Come on Labour; what do you stand for?

I read with interest Cllr Jeff Green’s letter to Cllr. Steve Foulkes (Leader of the Labour Group). In the short time I have left as candidate in Bidston & St. James I will address some of the points it raises. Firstly, what are Labour’s plans? Well, from a leaflet from my local Labour candidate, they … Continue reading “Come on Labour; what do you stand for?”

I read with interest Cllr Jeff Green’s letter to Cllr. Steve Foulkes (Leader of the Labour Group).

In the short time I have left as candidate in Bidston & St. James I will address some of the points it raises.

Firstly, what are Labour’s plans? Well, from a leaflet from my local Labour candidate, they plan (if they got elected locally and nationally) to reduce the number of people who can vote.

Personally, I agree with my party that everyone (with very few exceptions) should be allowed to vote. Currently the list of people who can/can’t vote in the referendum and local elections is different (which can get confusing). Lib Dem MPs did vote against prisoners getting the vote.

What else are they for? Well, judging by the picture of the Labour candidate on the Beechwood they quite happily respond to Lib Dem campaigns regarding speeding (which was a concern of many residents in this area).

This was as a result of Lib Dem councillors like Cllr Stuart Kelly and former Cllr Jean Quinn insisting that local people in all parts of the Wirral (and local councillors) have a say on tens of thousands of pounds spent in their area.

Strangely when their own party members on the Beechwood called for something to be done, why did nothing seem to happen until the Lib Dems got up a petition and campaigned for something to happen?

So what else is Labour for? Oh yes, taking credit for over a million pounds worth of investment in Cathcart Street Primary school that was decided by Liberal Democrat and Conservative councillors (but no Labour councillors).

When you strip away the things Labour takes credit for (that are Lib Dem/Tory policies or decisions) it makes you wonder what they have achieved.

In the last year they have been in the opposition on Wirral Council Labour haven’t had to take many decisions. Going back to the letter I will address some of the points. If any candidate (or agent) wishes to have right of reply please leave a comment.

1) Who knows what Labour would do, yet would you trust the Labour councillors who left Social Services “the worst in the country” with fixing the problems there? Cllr. Moira McLaughlin often pointed out she was “friends” with the former Director of Adult Social Services, John Webb. I have no problem with councillors being friendly with directors, but if it gets to the stage you have to declare an interest, aren’t councillors (who are supposed to be scrutinising officers) too close to those the public expects them to scrutinise? Is anyone harshly critical of someone they consider a “friend”?

2) Martin Morton is a sign of something far more worrying in the culture of Wirral Council. A long time ago (November 2009) I left a comment on Cllr Chris Blakeley’s blog about bullying going on within groups of councillors at Wirral Council.

People of course remember Cllr. Knowles (in nearby Seacombe) leaving the Labour Group to join the Conservatives as well as other things that went on. My own councillor and Labour’s candidate Harry Smith was suspended for a week for what he said to some of the younger Conservative councillors at a public meeting.

He still is seen against the wall heckling and jeering at council meetings.

The problem has been is that some of the more senior officers at Wirral Council took on board the political culture of the Labour Group. Yet I feel sorry for Wirral Council employees forced into doing illegal and unethical things by councillors threatening them with the sack.

Yet with “jobs for life” and the public kept in the dark about what does go on, is there any reward for good behaviour by councillors? Will Labour apologise to Martin Morton? Considering it took a public inquiry to get a public apology regarding the library closure plans I’m not holding my breath on that one…

3) I’ve no idea to that one, other than to say they didn’t consult me!

4) People on the doorstep (whose budgets are stretched) have been telling me how they appreciate the Council Tax Freeze. Labour may say it’s “a gimmick” but if you look at Labour-run local authorities like Merseyside Police Authority Labour got millions in a Council Tax Freeze grant yet slashed the number of police officers.

Personally I feel Labour always want more money (and as a result increase our taxes, tunnel tolls etc), but yet don’t understand how to get value for money (when they seem to just want to get more jobs for their public sector union chums).

5) I don’t think libraries is a vote winner for Labour based on what happened. 😀 In Bidston & St. James many places (library, leisure centre, community centres etc) faced the axe and were voted to close by its local Labour councillors.

6) Labour in Liverpool funded an increase to the Labour leader’s allowance and a “jolly jaunt” to China by axing free swimming. Which of these benefits people more?

