Councillors “call-in” Wirral Council Cabinet decision on controversial Local Plan for further scrutiny

Councillors “call-in” Wirral Council Cabinet decision on controversial Local Plan for further scrutiny

Councillors “call-in” Wirral Council Cabinet decision on controversial Local Plan for further scrutiny


Construction work on new homes happening on the Wirral
Construction work on new homes happening on the Wirral

Councillors on Wirral Council have “called-in” a Cabinet decision made just before Christmas (17th December 2018) about the controversial Local Plan.

Video of the Cabinet meeting starting at the point where the Local Plan is discussed is below.
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2018 Labour byelection campaign in Upton spent £939.87 but only received £600 in donations, so where did the other £339.87 come from?

2018 Labour byelection campaign in Upton spent £939.87 but only received £600 in donations, so where did the other £339.87 come from?

2018 Labour byelection campaign in Upton spent £939.87 but only received £600 in donations, so where did the other £339.87 come from?


Cllr Jean Robinson (Upton) 22nd January 2019
Cllr Jean Robinson (Upton) 22nd January 2019

Edited 24.1.19 15:46 Since this story has been published, we have been told by the candidate that the missing £339.87 came from Upton Labour Party Branch Funds who were a permissible donor. Their donation was not included in the donations page on the return or as notional spending. Jean Robinson (the candidate) stated, “So obviously, it implied obviously that there’s something’s that has been done wrong, ermm or you know which I’m sure that isn’t the case … I can go through that because I say it was all sent in with obviously receipts et cetera and so on and audited but you know the money came obviously from the Branch Fund and that has obviously gone in with receipts and overspent.”

Recently I inspected the election expense returns relating to the recent Upton by-election held on the 22nd November 2018 at Wallasey Town Hall. Jean Mary Robinson (the Labour candidate) was elected with 1,490 votes (61%) and the second placed candidate for the Conservatives (Emma Louise Sellman) received 705 votes (29%).
Continue reading “2018 Labour byelection campaign in Upton spent £939.87 but only received £600 in donations, so where did the other £339.87 come from?”

What was the advice that councillors in charge of governance of the Merseyside Pension Fund were given about a Democratic majority in United States Congress and its impact on North American investments?

What was the advice that councillors in charge of governance of the Merseyside Pension Fund were given about a Democratic majority in United States Congress and its impact on North American investments?

What was the advice that councillors in charge of governance of the Merseyside Pension Fund were given about a Democratic majority in United States Congress and its impact on North American investments?


Peter Wallach (Director of Merseyside Pension Fund) 21st January 2019
Peter Wallach (Director of Merseyside Pension Fund) 21st January 2019

The author of this piece has a close relative paid a pension by the Merseyside Pension Fund. The Merseyside Pension Fund (administered by Wirral Council) is a £8.9 billion pension fund that has global investments.
Continue reading “What was the advice that councillors in charge of governance of the Merseyside Pension Fund were given about a Democratic majority in United States Congress and its impact on North American investments?”

After Liverpool City Council loses battle to develop Calderstones Park in the High Court, will Wirral Council drop the unpopular Hoylake Golf Resort project?

After Liverpool City Council loses battle to develop Calderstones Park in the High Court, will Wirral Council drop the unpopular Hoylake Golf Resort project?

After Liverpool City Council loses battle to develop Calderstones Park in the High Court, will Wirral Council drop the unpopular Hoylake Golf Resort project?


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Liverpool City Council 11th November 2015 Part 1 of 6 Fresh start for organisations on Harthill Road by Mayor Joe Anderson

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Liverpool City Council 11th November 2015 Part 2 of 6 Fresh start for organisations on Harthill Road by Mayor Joe Anderson

Mayor Joe Anderson 11th November 2015 Harthill Calderstones Park issue
Mayor Joe Anderson 11th November 2015 Harthill Calderstones Park issue

Above is a picture of and video of Mayor Joe Anderson speaking in 2015 about Liverpool City Council ’s controversial plans for housing in Liverpool in a much loved park. After two related planning permissions for the project were approved by Liverpool City Council they were then quashed with reasons given in a 27 page judgement by a High Court Judge in a judgement handed down last Friday. Liverpool Open and Green Spaces Community Interest Company brought the successful legal challenge.
Continue reading “After Liverpool City Council loses battle to develop Calderstones Park in the High Court, will Wirral Council drop the unpopular Hoylake Golf Resort project?”

Will council tax payers pay an extra £7.6 million for the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority?

Will council tax payers pay an extra £7.6 million for the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority?

Will council tax payers pay an extra £7.6 million for the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority?


Birkenhead Constituency Committee (27th September 2018) Cllr Phil Davies right answering a question on the Local Plan
Birkenhead Constituency Committee (27th September 2018) Cllr Phil Davies (right)

At the start I will declare a financial interest in that my household pays council tax to Wirral Council.

The Liverpool Echo carries the news today that Steve Rotheram’s budget (if agreed by the Combined Authority at its public meeting on the 1st Feburary 2019) will from the 1st April 2019 result in increased council tax for both Wirral residents and other residents across the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority area.
Continue reading “Will council tax payers pay an extra £7.6 million for the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority?”