Election Expenses – election of a councillor (elections declared on 6th May 2011) – Birkenhead (Bidston & St. James, Birkenhead and Tranmere, Claughton, Oxton, Prenton & Rock Ferry)

I spent the morning inspecting election expenses returns for candidates in the 2011 local elections to Wirral Council in the Birkenhead constituency. I have requested copies of the returns and invoices but here are the total amounts declared (split down by ward). I’ll double-check these figures when I get copies of the returns tomorrow:- Bidston … Continue reading “Election Expenses – election of a councillor (elections declared on 6th May 2011) – Birkenhead (Bidston & St. James, Birkenhead and Tranmere, Claughton, Oxton, Prenton & Rock Ferry)”

I spent the morning inspecting election expenses returns for candidates in the 2011 local elections to Wirral Council in the Birkenhead constituency. I have requested copies of the returns and invoices but here are the total amounts declared (split down by ward). I’ll double-check these figures when I get copies of the returns tomorrow:-

Bidston & St. James ward
Brace (Lib Dem) £279.02
Romnes (UKIP) £33.81
Vickers (Conservative) £169.00
Smith (Labour) £516.00 ELECTED

Birkenhead and Tranmere ward
Allan Brame (Lib Dem) £0.00
David Martin (UKIP) £33.81
Patrick Cleary (Green) £217.02
Philip Davies (Labour) £994.00 ELECTED

Barbara Sinclair (Con) £639
Bethan Williams (UKIP) £33.81
Roy Wood (Lib Dem) £0.00
Steve Foulkes (Labour) £827 ELECTED

Rock Ferry
Chris Meaden (Lab) £594 ELECTED
Ann Flynn (UKIP) £33.81
Peter Heppinstall (Lib Dem) £0.00
Joyce Hogg (Green) No return submitted
Barbara Poole (Conservative) £169

Bowler (Green) No return submitted
Kelly (Lib Dem) £1120.60 ELECTED
McDonnell (Con) £169
Williams (UKIP) £43.81
Patrick (Labour) £942.00

Broadshaw (UKIP) £33.81
Ferguson (Con) £169
Holbrook (Lib Dem) £1129.61
Mitchell (Green) No return submitted
Doughty (Labour) £1112.69 ELECTED

Employment and Appointments Committee 11th August 2011 Part 2

Cllr Gilchrist said he was puzzled by the equality implications. He asked why they were not required for the Finance restructure but were required for the Education restructure and he asked for an explanation.

Chris Hyams, Head of Human Resources & Organisational Development started to speak but then Jim Wilkie, Chief Executive asked why had there been no Equality Impact Assessment on the IT restructuring but they had done one on the Children and Young People restructuring?

Chris Hyams, Head of Human Resources & Organisational Development said they were not changing the structure. However the Children and Young People restructure had an impact on service delivery, which required an EIA.

Cllr Gilchrist asked comparing the two structures, what posts would be deleted further down?

Ian Coleman said there would be a £500,000 staffing saving.

Cllr Adrian Jones asked if the report was agreed and said yes.

The committee then considered Item 3 – Department of Children and Young People Restructure along with Appendix 1, Appendix 2, Appendix 3, Appendix 4 and Appendix 5.

This report was introduced by Jim Wilkie, Chief Executive. He explained that the Director of the Children and Young People’s Department, David Armstrong was current on his well deserved annual holiday on a cruise ship. Although there were no senior staff here tonight from the Children and Young People’s Department, he had their telephone numbers.

He said he was at a disadvantage over the detail at the briefing. However the restructure was a result of the Early Voluntary Redundancy/Voluntary Severance which had led to over three hundred leaving.

Planning Committee 9/8/2011 | Minutes 19/7 | Site Visits (5 – APP/11/00561 – 98 BIDSTON ROAD, OXTON) and (9 – APP/11/00613 – 2 DINGWALL DRIVE, GREASBY) Part 1

The Chair of the Planning Committee Cllr Elderton welcomed people to the Planning Committee meeting and invited people to take their seats. He explained to the members of the public present that the councillors on the left and right wings would be making the decisions. He also introduced the officers which would be making presentations, the committee clerk and the legal officer.

The minutes of the meeting held on 19th July 2011 circulated separately on paper only (not on the council’s website with the agenda for this meeting) were agreed. Cllr Mitchell and Cllr Elderton both said they agreed with the minutes.

There were no declarations of interest made.

Cllr Kenny requested a site visit for item 5 (APP/11/00561 – 98 BIDSTON ROAD, OXTON – Refurbishment and extension to existing building into 21 no. apartments with associated hard and soft landscaping) and Cllr Keeley (deputising for Cllr Clements) made a request for a site visit for item 9 (APP/11/00613 – 2 DINGWALL DRIVE, GREASBY – First floor rear extension). Both requests for site visits were accepted.

The agenda was reordered to take agenda item 13 first along with its appendix first.

Election Results (NHS Foundation Trust Governor) Bidston ward

These are the results for the governor election for Bidston ward.

Total eligible to vote: 366
Total voted (52): 14.2%

Those 52 votes were split as follows:-

John Brace (Liberal Democrat) 21 (40.3%)
Jean McIntosh (Labour) 31 (59.6%)

As there was one position, Jean McIntosh was elected with a majority of 10 votes.

I wish Jean McIntosh the best of luck for her next three year term as governor starting in September.

Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (Bidston ward)

Voting has finished in the Bidston ward election for the Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust election for a governor in the Bidston ward.

A report is going from those running the ballot from those running the ballot (Electoral Reform Services) to the trust and the result should be announced (or known) by tomorrow.