Which 19 bus routes formerly run by Avon Buses are being replaced today (5th November 2018) and which 20 routes will be withdrawn?

Which 19 bus routes formerly run by Avon Buses are being replaced today (5th November 2018) and which 20 routes will be withdrawn?

Which 19 bus routes formerly run by Avon Buses are being replaced today (5th November 2018) and which 20 routes will be withdrawn?


Councillor Ron Abbey (Lead Member for Bus) 11th October 2018
Councillor Ron Abbey (Lead Member for Bus) 11th October 2018

Avon Buses Limited (based on the Wirral) ceased trading on the 5th October 2018. This led to the bus routes and school routes that Avon Buses provided ending.

On the 15th October 2018, Cllr Chris Blakeley asked Cllr Ron Abbey (Lead Member for Bus) a question about Merseytravel’s response to this at a public meeting of Wirral Council’s councillors. You can watch the question and answer in the video clip below this paragraph.
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What are 3 public meetings happening this week about?

What are 3 public meetings happening this week about?

What are 3 public meetings happening this week about?


MV Snowdrop (one of the iconic Mersey Ferries) on the River Mersey with Liverpool skyline in the background
MV Snowdrop (one of the iconic Mersey Ferries) on the River Mersey with Liverpool skyline in the background

Below is a list of details of three public meetings of local government this week by date along with a short commentary on what they are about.
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Merseytravel disclosed new trains cost £273,424,952.00 then claimed the figure was “commercially sensitive”!

Merseytravel disclosed new trains cost £273,424,952.00 then claimed the figure was “commercially sensitive”!

Merseytravel disclosed new trains cost £273,424,952.00 then claimed the figure was “commercially sensitive”!


Stadler invoice Merseytravel 22nd February 2017
Stadler invoice Merseytravel 22nd February 2017
George Orwell – “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed, everything else is public relations”

During the audit last year (2016-17) of the accounts for Merseytravel and the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority I received a copy of an invoice (which you can read above) from Stadler to Merseytravel for part payment (10%) for 52 new trains. The total cost is clearly indicated on the invoice as £273,424,952.00 (of which 10% is £27,342,495.20). This was through exercising a right outlined in s.26 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014.
Continue reading “Merseytravel disclosed new trains cost £273,424,952.00 then claimed the figure was “commercially sensitive”!”

What was the answer to my question to Cllr Steve Foulkes about openness at Merseytravel and the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority?

What was the answer to my question to Cllr Steve Foulkes about openness at Merseytravel and the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority?

What was the answer to my question to Cllr Steve Foulkes about openness at Merseytravel and the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority?


Cllr Steve Foulkes (Lead Member for Finance and Organisational Development) front (right) answering a question at a public meeting of the Transport Committee (Liverpool City Region Combined Authority) 9th August 2018
Cllr Steve Foulkes (Lead Member for Finance and Organisational Development) front (right) answering a question at a public meeting of the Transport Committee (Liverpool City Region Combined Authority) 9th August 2018

Yesterday I asked a question to Cllr Foulkes (pictured above), who is the Lead Member for Finance and Organisational Development on the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority’s Transport Committee. You can also watch video of the question asked and Cllr Foulkes’ answer below.

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Transport Committee (Liverpool City Region Combined Authority) 9th August 2018 Public Question Time – Question to Cllr Steve Foulkes
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Councillors call for independent report into Northern Rail timetable changes to be published and RMT union agree to three further days of strike action

Councillors call for independent report into Northern Rail timetable changes to be published and RMT union agree to three further days of strike action

Councillors call for independent report into Northern Rail timetable changes to be published and RMT union agree to three further days of strike action


Northern Rail train Chester 9th June 2018
Northern Rail train Chester 9th June 2018

Councillors on the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority’s Transport Committee last Thursday afternoon agreed an urgent motion proposed by the Lead Member for Rail and Freight (Cllr Gordon Friel) which you can watch below.
Continue reading “Councillors call for independent report into Northern Rail timetable changes to be published and RMT union agree to three further days of strike action”