to Liverpool City Council?

What are the changes to bin collection dates on the Wirral and what did I blow the whistle on to Liverpool City Council?



Well, just a quick blog post. You’ve probably noticed some changes that have happened over the past week. However (the below applies to household collections on the Wirral) bin days are changing this week due to the social distancing measures.
Continue reading “What are the changes to bin collection dates on the Wirral and what did I blow the whistle on to Liverpool City Council?”

Wirral Council’s Planning Committee suspends meetings and rules due to COVID-19

Wirral Council’s Planning Committee suspends meetings and rules due to COVID-19

Wirral Council’s Planning Committee suspends meetings and rules due to COVID-19


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Planning Committee (Wirral Council) 19th March 2020

Councillor Stuart Kelly (Chair, Planning Committee) (Wirral Council) 19th March 2020
Councillor Stuart Kelly (Chair, Planning Committee) (Wirral Council) 19th March 2020

The mood at Wallasey Town Hall was very different – with the One Stop Shop closed (with a sign that directed people to the one in Birkenhead) and even if this was taken into account there were far fewer people around than usual. Due to the need for social distancing measures, as on Monday evening the public meeting was in the Council Chamber (instead of Committee Room 1), which could have been the reason why the Council webcast didn’t go ahead as planned (which put a bit more pressure on myself – video of the entire meeting is above).
Continue reading “Wirral Council’s Planning Committee suspends meetings and rules due to COVID-19”

Councils and other local government bodies cancel many public meetings but courts are still sitting

Councils and other local government bodies cancel many public meetings but courts are still sitting

Councils and other local government bodies cancel many public meetings but courts are still sitting


Cllr Chris Jones (left) Health and Wellbeing Board (Wirral Council) 11th March 2020
Cllr Chris Jones (left) Health and Wellbeing Board (Wirral Council) 11th March 2020 as an example of a local council committee public meeting

Local councils including Wirral Council, Liverpool City Council, Knowsley Council as well as Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority and Liverpool City Region Combined Authority have cancelled many planned public meetings that were due to take place next week (week commencing 23rd March 2020) and beyond. The reason given by one is “government advice”. However at the national level both the House of Commons and House of Lords continue to sit both this week and plan to do so all the way through to the end of the month before the break for Easter.
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What’s happening because of the coronavirus pandemic?

What’s happening because of the coronavirus pandemic?

What’s happening because of the coronavirus pandemic?


Cllr Chris Jones (left) Health and Wellbeing Board (Wirral Council) 11th March 2020
Cllr Chris Jones (left) Health and Wellbeing Board (Wirral Council) 11th March 2020

Last Wednesday (11th March 2020) Wirral Council’s Health and Wellbeing Board met (its meetings aren’t webcast by Wirral Council). As Leader of the Council Cllr Pat Hackett was absent, it was chaired by Cllr Chris Jones (Cabinet Member for Adult Care and Health).
Continue reading “What’s happening because of the coronavirus pandemic?”

What was the judgment when Lancashire Constabulary requested an anti-social behaviour order against Mr Ponting and why were £30,000 costs awarded?

What was the judgment when Lancashire Constabulary requested an anti-social behaviour order against Mr Ponting and why were £30,000 costs awarded?

What was the judgment when Lancashire Constabulary requested an anti-social behaviour order against Mr Ponting and why were £30,000 costs awarded?


Liverpool Civil & Family Court, Vernon Street, Liverpool, L2 2BX which was the venue for the hearing
Liverpool Civil & Family Court, Vernon Street, Liverpool, L2 2BX which was the venue for the hearing

Continues from What happened during day 2 of a trial which involved a Lancashire Constabulary request for an anti-social behaviour order against Mr Ponting?

Unfortunately there is no report on day 3 of the trial (held on Wednesday 11th March 2020). The hearing originally scheduled for day 4 (Thursday 12th March 2020) was vacated to allow time for HHJ Knifton QC to write his judgment. So day 4 of the trial in Court Room 26 at Liverpool County Court, Liverpool was held scheduled to start at 2.00 pm on Friday 13th March 2020 for those present to hear the judgement of HHJ Knifton QC in case F70LV339 (Chief Constable of Lancashire Police v Ponting).

After people had sat down, HHJ Knifton QC poured water into his glass and arranged his papers.

HHJ Knifton QC started by referring to the invention of the internet and world wide web as one of the technological achievements of the twentieth century which had revolutionised communication with friends and family around the world.
Continue reading “What was the judgment when Lancashire Constabulary requested an anti-social behaviour order against Mr Ponting and why were £30,000 costs awarded?”