Wirral Council spent £12,000 on “Message in a Bottle” Sculpture in New Brighton

Wirral Council spent £12,000 on “Message in a Bottle” Sculpture in New Brighton

Wirral Council spent £12,000 on “Message in a Bottle” Sculpture in New Brighton


1 Mann Island, Headquarters of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority and Merseytravel
Lulu Quinn Ltd invoice for Message in a Bottle Sculpture stage one £10,000

Wirral Council spent £12,000 last year on a sculpture called Message in a Bottle that currently floats alongside the jetty at New Brighton Marine Lake. The invoice above for £10,000 was for the first of two payments Wirral Council made last year for the sculpture.

The 8 metre long plastic bottle was bought last year from Bath-based Lulu Quinn Ltd (since then that company has been dissolved). Funded by an Arts Council grant, it was installed as part of the Three Festivals Tall Ships Regatta 2018 as part of the Changing Tides Creative Programme.
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What is the history of disability benefit changes in the UK (2010-2019) and do the DLA/PIP changes make disabled people poorer?

What is the history of disability benefit changes in the UK (2010-2019) and do the DLA/PIP changes make disabled people poorer?

What is the history of disability benefit changes in the UK (2010-2019) and do the DLA/PIP changes make disabled people poorer?


Welfare Reform Act 2012
Welfare Reform Act 2012

I am writing this on the last day (1st October 2019) I receive Disability Living Allowance as a brief history of welfare reform in the UK as well as myself as an example to show how and where it got to this point. I have been receiving it for at least 16 years (it’s hard to remember back much further than that).
Continue reading “What is the history of disability benefit changes in the UK (2010-2019) and do the DLA/PIP changes make disabled people poorer?”

Wirral Council’s Cabinet agree to recommend consultation on draft Local Plan in early 2020

Wirral Council’s Cabinet agree to recommend consultation on draft Local Plan in early 2020

Wirral Council’s Cabinet agree to recommend consultation on draft Local Plan in early 2020


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Cabinet (Wirral Council) 30th September 2019 Part 1 of 2

House building on the Wirral 2018
House building on the Wirral in 2018

In the familiar setting of Committee Room 1 at Wallasey Town Hall this morning, Wirral Council’s Cabinet made a number of decisions and outlined how councillors thought some of them would benefit Wirral people as well as taking the time to highlight a few awards that had been won.

Yet, despite all the positivity on the agenda there was also the contentious and controversial Local Plan (previously called the Core Strategy Local Plan) which Labour’s support in the past for had been seen as one of the reasons why Labour lost their majority on Wirral Council in the May local elections earlier this year.
Continue reading “Wirral Council’s Cabinet agree to recommend consultation on draft Local Plan in early 2020”

What did 21 invoices show Wirral Council spent money on?

What did 21 invoices show Wirral Council spent money on?

What did 21 invoices show Wirral Council spent money on?

Cllr Jeff Green (right) is the current Chair of Wirral Council’s Audit and Risk Management Committee
Cllr Jeff Green (right) is the current Chair of Wirral Council’s Audit and Risk Management Committee

A few months ago I exercised a right under section 26 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 for invoices, credit card statements or requests for payment connected to various payments Wirral Council made during the 2018-19 financial year. Wirral Council is currently predicting it will overspend its agreed budget in 2019-20.
Continue reading “What did 21 invoices show Wirral Council spent money on?”

EXCLUSIVE: What was in the email from the Labour Party in April 2019 that stated “We are determined to ensure that Labour retains control of the council, and looks to increase the number of Labour councillors in the local election”?

EXCLUSIVE: What was in the email from the Labour Party in April 2019 that stated “We are determined to ensure that Labour retains control of the council, and looks to increase the number of Labour councillors in the local election”?

EXCLUSIVE: What was in the email from the Labour Party in April 2019 that stated “We are determined to ensure that Labour retains control of the council, and looks to increase the number of Labour councillors in the local election”?


Cllr Stuart Whittingham (left) who was the paid organiser referred to in the email
Cllr Stuart Whittingham (left) who was the paid organiser referred to in the email

The result of the elections of twenty-two councillors to Wirral Council in May 2019 were that Labour lost its overall majority and its number of seats dropped by two councillors.

Below is the text of an email sent from the then Deputy Regional Director Andy Smith for Labour North West to all Labour agents and candidates on the Wirral in the middle of April 2019.
Continue reading “EXCLUSIVE: What was in the email from the Labour Party in April 2019 that stated “We are determined to ensure that Labour retains control of the council, and looks to increase the number of Labour councillors in the local election”?”