Councillor Paul Hayes "The aspiration should not be for imitation for the Lyndale School, we have the real thing"

Councillor Paul Hayes “The aspiration should not be for imitation for the Lyndale School, we have the real thing”

Councillor Paul Hayes “The aspiration should not be for imitation for the Lyndale School, we have the real thing”


On the day that Wirral Council fires the starting gun in the local elections with the publication of the notice of election giving candidates until 4pm on Thursday 9th April to submit their nomination papers, I thought it would be good to look back at an issue that has divided the political parties on Wirral Council which was the decision to close Lyndale School.

When Wirral Council met last month to decide its budget for 2015/16 the Conservatives submitted an amendment to Labour’s schools budget. As the amendment was short I will repeat it here:

The Lyndale School

Council recognises the unique and caring environment provided by The Lyndale School to children with profound and multiple learning difficulties. Council acknowledges the value of this facility and affirms its belief that such provision should remain at The Lyndale School.

Council, having regard to the overwhelming support given to the campaign to keep The Lyndale School open by the public of Wirral recognises that The Lyndale School should remain open and wishes to bring to an end the anguish and uncertainty that has been heaped on pupils and their parents and carers throughout this whole sorry saga.

Accordingly, Council requests Cabinet to issue a Revocation Notice to consult on proposals to stop all current and planned action being taken to close The Lyndale School immediately. Should this be approved, Cabinet is further requested to instruct officers to commence negotiations with the Schools Forum and other relevant stakeholders in relation to the High Needs Funding Formula so as to identify and secure adequate funding to enable The Lyndale School to remain open from 1 April 2016. The revised High Needs Funding Formula shall be expressly detailed in the Schools Budget for 2016/17.

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Councillor Paul Hayes speaks about Lyndale School 24th February 2015
Councillor Paul Hayes speaks about Lyndale School 24th February 2015

Here’s what Councillor Paul Hayes had to say on the Conservative amendment to the Schools Budget:

Mr Mayor, tonight we will expect the usual debates on the principles of budgetary principles for the Council and how we prioritise taxpayers’ money to deliver services, but the fact is Mr Mayor this issue, the Lyndale School is not about money. So much has already been confirmed throughout this entire process both by the Cabinet Member and by council officers.

Mr Mayor, this is about, this isn’t about cuts from above, it’s about choices on the ground, choices in this Town Hall and in this Chamber this evening. It’s about how you choose to care and educate for some of the most vulnerable children in our community, children with some of the most profound and multiple learning difficulties and Mr Mayor surely there can be no doubt that the excellent caring and learning environment provided to the children of Lyndale School for so long should continue to be done so at the Lyndale School in Eastham.

The aspiration should not be for imitation for the Lyndale School, we have the real thing, right here in Wirral. Surely Members will join me in the fight to keep it?

Mr Mayor, the Council needs to listen to the real experts in this issue, the parents, the staff and the carers of the pupils of Lyndale. These families who have stood steadfast in defence of this excellent school. We shouldn’t be blindly accepting the views of an expert consultant who charged us £10,000 for the benefit of her advice and as I’ve learned today an extra £500 when called to give evidence at the call in.

Mr Mayor, the Lyndale campaign was of course and as we’ve heard tonight from other Members been recently boosted by Dawn Hughes and her daughter Ellie, I know that Dawn is in the public gallery this evening. She secured backing of a tribunal in her battle to keep Ellie at the School which gives her so much security and comfort.

Mr Mayor, if a learned and I’m sure very distinguished tribunal judge and its two lay panel members recognise the uniqueness of Lyndale School and the real harm moving children from this environment would cause then why can’t Wirral Council?

Mr Mayor, I know some of the Labour Members are very uncomfortable with the decision to close Lyndale School. I appeal to them to make their votes count tonight. This amendment, this second amendment does not put the Labour Budget at risk, it corrects an appalling decision which should never have been made and it halts the anguish which has been caused upon some of the most vulnerable families in our society. I know that it’s difficult to vote a different way to friends and colleagues in the same group and I should know as I’m probably going to do that at item 7a.

