Candidate: Patricia Williams Ward: Oxton Council: Metropolitan Borough of Wirral Year: 2012

Page 1 Patricia Williams (candidate) Allan Brame (agent) Candidate Declaration Oxton Wirral Council 2012 Page 2 Patricia Williams (candidate) Allan Brame (agent) Agent Declaration Oxton Wirral Council 2012 Page 3 – Patricia Williams section 1 Details of candidate and election section 2 Details of election agent Oxton Wirral Council 2012 Page 4 – Patricia Williams … Continue reading “Candidate: Patricia Williams Ward: Oxton Council: Metropolitan Borough of Wirral Year: 2012”

Page 1 Patricia Williams (candidate) Allan Brame (agent) Candidate Declaration Oxton Wirral Council 2012

Page 2 Patricia Williams (candidate) Allan Brame (agent) Agent Declaration Oxton Wirral Council 2012

Page 3 – Patricia Williams section 1 Details of candidate and election section 2 Details of election agent Oxton Wirral Council 2012

Page 4 – Patricia Williams section 3a Types of payment section 3b categories of spending Oxton Wirral Council 2012

Page 5 – Patricia Williams section 4 donations Oxton Wirral Council 2012

Page 6 – Patricia Williams rejected donations Oxton Wirral Council 2012

Page 7 – Patricia Williams accepted donations Oxton Wirral Council 2012 Note blacked out sections are Oxton Liberal Democrats, 29 Shrewsbury Road, Prenton, CH43 2JB and political party.

Page 8 – Patricia Williams WAPS invoice 1 Oxton Wirral Council 2012

Page 9 – Patricia Williams WAPS invoice 2 Oxton Wirral Council 2012

Page 10 – Patricia Williams WAPS invoice 3 Oxton Wirral Council 2012

Page 11 – Patricia Williams WAPS invoice 4 Oxton Wirral Council 2012

Licensing Act 2003 Sub-Committee 25/7/2012 Decision to Transfer Premises Licence for North Star, Laird Street to Mr. Fox refused

The papers for this meeting are here.

The meeting started ten minutes late and in a different room to the advertised Committee Room 4. Cllrs present on the panel were Cllr John Salter (Labour), Cllr Steve Niblock (Labour) and Cllr Cherry Povall (Conservative). Officers of Wirral Council were David Abraham (Legal Adviser), Anne Beauchamp (Committee Clerk) and Margaret O’Donnell (Licensing Manager). Representing Merseyside Police was Sgt Jenkins. Colin Fox (the proposed Designated Premises Supervisor) was represented by Samantha Brown/Ford of Napthens Solicitors.

When everybody came back, the Chair apologised for confusing Fox and Ford.

The decision was as follows:

We have given careful consideration to the application made by Mr. Fox for the transfer of a Premises Licence in respect of the North Star, 294 Laird Street, Birkenhead. We have listened carefully to the representations by Mr. Fox and Mrs. Ford, his legal representative. We have considered the representations made in writing and orally by Sergeant Jenkins of the Merseyside Police.

In determining the application we have regards to the prevention of crime and disorder objective, the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and the relevant guidance issued under s.182 of the Licensing Act 2003, in particular paragraph 8.99.

We’ve heard evidence from Merseyside Police, that they have serious concerns that the transfer of the Premises Licence to Mr. Fox would undermine the crime prevention objective. Merseyside Police gave evidence that when the premises was subject to a closure notice, it operated in a breach of that condition of the licence and an alleged serious sexual assault took place at the premises which is currently being investigated by Merseyside Police.

After these incidents have taken place, since Mr. Fox has been involved with the premises. We were not satisfied that the applicant Mr. Fox, as a holder of the Premises Licence …
to uphold the licensing objectives. We are not satisfied with the applicant’s responses, when he was asked to demonstrate what his responsibilities were and how the licensing objectives would be upheld by him, should the transfer of the Premises Licence be granted.

We also note that the applicant did not intend to take an active role in the running of the premises, that the lease…
his name..

transfer the licence to a future

Designated Premises Supervisor.

In light of the above, we have considered it necessary to refuse the application by Mr. Fox, to transfer the Premises Licence in respect of the North Star, 294 Laird Street, Birkenhead. Thank you.

Wirral Council (Cabinet) Item 12 Tree Planting and Green Infrastructure Scheme – Green Streets Wirral Waters 2012-2015

Proposed tree planting in Bidston & Birkenhead agreed by Wirral Council’s Cabinet on the 19th July 2012.

Interest declaration: John Brace lives and work in the area near the roads proposed for tree planting. I received a free pen from The Mersey Forest.

Wirral Council’s Cabinet agreed to the planting of up to six hundred trees in the area covered by this map. The full Cabinet report is available here.

There is a display up in the Town Hall lobby showing the exact proposed locations for each tree. One area is Hoylake Road and Gautby Road. Another proposed area is the streets around Duke Street near Birkenhead North train station. A third is the area at the back of Birkenhead North train station where the Merseyrail car park is proposed and the third is on the approach to the ferry terminal (Shore Rd etc). From a chat with some of the people behind it it’ll go out to public consultation (of residents in the roads affected by it) in the next few weeks.

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Birkenhead Market: National Market Day events (23rd June)

To celebrate National Market Day on the 23rd June, Birkenhead Market will be running a number of offers and demonstrations this Saturday including:-

a cookery demonstration by Masterchef: The Professionals winner Claire Lara (during the morning only)

another cookery demonstration by Moyo Benson (again during the morning)

freshly cooked paella cooked by a Spanish chef

a karate demonstration in the late afternoon

a magician making balloon animals and

various special offers from the stallholders.

The event is organised by Birkenhead Market and Birkenhead Market Traders Association.

Planning Committee 24th April 2012 Item 10: APP/12/00145

A decision on item 10 (which was the Wirral Churches’ ARK Project planning application for 55 Duke Street, Birkenhead, CH41 8BW) was deferred at Tuesday’s Planning Committee. The reason given by the Chair of the Planning Committee, was that officers had asked for it to be deferred due to further information having been received which they would like to assess properly.

This is a former public house called “Grand Trunk Hotel” on the corner of Duke Street and Old Bidston Road, which was sold last year for £42,000. Wirral Churches’ Ark Project’s proposal is to change its use to six bedsits on the first and second floor with offices on the ground floor. A qualifying petition of signatures from sixty different addresses has been submitted against it.

The committee report on it can be read here.