7) Allowances are an interesting issue Cllr Green as even those of us with qualifications in mathematics and a background in accounting and journalism couldn’t tell you before these elections exactly how much each councillor gets paid (including the amounts on outside bodies).

The system of allowances is basically subsidy of political parties by the taxpayer (in addition taxpayers money such as Short money, Cranbourne money going to the political parties etc). Labour also get amounts from the taxpayer from the public sector unions.

Course there are radical ways this could be changed:-

a) like MPs, publish details of all councillors expenses, allowances etc down to each invoice. This would save the public money as they’d be less likely to claim for frivolities. Until this is done the assumption by the public is that “they’re all on the “fiddle”.

b) in addition to the above details of tax and NI paid.

c) Cabinet Member’s allowances should be not a set amount each year but reflect the workload of each Cabinet member. For example an amount for each meeting they attend on Council business etc. Also there needs to be a system of deputies for Cabinet as a bug going round Wirral Council have been known to lead to half the Cabinet turning up to meetings.

d) Details each year (by each political group on Wirral Council) of what they spent the money they got from councillor’s donations on. Some of this goes on the elections, but shouldn’t the public get to know what their money is being spent on?

e) Each leader (Lib Dem, Labour, Tory) gets a secretary, each political group a research assistant. Should the public at least know who these people (paid for by the taxpayers) are? After all its six full-time salaries paid for by Wirral taxpayers, whose job at times seems to be to do the work councillors don’t want to do.

f) Have the above information published on a page where the Wirral public gets to leave comments as to whether the above is value for money and ways to improve things

8) Thank you for making less exempt, however most exempt reports of public interest have been leaked to the press. When you read the exempt ones, you often find the reasons officers are spurious. Mind you Wirral Council usually leaks like a sieve. The information on expenditure over £500 is useful, yet there needs to be a way for the public to feed back information and questions regarding this.

9) Liscard & Cllr Dodd & the bone of contention in this election between yourselves and Labour. Perhaps as a Lib Dem I will stand on the sidelines on this one. I realise it is hard at times to understand, but each party has a different strategy to winning elections.

Lib Dems – Focus leaflet/s detailing what Lib Dems have done locally. Explaining its a “two horse race”. Asking third party supporters to vote for them. Criticising the other two parties (mainly Labour).
Tories – Newsline leaflet/s detailing what Tories have done locally. Asking third party supporters to vote for them. Criticising the other two parties (but mainly Labour)
Labour – Take credit for Tory and Lib Dem policies. Criticise the policies of whatever party challenges them. Try and make Labour look different from the Tory and Lib Dem parties by saying how wonderful Labour is. Manipulate and bamboozle the voting public into not knowing really what the election is (many people in Bidston & St. James think they are voting Labour tomorrow to as they put it “get rid” of the Coalition government nationally despite there not being a General Election) about but as their former Labour MP Phil Woolas would put it “make the white folk angry” (with the Tories and the Lib Dems). Spread a few scare stories in the mix about people losing their benefits and other such things and you have a recipe for Labour success without telling anyone what you really stand for. Do the above well and if any party is within spitting distance of taking your seat you should see a 10% drop in support for the second place candidate and a boost to your own votes. Congratulations you are now elected a Labour councillor. Nobody who voted for you knows what your plans are so you can’t be accused of breaking any pledges or promises!

If you “bent” a few election laws along the way (eg spent more on the campaign than you’re allowed, left out an imprint or three), 99% of the time you’ll get away with it. Even if you do get taken to court and convicted, another party member will happily get reelected in your place.

10) This was discussed at the Area Forum last year. From what I recall Cllr Foulkes had concerns (as did I) over potential conflicts of interest between the people writing the report for Cabinet (as a result of the consultation) and no mechanism for such conflicts of interest to be declared.

Personally (although Labour can speak for themselves), I don’t think the Labour party is against the public sharing their views, just they’d rather the public share their views with Labour councillors rather than Lib Dem or Tory ones. Some members of the public bring up the same thing with all parties.

11) I’ve no idea, although last time this was discussed what at the Area Forum for Birkenhead over the SAR (closure of libraries etc). Cllr Foulkes made a comment about “Chiefs and Indians” which my wife took offence to as she was born on a reservation in Canada. From memory he said at the time (along with a lot of other things that didn’t go down well) that the Audit Commission would be highly critical of them if they got the balance between managers and staff incorrect.