However Mr Mayor, this is too much of an important issue to be decided on imposed party whip or as Councillor Sullivan alluded to the block vote. I note that neither the Leader of the Council nor Councillor Tony Smith (the Cabinet Member) have mentioned the Lyndale School in their contributions earlier. I hope Members will not forget Lyndale amongst the political wrangling of tonight and vote to keep this crucial and vital school community.

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Author: John Brace

New media journalist from Birkenhead, England who writes about Wirral Council. Published and promoted by John Brace, 134 Boundary Road, Bidston, CH43 7PH. Printed by UK Webhosting Ltd t/a Tsohost, 113-114 Buckingham Avenue, Slough, Berkshire, England, SL1 4PF.

9 thoughts on “Councillor Paul Hayes "The aspiration should not be for imitation for the Lyndale School, we have the real thing"”

  1. G’day John

    It is this kind of council person that makes Wirral what it is.

    Positive thinker says…

    John brace the Bell End causing trouble again



    Ps and he is a senior member.

    1. I’ve left a comment in response to misconceptions about the Pension Fund.

      However, I don’t believe in giving trolls any satisfaction by responding to what I’d term falls into the category of “personal abuse”.

  2. G’day John

    Keep up the great work to spite the impotent Positive Thinker of Wirral Clowncil.



    Ps They really are the scum of the earth if Lyndale is closed.

  3. G’day John

    Just had a look at that local rubbish propaganda sheet.

    Check out the number of votes on THE article and I guess the leader “The Dunny Chain Wearer” has rang around to get all his parasites to vote.

    Frankenstein probably gave him the order, didn’t bother with “Phil the Dill”.



    Ps A change from him telling them to do or say nothing on Wirral “Funny” Bizz

  4. G’day John

    In a bit of a rush to my daily appointment at the job centre but I noticed I got a mention in the local rubbish propaganda thing.

    hobroW says…

    the political temperature has risen but how can such a heartfelt action speak anything but frustration and anger.

    I know of people who have thought of smashing windows in the Town
    Hall such was their frustration at the cosy cartel that appears to operate there. One felt that to smash a window and stand by the shivered glass awaiting the Police would at the very least highlight the issues he was raising and well worth a short custodial sentence or fine.

    I’ve made it John I got a mention in that rubbish that often mentions “The Football Shit” and Stella. In a good way.

    I think I even mentioned the riots in my daily emails to the clowncillors over two and a half years ago and how you would get action in minutes.

    Go report a crime worth hundreds of thousands of pounds and they all stand together like dumb f*****, and, all the while Wirral “Funny” Bizz are sunning themselves in Portugal on their ill-gotten.

    Bring on a war. (or at least talk about smashing windows)



  5. Mr Brace, I can not stand by and let some Over Zealous Idiot try and create ” Civil Unrest ” Whilst ” Direct Action ” does identify problems, it only identifies the problem faced by the perpetrator of the Crimes. Mr Griffiths may well have a point over his claims, however there are ways of Dealing with his claims and he should adopt those methods first.

    1. Sorry about the annoyance shown and the double use of ” His Claims ” however in view of the up and coming Election and the visible Conduct of some other Frustrated Person, as you have pointed out we do not want any further Flamers do we? and I use the term We, rather than you!!!!

      1. I was appalled over three years ago you muppet.

        You tell me why they they use “The Shyster” to tell them not to speak up?

        Why reports are hidden?

        Why police aren’t pushed to act, the villains would have just crumbled.

        Why won’t they take civil action?

        Why are they ignoring an audit report that they paid £50,000.00 plus for?

        Why do they stand and lie in public?

        Why do they ignore irrefutable evidence produced by “Highbrow” and he is not called “Highbrow” for no good reason.

        Why do they hide the report from the original auditor?

        Why have they not produced the DCLG Report?

        I never intended to actually smash a Town Hall window until you opened your stupid mouth.


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