The Chair apologised that David Ball was not able to present the report which was about section 106 as opposed to the Community Infrastructure Levy.
Cllr Dave Mitchell said it was for noting. Cllr Brian Kenny said he was happy.
The Chair referred to 4.2.7 and that they had to work out a charge, but that was yet to be agreed.
The Chair asked for any comments on item 17. Cllr Dave Mitchell said it was for noted.
The Chair said that Wirral Council had been successful in two appeals. Cllr Dave Mitchell pointed to Cllr Stuart Kelly.
Cllr Stuart Kelly talked briefly.
The Chair referred to “Cllr Matthew Davies”. Matthew Davies denied that he was a councillor. The Chair jokingly asked if he was standing as a candidate in May.
The Chair closed the meeting and expressed his wish to have a meeting in private.