Kingdom awarded further 3 year contract by Wirral Council for litter and dog fouling fines
Kingdom awarded further 3 year contract by Wirral Council for litter and dog fouling fines
Cllr Matthew Patrick (Wirral West Constituency Committee) 14th June 2018
Wirral Council’s Cabinet Member for the Environment Cllr Matthew Patrick (pictured above at a recent meeting of Wirral Council’s Wirral West Constituency Committee) has awarded Kingdom Environmental Services a contract to undertake the issuing of fines for dog fouling and litter from 2018 to 2021. The contract will also have the option to be extended for a further three years. Continue reading “Kingdom awarded further 3 year contract by Wirral Council for litter and dog fouling fines”
Wirral Council will run firework displays starting at 6.30pm on the evening of the Thursday 5th November 2015.
The firework displays will be held at the following locations:
Birkenhead Park (Lower Park, Night Pasture football pitch) Park Dr, Birkenhead, Merseyside CH41 4HY Central Park (cricket pitch) Off Liscard Road, Wallasey, CH44 8AA Lingham Park Edgehill Road, Moreton, Birkenhead, Merseyside, CH46 6AN Mayer Park Off Higher Bebington Road, Bebington, Wirral CH63 7PL Mersey Park Tranmere, Birkenhead, Wirral CH42 6PA Upton Park Upton, Wirral CH49 4NQ Woodchurch Community Centre, Carr Bridge Rd, Wirral CH49 8EU .
In addition there will be a community display at Leasowe Adventure Playground, Oxley Ave, Wirral, Merseyside CH46 1RU.
At the time of the firework displays this evening the weather forecast is for a 20% (1 in 5) chance of rain, a temperature of 13 degrees centigrade (which will feel like 11 degrees centigrade due to the wind). The wind direction will be SSE at 10 mph with gusts of up to 19 mph.
The Merseytravel journey planner is useful for the times of public transport when travelling to and from fireworks displays.
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Wirral Council take over 19 months to respond to FOI request on Birkenhead Park and other matters
Wirral Council take over 19 months to respond to FOI request on Birkenhead Park and other matters
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I’m beginning to think I should look for sponsorship from a black marker pen manufacturer as even the minutes they have supplied have been heavily redacted. Below is an example of set of minutes I’ve finally received, which is the minutes of the Birkenhead Park Advisory Committee meeting of the 17th October 2012. I think over 19 months is a record by Wirral Council for responding to one of my FOI requests.
Birkenhead Park Advisory Committee Minutes of meeting 17th October 2012
Attendance Chair: Cllr George Davies Councillors: Cllr Denise Roberts, Cllr David Elderton, Cllr Cherry Povall, Cllr Stuart Kelly, Cllr Jean Stapleton, Cllr Alan Brighouse Members:XXXXXXXXXXXX Wirral Council Officers: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Item 1 Apologies
Item 2 Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes were accepted as a true record.
Item 3 Matters arising
Cllr Elderton raised an issue over traffic calming measures. XXXXXXXXXXXX confirmed signage for the advisory speed limit had been approved by the Conservation Officer.
There was then a question over funding for the above and a request for legal advice on how this advisory speed limit could be made enforceable.
Item 4 Park Manager’s Report XXXXXXXXXXXX reported the fall in the number of school visits and suggested possible reasons for it, including poor weather and the closure of two schools which regularly visited the park.
Cllr Stapleton asked why such small numbers from University Academy. XXXXXXXXXXXX suggested the loss of the education officer has affected contact. XXXXXXXXXXXX suggested a possible role for a volunteer to contact schools and encourage visits.
XXXXXXXXXXXX reported that the work experience programme was a real success as was the Physical Activities programme. XXXXXXXXXXXX suggested that income from commercial activities could help with finances. XXXXXXXXXXXX said an increase was required in commercial operations. XXXXXXXXXXXX predicted that this will increase.
XXXXXXXXXXXX reported to the group regarding the park’s drainage.
It was agreed by all that exceptional weather this year had caused flooding and was unavoidable.
XXXXXXXXXXXX the Events Arena could take surplus water which will also enhance biodiversity.
XXXXXXXXXXXX referred to the increase in concreting over gardens which doesn’t allow the water to drain and thereby causes increased flooding.
