Councillors hear why Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority’s reserves are £2.5 million lower than expected
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Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority (also known as Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority) had a public meeting on Friday 21st June and video of that meeting can be watched above. The two councillors representing Wirral Council on it are Cllr Tony Norbury (Labour) and Cllr Steve Williams (Conservative) who were both present.
The public meeting discussed the reason why reserves were £2.5 million lower than expected which was to do with a payment expected in the 2018-19 financial year that hadn’t happened.
MWDA also discussed and agreed to a contract variation request from Halton Borough Council involving changes to Johnson’s Lane (Widnes) Household Waste Reception Centre and Picow Farm Road (Runcorn) Household Waste Reception Centre. The changes requested by Halton Borough Council involved a reduction in opening hours to 9.00 am to 5.00 pm, a reduction in the number of annual trips under the Vehicle Permit Scheme from 12 to 6, the introduction of charges for waste that isn’t household waste and restricting use of the Household Waste Reception Centres to Halton residents only.
Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority has also recently responded to my requests for copies of various invoices relating to the 2018/19 financial year during the 30 day public inspection period. Batch 1 (invoices 1-95) can be viewed here and batch 2 (96-190) here.
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So what’s this about?
As for now asking for you to pay to take rubbish, what the hell are people paying council tax for? Then they wonder why there is so much fly tipping which then cost more tax payers money to clean up?
Yes Halton Borough Council is planning as a cost saving measure not to accept waste at its two household waste reception centres from those households that aren’t Halton residents (even if it may the nearest place to go for many Merseyside residents living in Liverpool, Knowsley and St Helens).
Yes the Halton observer on the MRWA said he expected more flytipping (including bags left outside the Halton HRWC after the opening hours changed).
But he said it would save Halton Borough Council more than the extra costs would be!
Wirral, Liverpool, Knowsley, Sefton etc councillors on the MRWA agreed to the change to the contract but for a 12 month period.
It won’t happen though until the Chief Exec of MRWA and Chair of MRWA (Cllr Tony Concepcion) agree to the changes and they both want to receive legal advice first.
Yes Halton Borough Council want to increase charges and introduce new charges too as outlined in this report.