Cllr Phil Davies faced hostile questions over Hoylake Golf Resort project
Councillor Phil Davies (Leader of Wirral Council) pictured above faced questions at a packed standing room only meeting at Hoylake Community Centre to discuss the Hoylake Golf Resort project.
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Hoylake Golf Resort public meeting Hoylake Community Centre 9th December 2017 Part 1 of 3
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Hoylake Golf Resort public meeting 9th December 2017 slides (Hoylake Village Life)
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Hoylake Golf Resort public meeting 9th December 2017 slides (Stop Hoylake Golf Resort)
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Hoylake Golf Resort public meeting Hoylake Community Centre 9th December 2017 Part 2 of 3
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Hoylake Golf Resort public meeting Hoylake Community Centre 9th December 2017 Part 3 of 3
Hoylake Village Life outlined their ideas for a Martin Mere style wetlands reserve.
A spokesperson for the campaign group against the Hoylake Golf Resort project outlined their concerns about the plans.
Wirral Council’s Cabinet will be considering a decision about the Hoylake Golf Resort at a meeting which will mainly be held in public on 18th December 2017. Part of the recommendation to Cabinet is a loan of up to £26 million to the developer from Wirral Council if planning permission is granted.
Most of the people present for the meeting were dismissive of the money spent so far on the Hoylake Golf Resort project by Wirral Council. A local councillor Cllr Gerry Ellis described it as “Phil’s folly”.
Cllr Phil Davies was interrupted a number of times by heckling as emotions ran high on the subject and his words to the Wirral Globe on the subject of development of the greenbelt were repeated back to him.
The public meeting had been arranged by the area’s MP Margaret Greenwood who asked at the end of the meeting if the Cabinet would consider the alternative proposal of a wetlands reserve.
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Thats the first time i have heared about Wirral Council loaning the builder £26 million,are they allowed to do that? surely they have to ask the taxpayer first,
Wirral Council is cuting back on services and repairs to buildings, roads, streetlights etc but have Millions to give away, do they ever thing they will see the work carried out?, Golf is starting to lose its popularity, i believe some courses are closing down and Mr Davis wants to build another one, do your market research Mr Davis before you waste more taxpayers money!
The Council will be borrowing up to half the total required to build the development and lending it on to the developer at a higher rate than which they borrowed it. There will also be a sharing of profit between the two parties.
Thanks for your comment.
I think the Cabinet can recommend it, but as it’s a budgetary matter (which are the remit of all councillors) doesn’t it then have to go to a meeting of all Wirral Council’s councillors to be rubber stamped?
As pointed out in the reply by Tim above, I think the plan is that Wirral Council borrow the money to lend to the developer, therefore it shouldn’t impact the delivery of services unless the developer defaults on the loan or goes into administration.
G’day John
What is the mamby pamby pink cheeked liar doing for his seat of Tranmeredre?
A new food bank?
Golf Resorts in his suburb and speed humps in Claughton.
If people in Tranmeredre vote him in next year they deserve him.
Hi James,
It’s in his capacity as Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Growth. Cllr Phil Davies doesn’t come up for election till 2019 as this year Cllr Pat Cleary (Green) is the councillor up for election in Birkenhead and Tranmere.
If I remember yesterday’s meeting someone referred to the Youth Zone by the fire station (which is in Birkenhead and Tranmere ward), the Council appears interested in Birkenhead town centre too such as through its purchase of the Europa Building.
G’day John
Yep he will probably follow Uncle Joe and kill off the markets like St Johns has been wrecked.
He couldn’t have an original thought just follow the corrupt leaders.
He did another of those ridiculous reading a speech thing on Roger Lightbulbs rubbish radio station over Kev and Stella’s Stinking Stagnant wirral Waters today.
You know were no one gets to ask a question cos he wouldn’t ba able to answer.
Without lying that is.
It remains to be seen what happens to Birkenhead Market, it’s on the agenda of the next Cabinet meeting but the bit to be held in private.
Which Radio Merseyside programme was Cllr Phil Davies on?
G’day John
Don’t you listen at noon to Roger Lightbulb not letting anyone dis any *********** clowncil.
What a pathetic specimen he is.
He would be a perfect helper for that scruffy wirral leader that doesn’t own a comb.
My anger is building again six and a half years after Basnett and Adderley lied to me.