ICO require Wirral Council to supply without redactions 34 pages about the £26 million loan request from the Nicklaus Joint Venture Group for the Celtic Manor Resort/Hoylake Golf Resort project
ICO require Wirral Council to supply without redactions 34 pages about the £26 million loan request from the Nicklaus Joint Venture Group for the Celtic Manor Resort/Hoylake Golf Resort project
By John Brace (Editor) and Leonora Brace (Co-Editor)
First publication date: 1st January 2021, 14:39 (GMT)
Which Labour councillor described the “human cost” of welfare reform but wouldn’t propose a resolution in case it “endangered [Wirral] Council”?
Which Labour councillor described the “human cost” of welfare reform but wouldn’t propose a resolution in case it “endangered [Wirral] Council”?
The author declares at the start an interest as he is disabled and therefore directly impacted by some of the issues below. I do not agree or endorse all the viewpoints expressed below but feel it is important for these to be in the public domain during a period when people have a vote.
Cllr Michael Sullivan starts public meeting by calling me “discourteous”
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The vast majority of the development agreement for the Hoylake Golf Resort (although there is still disputed information which will be resolved by a First-tier Tribunal (Information Rights) case) was released by Wirral Council yesterday and published on the whatdotheyknow.com website.
The proposed road referred to in the draft Strategic Regeneration Framework referred to in the development agreement as Hoylake Bypass is defined as a “7.5 metre, two-way undivided main carriageway with a 1 metre wide service/buffer strip and a shared 2.5 metre wide gateway/cycleway (providing for a 11 metre minimum total highway width) which is to be constructed on the Site pursuant to the Highways Agreement the approximate route of which is shown marked in pink on plan 6 or along such other route as the Developer and the Council may agree (acting reasonably)”.
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