ATOS use PR business to “monitor websites and social media” “for mentions of Atos and disability assessments”

ATOS use PR business to “monitor websites and social media” “for mentions of Atos and disability assessments”

ATOS use PR business to “monitor websites and social media” “for mentions of Atos and disability assessments”


Ministerial Correspondence DWP (ATOS supply information for “Ministerial correspondence”)
Ministerial Correspondence DWP (ATOS supply information for “Ministerial correspondence”)

I’ve been reading through the Department for Work and Pensions contract with Atos IT Services UK Ltd (who trade under the name Independent Assessment Services (IAS)) which is a contract for PIP assessments in Northern England and Scotland. However in the area I live (Birkenhead) the PIP assessments are sub-contracted to an organisation called TICCS.
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Consultation starts on “masterplan” for Birkenhead Town Centre, but what changes does it propose?

Consultation starts on “masterplan” for Birkenhead Town Centre, but what changes does it propose?

Consultation starts on “masterplan” for Birkenhead Town Centre, but what changes does it propose?


Cllr Tony Jones (Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Growth) (foreground) at a meeting of Wirral Council’s Cabinet (30th September 2019)
Cllr Tony Jones (Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Growth) (foreground) at a meeting of Wirral Council’s Cabinet (30th September 2019)

Wirral Council have received £173,029 to set up a Town Deal Board, come up with an Investment Plan for Birkenhead and to consult on the proposed changes. The aim of this is so that Wirral Council can then make a bid for up to £25 million of funding from the government’s Towns Fund.
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Will Public Works Loan Board interest rate rise of 1% alter Wirral Council’s business case for purchase of shops in Milton Pavement, Birkenhead?

Will Public Works Loan Board interest rate rise of 1% alter Wirral Council’s business case for purchase of shops in Milton Pavement, Birkenhead?

Will Public Works Loan Board interest rate rise of 1% alter Wirral Council’s business case for purchase of shops in Milton Pavement, Birkenhead?


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Cabinet (Wirral Council) 4th November 2019

Cllr Tony Jones (Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Growth) (foreground) at a meeting of Wirral Council’s Cabinet (30th September 2019)
Cllr Tony Jones (Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Growth) (foreground) at a meeting of Wirral Council’s Cabinet (30th September 2019)

Wirral Council’s Cabinet on Monday agreed recommendations to agree “in principle” to the purchase of shops in Milton Pavement, Birkenhead and a unit at 13-15 St Werburgh’s Square. A consultation is expected to start on the 7th November 2019.
Continue reading “Will Public Works Loan Board interest rate rise of 1% alter Wirral Council’s business case for purchase of shops in Milton Pavement, Birkenhead?”

Merseytravel “expect” works on accessibility improvements at Birkenhead Park, Broad Green, Hillside, St Michael’s and Hunts Cross train stations to be finished by the end of “October 2021”

Merseytravel “expect” works on accessibility improvements at Birkenhead Park, Broad Green, Hillside, St Michael’s and Hunts Cross train stations to be finished by the end of “October 2021”

Merseytravel “expect” works on accessibility improvements at Birkenhead Park, Broad Green, Hillside, St Michael’s and Hunts Cross train stations to be finished by the end of “October 2021”


John Brace at Birkenhead Park Train Station (January 2008) pointing out accessibility issues
John Brace at Birkenhead Park Train Station (January 2008) pointing out accessibility issues

Above you will see a somewhat youthful photo of myself campaigning in January 2008 for improvements to Birkenhead Park Train Station (in relation to the stepped ramp that passengers have to use to and from the platforms).

These steps cause problems for wheelchair users, cyclists and mothers with pushchairs as there is no lift at this train station.
Continue reading “Merseytravel “expect” works on accessibility improvements at Birkenhead Park, Broad Green, Hillside, St Michael’s and Hunts Cross train stations to be finished by the end of “October 2021””

What was the Upper Tribunal decision in [2019] UKUT 305 (AAC) (Brace v Information Commissioner and Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority)?

What was the Upper Tribunal decision in [2019] UKUT 305 (AAC) (Brace v Information Commissioner and Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority)?

What was the Upper Tribunal decision in [2019] UKUT 305 (AAC) (Brace v Information Commissioner and Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority)?


I won my Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber) appeal, which has been some good news in the last week. It means the earlier First-tier Tribunal costs decision award of £500 in favour of Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority has been set aside and has to be re-determined.

The case reference number is [2019] UKUT 305 (AAC) or Brace v Information Commissioner and Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority. I won on two points of law (one information rights, one welfare benefits rights).
Continue reading “What was the Upper Tribunal decision in [2019] UKUT 305 (AAC) (Brace v Information Commissioner and Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority)?”