What are the 4 items on the agenda of the public meeting of all Wirral Council councillors on 20th July 2020?

What are the 4 items on the agenda of the public meeting of all Wirral Council councillors on 20th July 2020?

What are the 4 items on the agenda of the public meeting of all Wirral Council councillors on 20th July 2020?


By John Brace (Editor)
Leonora Brace (Co-Editor)

First publication date: 19th July 2020, 12:26 (BST).

Council (Wirral Council) 16th March 2020 (Deputy Mayor Cllr George Davies (background), Mayor Cllr Tony Smith (foreground))
Council (Wirral Council) 16th March 2020 (Deputy Mayor Cllr George Davies (background), Mayor Cllr Tony Smith (foreground))

Tomorrow’s (20th July 2020) public meeting of all 65 Wirral Council councillors is an extraordinary public meeting and is the first time since March 16th 2020 (that meeting only lasted 15 minutes and 2 seconds) that all Wirral Council councillors will meet (but this time virtually rather than in person) due to the pandemic. The public meeting of all 65 Wirral Council councillors scheduled for the 15th April 2020 was cancelled.
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In the age of foodbanks what did “distinguished guests” eat on the evening Cllr Tony Smith was made Mayor of Wirral?

In the age of foodbanks what did “distinguished guests” eat on the evening Cllr Tony Smith was made Mayor of Wirral?

In the age of foodbanks what did “distinguished guests” eat on the evening Cllr Tony Smith was made Mayor of Wirral?


Retiring Mayor Cllr Geoffrey Watt 13th May 2019
Retiring Mayor Cllr Geoffrey Watt 13th May 2019

UPDATED by JB on 19.5.19 to include detail on organisation doing catering and video clips of the public meeting on the 13th May.

UPDATED by JB on 24.5.19 to correct spelling of pâté

Yesterday’s public meeting of Wirral Council saw outgoing Mayor Cllr Geoffrey Watt (pictured above) leave and incoming Mayor Cllr Tony Smith start his term of office. Cllr George Davies is Deputy Civic Mayor this year.

In this age of food banks, I thought a list of the food served to over a hundred “distinguished guests” present should be made public. The catering was done this year by Wirral Metropolitan College.
Continue reading “In the age of foodbanks what did “distinguished guests” eat on the evening Cllr Tony Smith was made Mayor of Wirral?”

Greenbelt consultation returns to Cabinet on 17th December for further decisions

Greenbelt consultation returns to Cabinet on 17th December for further decisions

Greenbelt consultation returns to Cabinet on 17th December for further decisions


Councillor George Davies (Cabinet Member for Housing and Community Safety) and Chair of the Birkenhead Constituency Committee 28th July 2016
Councillor George Davies (Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning) 28th July 2016

The papers have been published for the long awaited special public meeting of Wirral Council’s Cabinet to discuss and make decisions on the ongoing omnishambles that is local and national policy on Wirral’s greenbelt.

I sometimes wonder if Baldrick from Blackadder has a relation who works for Wirral Council, as the Cabinet report can be summarised thus and requires a certain amount of cognitive dissonance to get your head around:
Continue reading “Greenbelt consultation returns to Cabinet on 17th December for further decisions”

VIDEO: Wirral West Constituency Committee (Wirral Council) 4th October 2018 – what levels of housing in Wirral’s greenbelt are needed for the Local Plan?

VIDEO: Wirral West Constituency Committee (Wirral Council) 4th October 2018 – what levels of housing in Wirral’s greenbelt are needed for the Local Plan?

VIDEO: Wirral West Constituency Committee (Wirral Council) 4th October 2018 – what levels of housing in Wirral’s greenbelt are needed for the Local Plan?


A member of the public asking questions about the Local Plan Wirral West Constituency Committee 4th October 2018
A member of the public asking questions about the Local Plan Wirral West Constituency Committee 4th October 2018

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Wirral West Constituency Committee (Wirral Council) 4th October 2018 Playlist – the Local Plan consultation discussion starts at 11:31 in the first video clip

The Wirral West Constituency Committee met for a two and a half hour public meeting on Thursday evening (4th October 2018) at St Chad’s Church Hall in Roslin Road, Irby.
Continue reading “VIDEO: Wirral West Constituency Committee (Wirral Council) 4th October 2018 – what levels of housing in Wirral’s greenbelt are needed for the Local Plan?”

Why does Wirral Council believe it can direct how filming of its public meetings are done (when not filmed by themselves)?

Why does Wirral Council believe it can direct how filming of its public meetings are done (when not filmed by themselves)?

Why does Wirral Council believe it can direct how filming of its public meetings are done (when not filmed by themselves)?


Birkenhead Constituency Committee (27th September 2018) L to R Cllr George Davies, Jo Burrell and David Kenneth Abraham
Birkenhead Constituency Committee (27th September 2018) L to R Cllr George Davies, Jo Burrell and David Kenneth Abraham

Since a legal change in August 2014, I have filmed eleven public meetings of Wirral Council’s Birkenhead Constituency Committee with no problems.

The press release issued by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government in 2014 can be read at that link.

The 2014 legal change contained in the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 amended both the Local Government Act 1972 and Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 (both of which had previously given a power to Wirral Council to stop filming at public meetings).
Continue reading “Why does Wirral Council believe it can direct how filming of its public meetings are done (when not filmed by themselves)?”