Merseyside Police paid £2,900 annual data registration fee to ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) late for 2nd year running and only after being threatened again with a £4,350 Monetary Penalty Notice

Merseyside Police paid £2,900 annual data registration fee to ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) late for 2nd year running and only after being threatened again with a £4,350 Monetary Penalty Notice

Merseyside Police paid £2,900 annual data registration fee to ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) late for 2nd year running and only after being threatened again with a £4,350 Monetary Penalty Notice


Merseyide Police paid their data registration fee to ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) late after being threatened with a fine
Merseyide Police paid their data registration fee to ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) late after being threatened with a fine

By John Brace (Editor) and Leonora Brace (Co-Editor)

First publication date: 4th January 2021, 11:50 (GMT)

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? (Who guards the guardians?)

As emails published below show, Merseyside Police failed to pay their annual data protection registration fee of £2,900 to ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) in 2019 and their registration as a data controller lapsed on 8th September 2019. Although Merseyside Police did pay the £2,900 fee on 26th September 2019, this was only after ICO emailed Merseyside Police stating that ICO could issue a £4,350 Monetary Penalty Notice (on top of the £2,900 data protection fee) if the £2,900 payment was not made within 14 days of the reminder email.
Continue reading “Merseyside Police paid £2,900 annual data registration fee to ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) late for 2nd year running and only after being threatened again with a £4,350 Monetary Penalty Notice”

ICO require Wirral Council to supply without redactions 34 pages about the £26 million loan request from the Nicklaus Joint Venture Group for the Celtic Manor Resort/Hoylake Golf Resort project

ICO require Wirral Council to supply without redactions 34 pages about the £26 million loan request from the Nicklaus Joint Venture Group for the Celtic Manor Resort/Hoylake Golf Resort project

ICO require Wirral Council to supply without redactions 34 pages about the £26 million loan request from the Nicklaus Joint Venture Group for the Celtic Manor Resort/Hoylake Golf Resort project


ICO (Information Commissioner's Office) logo who disagree with Wirral Council
ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) who disagree with Wirral Council

By John Brace (Editor) and Leonora Brace (Co-Editor)

First publication date: 1st January 2021, 14:39 (GMT)

ICO (the Information Commissioner’s Office) has issued a decision notice (IC-48238-Y0D6) requiring Wirral Council within 35 calendar days of the 15th December 2020 to provide further information about the Celtic Manor Resort project that it had previously withheld in response to a request.
Continue reading “ICO require Wirral Council to supply without redactions 34 pages about the £26 million loan request from the Nicklaus Joint Venture Group for the Celtic Manor Resort/Hoylake Golf Resort project”

What happened during day 1 of a trial which involved a Lancashire Constabulary request for an anti-social behaviour order against Mr Ponting?

What happened during day 1 of a trial which involved a Lancashire Constabulary request for an anti-social behaviour order against Mr Ponting?

What happened during day 1 of a trial which involved a Lancashire Constabulary request for an anti-social behaviour order against Mr Ponting?


Liverpool Civil & Family Court, Vernon Street, Liverpool, L2 2BX which was the venue for the hearing
Liverpool Civil & Family Court, Vernon Street, Liverpool, L2 2BX which was the venue for the hearing

By John Brace (Editor)

This is a report of day 1 (of a possible 4) held on the 9th March 2020 of Chief Constable of Lancashire Police v Ponting in Court Room 26 on the third floor of Liverpool County Court, 35 Vernon St, Liverpool, L2 2BX.

HHJ Knifton QC is presiding over the case. Henry Gow (New Bailey Chambers) is the barrister for the Defendant Mr Ponting. Lee Bonner (Atlantic Chambers) is the barrister for the Chief Constable of Lancashire Police.

As the case was ongoing at the time of publication comments are turned off.
Continue reading “What happened during day 1 of a trial which involved a Lancashire Constabulary request for an anti-social behaviour order against Mr Ponting?”

What are the most recent judicial decisions in Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber) case GIA/619/2019?

What are the most recent judicial decisions in Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber) case GIA/619/2019?

What are the most recent judicial decisions in Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber) case GIA/619/2019?


Liverpool Civil & Family Court, Vernon Street, Liverpool, L2 2BX
Liverpool Civil & Family Court, Vernon Street, Liverpool, L2 2BX which was the venue for the First-tier Tribunal hearing

Last month I quoted from the permission to appeal given to myself in March 2019 by Upper Tribunal Judge Nicholas Wikeley on two grounds. As a final decision is yet to be reached and the matter is sub judice comments are turned off.
Continue reading “What are the most recent judicial decisions in Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber) case GIA/619/2019?”

Were Merseyside Police processing some personal data unlawfully between 9th September 2018 and 25th September 2018 due to late payment of £2,900 fee to ICO?

Were Merseyside Police processing some personal data unlawfully between 9th September 2018 and 25th September 2018 due to late payment of £2,900 fee to ICO?

Were Merseyside Police processing some personal data unlawfully between 9th September 2018 and 25th September 2018 due to late payment of £2,900 fee to ICO?


Merseyside Police paid their £2,900 fee to ICO (the Information Commissioner’s Office) late in 2018 and risked a fine for doing so.

Internal emails shared with this blog last Friday when I exercised a right granted under the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 to audit their 2018-19 financial records show that ICO reminded Merseyside Police on 29th July 2018 with a deadline of 8th September 2018.
Continue reading “Were Merseyside Police processing some personal data unlawfully between 9th September 2018 and 25th September 2018 due to late payment of £2,900 fee to ICO?”