Councillors on Merseyside Police and Crime Panel agree to 7.2% rise in police element of council tax from April 2018

Councillors on Merseyside Police and Crime Panel agree to 7.2% rise in police element of council tax from April 2018

Councillors on Merseyside Police and Crime Panel agree to 7.2% rise in police element of council tax from April 2018


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Merseyside Police and Crime Panel 6th February 2018 Part 1 of 3

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Merseyside Police and Crime Panel 6th February 2018 Part 2 of 3

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Merseyside Police and Crime Panel 6th February 2018 Part 3 of 3

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Merseyside Police and Crime Panel 6th February 2018 slides

Jane Kennedy (Police and Crime Commissioner for Merseyside) 6th February 2018 Merseyside Police and Crime Panel
Jane Kennedy (Police and Crime Commissioner for Merseyside) 6th February 2018 Merseyside Police and Crime Panel

On Tuesday, the Merseyside Police and Crime Panel (the two councillors on it from the Wirral are Cllr Tony Smith (Labour) and Cllr Cherry Povall (Conservative)) agreed to the Police and Crime Commissioner’s request for a 7.2% rise in the element of council tax that goes to pay for the Merseyside Police.
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Wirral Council rejects complaint about Saughall Massie Fire Station planning application but apologised for delay!

Wirral Council rejects complaint about Saughall Massie Fire Station planning application but apologised for delay!

Wirral Council rejects complaint about Saughall Massie Fire Station planning application but apologised for delay!


Wirral Council’s Planning Committee 20th July 2017 voting to approve planning application APP/17/00306 (Saughall Massie fire station)
Wirral Council’s Planning Committee 20th July 2017 voting to approve planning application APP/17/00306 (Saughall Massie fire station)

In what appears to be a topical issue, as it is today that a councillor is now complaining about the knock on effect of Saughall Massie on Wallasey Wirral Council have finally issued a stage 2 complaint response (with an apology) over the grant of planning permission for the Saughall Massie Fire Station.
Continue reading “Wirral Council rejects complaint about Saughall Massie Fire Station planning application but apologised for delay!”

Councillors recommend 10p rise in Mersey Tunnel cash tolls from 1st April 2018

Councillors recommend 10p rise in Mersey Tunnel cash tolls from 1st April 2018

Councillors recommend 10p rise in Mersey Tunnel cash tolls from 1st April 2018


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Transport Committee (Liverpool City Region Combined Authority) 1st February 2018 Part 1 of 2

Cllr Steve Foulkes (Transport Committee) LCRCA 1st February 2018 Mersey Tunnel tolls item
Cllr Steve Foulkes (Transport Committee) LCRCA 1st February 2018 Mersey Tunnel tolls item

The author’s wife has a Fast Tag for the Mersey Tunnels issued on disability grounds, therefore she does not have to pay the tolls referred to below.

Yesterday (at the time of publication which you can watch above) was the annual public meeting where councillors on the Transport Committee (formerly called the Merseytravel Committee) of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority made a recommendation on the Mersey Tunnel tolls (although the final decision will be made after this article is published by a different set of politicians on the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority). Continue reading “Councillors recommend 10p rise in Mersey Tunnel cash tolls from 1st April 2018”

What are Wirral Council’s budget proposals on garden waste and cuts in services to the Irish community?

What are Wirral Council’s budget proposals on garden waste and cuts in services to the Irish community?

What are Wirral Council’s budget proposals on garden waste and cuts in services to the Irish community?


The author of this piece has one parent who has dual Irish & British nationality.

Below are briefing notes sent to councillors following a behind closed doors meeting to discuss budget cuts (that have yet to be formally agreed).

Topics covered include garden waste (where it’s noted that the plan shows that the Wirral Globe receives £3,000 and Wirral View £2,200), defunding a service provided through Sadir House for people with HIV/AIDS and defunding services provided through Irish Community Care Merseyside to the Irish and Irish traveller communities.
Continue reading “What are Wirral Council’s budget proposals on garden waste and cuts in services to the Irish community?”

EXCLUSIVE: What was Cllr Phil Davies’ last-minute reply to a letter threatening government intervention?

EXCLUSIVE: What was Cllr Phil Davies’ last-minute reply to a letter threatening government intervention?

EXCLUSIVE: What was Cllr Phil Davies’ last-minute reply to a letter threatening government intervention?


Last year, it was revealed at a special meeting of Wirral Council’s Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee (which can be watched below) that a government minister had written to Wirral Council expressing his concern that Wirral Council wasn’t preparing a Local Plan quick enough. A deadline of 31st January 2018 (yesterday) was given to reply.

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Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee 7th December 2018 Part 1 of 2

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Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee 7th December 2018 Part 2 of 2

Below is Cllr Phil Davies’ reply sent yesterday to the letter, followed by two attachments. The matter was also discussed by councillors yesterday at a regular public meeting of the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee (although councillors and the public present were handed out the reply and two attachments at the start of that agenda item rather than the start of the meeting which left little opportunity for it to be read in detail or scrutiny).
Continue reading “EXCLUSIVE: What was Cllr Phil Davies’ last-minute reply to a letter threatening government intervention?”