Personally my own view is that with leadership from councillors the need for many managers is less. Labour tended to rely on officer support more when they were in charge of Wirral Council.

John Brace
Bidston & St. James candidate

If you live in Bidston & St. James ward

Please vote John Brace (your only local candidate) on Thursday May 5th. The local Liberal Democrat Action Team works all year round, not just at election time. Many people have said they appreciate our regular Focuses about this area and what’s going on.

If you are unsure of your local polling station (as many are) there is a list below. Your polling card will identify which polling district you live in (Bidston & St. James has six). If you don’t know your polling station area please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

Most people don’t need their polling card to vote (only one person in Bidston & St. James does!). Polling stations will be open from 7am to 10pm. However, please don’t leave it to 9.59pm in order to vote as the 10pm deadline can’t be changed!

AA – Beechwood Play and Community Centre, Fifth Avenue
AB – Bidston Village CE Primary School, (formerly St Oswalds), Ballantyne Drive
AC – Holy Cross RC Junior School, Gautby Road
AD – St James Centre, Laird Street
AE – Our Lady & St Edward RC Primary School, Old Bidston Road
AF – The Priory C of E Primary School, Trinity Street

If you still have a postal vote you can still take it to the polling station. It’ll be taken with the ballot boxes to the count. About fifty people did this last year as if you posted your postal vote on polling day you can’t guarantee it’ll get there in time to be counted.

If you have registered for a postal vote and it doesn’t arrive you cannot vote at a polling station (before 5pm). You have to travel to Wallasey Town Hall in Brighton Street, Seacombe, be issued with a replacement postal ballot paper, complete that and take it to your polling station.

After 5pm if memory serves correct Wallasey Town Hall is shut so you can vote at your polling station, however be persistent as they may initially tell you you can’t!

This year the arrangements for counting the AV referendum ballots and local council elections is different. Both will be counted at the Pacific Road Theatre & Arts Centre in Pacific Road, Birkenhead. The postal votes are generally done seperately at Wallasey Town Hall as a proportion of the dates of birth and signatures are checked.

The timetable is as follows (with approximate timescales):-

10pm Polling stations close. Paperwork completed. Ballot boxes sealed.
10pm to 10.15pm Ballot boxes transported to count centre
10.15pm to 10.20pm Ballot boxes arrive at count centre (more paperwork). Quick check to make sure nothing has gone misssing in transit and seals are still intact. Yellow pouches containing any postal votes handed in at polling stations removed. Ballot boxes assigned to correct ward teams for counting.
10.20pm to midnight Local council election ballot papers seperated from AV referendum ballots (to be counted Friday afternoon).

Three counters used to count Bidston & St. James vote. Result expected in the early hours of May 6th.

Some areas with large turnout and recounts may take longer.

Afternoon of May 6th – AV referendum ballot papers counted. Result declared and added to national result.

Good luck to all candidates (of all parties). I’d like to thank everyone in Bidston & St. James (even those who said they aren’t voting) for the interesting issues they have raised with me. Please be assured that we’ll still be here after the election working for the people of this area.

Although the Liberal Democrat Action Team already knows what the result of this election will be, we are not allowed (by law) to report it until the result it officially declared on May 6th.

Social Services & Martin Morton

It’s good to see some local press coverage in the Wirral Globe (with 37 comments) and other local papers about this issue, which I wrote about on the 19th in relation to the Cabinet meeting of the 14th.

Changing an entire culture of an organisation and how councillors do scrutiny in the future is always difficult. Wirral Council will need to bring people like Mr. Morton on board if things are to change. The public call for people who didn’t do their job to be fired and the finger of blame pointed at certain named councillors of various political parties as well as the full story as to what happened and why and will be clearer once the report is published. However Wirral Council needs to move on from the past and embrace change.

As pointed out in previous reports, it was not just the Cabinet Member’s responsibility but at the time of the special charging policy there was a separate Social Services committee with a Chair and party spokespersons whose role was scrutiny of Social Services. People involved in political parties at the time of the special charging policy do know who was involved in these at the time, but (perhaps as many are still serving councillors) these names haven’t been released to the general public.

Although weaknesses were exposed at the political/councillor level there were also massive failings within Social Services management and internal confusion regarding its policies and procedures.