XXXXXXXXXXXX reported on underground water tank proposed by United Utilities because of flooding to basements in Park Road South. XXXXXXXXXXXX said there was a potential revenue asset from development of remaining plots in the park, and the United Utilities proposal to build a storage tank on the plot by Gothic Lodge would make this asset difficult to sell.
Cllr George Davies reported that the ESWA club was closing down and the building was for sale. XXXXXXXXXXXX asked if the park could make use of the area.
Cllr George Davies suggested keeping eye on developments.
XXXXXXXXXXXX reported the launch of the Park Watch scheme, adding that members were being recruited before calling the first (inaugural) meeting.
XXXXXXXXXXXX gave a report on IRIMS Incident Reporting and Management System, saying there were some “glitches” remaining but it should be up and running in a couple of months.
XXXXXXXXXXXX reported on the new Dog Control Order being proposed to exclude dogs from all children’s play areas in Wirral. He also reported on the possibility of a further Dog Control Order requiring an owner to put a dog on lead if requested, currently the byelaws state only that the dog must be under control.
Cllr Elderton suggested publicising the result of any further action after the event be recorded. XXXXXXXXXXXX expressed his concern at the nature and number of dog related incidents, suggesting the voluntary code of conduct was no good.
XXXXXXXXXXXX updated the group on the success of the Forest Schools initiative.
Item 5 Membership of Birkenhead Park Advisory Committee
Cllr George Davies requested to expand group to take in the councillor with cabinet responsibility for Cultural Services. This was agreed by all.
Item 6 Any Other Business XXXXXXXXXXXX suggested an opportunity for external funding for restoration of the Jackson Memorial, Bandstand, Conservatory and Horticultural Training. XXXXXXXXXXXX suggested that the Friends of Birkenhead Park be invited to submit a report to a future meeting.
Item 7 Date of Next Meeting
It was agreed to meet in Mid April 2013.
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Merseytravel agree £3.38 million of investment in disabled access at Birkenhead North station, comments from Wirral councillors and comment on the Roads v Central Trains Ltd [2004] EWCA Civ 1541 case as well as links to the report, design work and key risks of the project
EXCLUSIVE: Merseytravel agree £3.38 million of investment in improving access for the disabled at Birkenhead North station
Last Thursday at its Annual Meeting, Merseytravel agreed £3.38 million of investment in improved disabled access at Birkenhead North train station. Merseytravel received £1 million towards the project from Network Rail’s “Access for All” fund, £1.2 million from Network Rail’s Enhancement Fund and a further £300,000 from Network Rail. The work is planned to be completed by March 2014.
Wirral councillors welcomed the news. Cllr Steve Foulkes told those present at the meeting that it was his local station and that completing the link to the car park would have a beneficial effect on residential parking at Birkenhead Park. Cllr John Salter thanked officers for coming forward with the proposals and referred to the regeneration going on in the area, such as Peel’s plans for an International Trade Centre.
John Brace, pictured in the photo who started campaigning for improved disabled access at Birkenhead North railway station in 2008 said, “The news surrounding the planned work to improve disabled access at Birkenhead North railway station by next year is welcome. Neil Scales, the former Chief Executive of Merseytravel stated in a letter to myself in 2008 that “Merseytravel’s … aim is to provide step free access at all stations on Merseyside.”
“There is a footbridge at Bidston and stepped ramps at both Upton and Birkenhead Park railway station, so there is still a long way to go before stations in the local area are accessible. A legal case in the Court of Appeal in 2004, Roads v Central Trains Ltd [2004] EWCA Civ 1541, was brought by a wheelchair user against their local train company because of an inaccessible train station. Mr. Roads was paid £1,097 in compensation (and his legal costs) because of disability discrimination and Central Trains limited was forced (despite an estimated cost of £750,000) to improve disabled access at the train station.”
“People who certain disabilities are entitled to a free public transport pass, yet it is wrong that many disabled people have a pass that they can’t use at their local train station due to access problems. Improving disabled access also makes life easier for cyclists and people pushing pushchairs. I hope that Merseytravel and Merseyrail will take its legal responsibilities seriously not to discriminate against disabled people and improve the other inaccessible stations in the near future. Three Lord Justices agreed that the cost of adapting the train stations is not a reason to discriminate against disabled travellers.”