Planning Committee (Wirral Council) 3rd January 2011 Part 10 Local Development Framework for Wirral – Developer Contributions and the Community Infrastructure Levy, Planning Applications (delegated) 26/11/11 to 15/12/11, Planning Appeals 26/11/11 to 15/12/11

The Chair apologised that David Ball was not able to present the report which was about section 106 as opposed to the Community Infrastructure Levy.

Cllr Dave Mitchell said it was for noting. Cllr Brian Kenny said he was happy.

The Chair referred to 4.2.7 and that they had to work out a charge, but that was yet to be agreed.

The Chair asked for any comments on item 17. Cllr Dave Mitchell said it was for noted.

The Chair said that Wirral Council had been successful in two appeals. Cllr Dave Mitchell pointed to Cllr Stuart Kelly.

Cllr Stuart Kelly talked briefly.

The Chair referred to “Cllr Matthew Davies”. Matthew Davies denied that he was a councillor. The Chair jokingly asked if he was standing as a candidate in May.

The Chair closed the meeting and expressed his wish to have a meeting in private.

Planning Committee (Wirral Council) 3rd January 2011 Part 9 APP/11/01147 (6 Hazel Grove, Irby, CH61 4UZ – Single storey rear and side extensions with front porch)

The Chair said with regards to planning application APP/11/01147 (6 Hazel Grove, Irby, CH61 4UZ – Single storey rear and side extensions with front porch) that issues on page 76 had been raised about the accuracy of the boundary as well as privacy and the gap to a neighbour’s garage. In his view there were no major issues but he asked officers to comment on these concerns.

Matthew said that they had gone back to the applicant and agent who had done a title search to show they do own the land. The second issue was to do with extra windows at the ground floor. They had added condition 2 for the boundary fence, however there was an existing window at ground floor level. The third issue was the small gap between the extension and the garage to do with drainage. Water would drain between the structures and there would be no drain pipe as it would drain internally.

The Chair said that it was not a planning issue.

Cllr Stuart Kelly pointed out a typographical error in the report.

Cllr Wendy Clements proposed approval, seconded by Cllr Mitchell.

For: Cllrs Elderton, Clements, Boult, Johnson, Kenny, Salter, Realey, Mooney, Walsh, Kelly and Mitchell (11)
Against: None (0)
Abstention: None (0)

Application APP/11/01147 with conditions was approved (11:0:0).

Planning Committee (Wirral Council) 3rd January 2011 Part 8 APP/11/01279 – 457 Borough Road, Oxton, CH42 0HB & APP/11/01282 – 455 Borough Road, Oxton, CH42 0HB

The Chair said item 13 (APP/11/01279 – 457 Borough Road, Oxton, CH42 0HB – Change of use of the ground floor unit from A1 (retail) to C3 (dwelling houses) to convert the building into two flats with associated alterations to front and rear elevations, including an external staircase to the rear.) and item 14 (APP/11/01282 – 455 Borough Road, Oxton, CH42 0HB – Segregation of existing dwelling in to two flats and erection of an external staircase to the rear.) would be taken together as they were adjacent properties and both submitted by SDA. He said the flats used alley gates and there was no provision for parking.

Matthew said the flats had access to the rear, but they didn’t feel the staircases would block windows. Access via an allley gate would not warrant refusal, as it was a management issue. Residents would be allocated a key, no parking was provided and there was no off street parking. The junctions were well protected by waiting restrictions.

The Chair said it held to have transparency over these two issues. He asked for a proposer and seconder for item 13.

Cllr Peter Johnson proposed approval for item 13, Cllr Dave Mitchell seconded approval for item 13.

There was a vote on item 13.

For: Cllrs Elderton, Clements, Boult, Johnson, Kenny, Salter, Realey, Mooney, Walsh, Kelly and Mitchell (11)
Against: None (0)
Abstention: None (0)

Application APP/11/01279 with conditions was approved (11:0:0).

Cllr Wendy Clements seconded approval for item 14.

For: Cllrs Elderton, Clements, Boult, Johnson, Kenny, Salter, Realey, Mooney, Walsh, Kelly and Mitchell (11)
Against: None (0)
Abstention: None (0)

Application APP/11/01282 with conditions was approved (11:0:0).

Planning Committee (Wirral Council) 3rd January 2011 Part 7 APP/11/01302, 18 Melford Drive, Prenton, CH43 3EX & APP/11/01196 54 Christchurch Road, Oxton, CH43 5SF Change of use only of first and second floor offices to an art gallery and tattoo studio

The Chair said that item 11 APP/11/01302 (18 Melford Drive, Prenton, CH43 3EX) for internal alterations with new window layout was the start of a series of applications by SDA. Therefore there would be no presentations. He said it was recommended for approval, however he commented that the one objection referred to on page 68 had been dealt with by condition 2 on page 61.

Cllr Eddie Boult proposed approval, seconded by Cllr Peter Johnson.

There was a vote.

For: Cllrs Elderton, Clements, Boult, Johnson, Kenny, Salter, Realey, Mooney, Walsh, Kelly and Mitchell (11)
Against: None (0)
Abstention: None (0)

Application APP/11/01302 with conditions was approved (11:0:0).

The Chair said that item 12 (APP/11/01196) 54 Christchurch Road, Oxton, CH43 5SF Change of use only of first and second floor offices to an art gallery and tattoo studio was also a SDA application. It was recommended for approval.

Cllr Dave Mitchell proposed approval, Cllr Eddie Boult seconded approval.

There was a vote.

For: Cllrs Elderton, Clements, Boult, Johnson, Kenny, Salter, Realey, Mooney, Walsh, Kelly and Mitchell (11)
Against: None (0)
Abstention: None (0)

Application APP/11/01196 with conditions was approved (11:0:0).