In politics, only certain things are taken up and campaigned on (and this partly depends on the numbers that want something). The rest, councillors, MPs etc and others in political parties do their best about. Mr. Morton was standing up for disabled adults (many of which sadly at times encounter prejudice or in some cases due to their disability have difficulties in communicating). Many councillors have a very good understanding of physical disability (eg glasses, walking sticks, wheelchair users etc) but don’t fully understand the nuances (and differing severities) of adults with learning difficulties or learning disabilities.

Yet what is the employee body of Wirral Council as a whole like? Wirral Council itself was named joint “Scrooge Employer of the Year” for 2008 for poor staff morale and where staff felt their efforts went unappreciated. If you read the Council’s Workforce monitoring report for 2009/2010, that you were more likely to get a job if you were female or disabled. Yet if you were from a non-white ethnic background or male you were less likely to get from shortlisting to the job.

As the report points out “The success rate of disabled applicants is marginally above the norm. The high percentage of shortlisted disabled applicants is due in the main to the Council’s guaranteed interview policy. This policy guarantees that a disabled applicant who meets the essential criteria is shortlisted and is interviewed. The most significant trend is that whilst non-white ethnic background applicants have a greater chance of being short listed they appear to be less successful at interview stage.”

A quarter of its employees choose not to answer the question on disability. I hope Wirral Council working in the future with organisations such as Operation Black Vote will move things forward on race and by working through the issues flagged up by Mr. Morton Wirral Council will start getting things right for disabled people, rather than being branded the worst Social Services department in the country.

The author is a former student representative on the Disability SubGroup of University of Liverpool.

Local events of interest over the holidays – Free swimming for children at leisure centres, Birkenhead Park tennis, Tam O’Shanter

Over at the Wirral Tennis & Sports Centre there is currently the 11th Annual Easter Weekend Aikido festival.

Birkenhead Park visitor centre is currently showing (until the 29th April) a free photographic exhibition about Wirral’s industrial heritage (provided by the Friends of Birkenhead Park).

Free swimming for children over the holidays will be provided at the leisure centres. This is thanks to a decision by Tory and Lib Dem councillors last year to continue funding free swimming.

Labour in Liverpool scrapped the free swimming (brought in by Liberal Democrats), choosing to spend the money on a pay increase for its leader and £380,000 on a one day event in Shanghai.

The free swimming runs until the 1st May, at leisure centres such as nearby Europa Pools and Woodchurch Leisure Centre. A timetable can be downloaded from Wirral Council’s website of the opening times.

Birkenhead Park will also be offering free tennis coaching for under 8s, 9-15s and adults tomorrow (10am to 11am for under 8s and 11am to 12 noon for older kids and adults). Further information on activities in Birkenhead Park can be found here.

Popular Tam O’Shanter Farm in Boundary Road will also be open over the holidays for children and adults.

Cabinet meeting – 14th April 2011 – Election Special Edition – Part 5 – Support for Wirral Council’s Coastal Resort Towns

Cllr Green said a series of lessons had been learnt, the key lesson being regarding how and why regarding the opportunity to get involved. Allsop’s letter had asked the Cabinet not to go forward. He was not minded to do so as they needed to move forward. The controversy was around the criteria and issues regarding money going direct to companies to spend. He asked Kevin Adderley about this.

Kevin said there was wide ranging support for the seaside towns. Support for business needed to comply with EU State aid rules. For example if they gave money to one retail business it would be unfair on competition grounds, the same would go for a local manufacturer of kitchens. He said they need to ensure that officers look at any proposals before they are recommended to Cabinet.

Cllr Green asked about helping the unemployed to work in the tourism sector. Regarding the ideas that had not been successful, what support would be given or would these ideas be lost? If the recommendations were accepted, would Wirral Council speak to all applicants including the unsuccessful ones?

Kevin said there was work in the town regarding the Open golf tournament. £1.4 million was being spent to support worklessness. Environmental improvements were being made and there was funding for empty shops. Cllr Lewis referred to a Labour leaflet of Cllr Dodd’s in Liscard that said the support had been cancelled and that there was no money for empty shops.

Kevin said that Cabinet had agreed £14,500 to each Area Forum above the three areas and original allocation. Cllr Lewis said the three pilot areas had been Bromborough, New Ferry and Egremont. The agreed budget meant an equivalent sum went to each of the twenty two wards. This meant some areas had received double.