Expense claim form for Councillor Phil Davies (Wirral Council) 2013 (continued) £241.10 claimed in 1 week!
Councillor Phil Davies is a Labour councillor for Birkenhead and Tranmere ward. During the period covered he was Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance/Best Value. The first eight pages of his expense claims I published on this blog last month.
However the page below was only provided last Friday, which accounts for a further £241.10 claimed (October 2013).
This breaks down to:
1) Mersey Tunnel tolls Fast Tag (£1.30 * 10 (5 return trips on 17/10, 18/10, 21/10, 23/10 & 24/10)) = £13
2) Return train from Liverpool to London for LGA Workforce Board meeting (21st October 2013) = £220.80
3) London tube for LGA Workforce Board meeting (21st October 2013) = £7.30
Total (for 17/10/13 to 24/10/13): £241.10
These were for meetings to see an unspecified Police and Crime Commissioner (which could be Jane Kennedy), a meeting of the City Region Cabinet, a meeting of the LGA Workforce Board (in London), a meeting of NWIUF (spelt incorrectly) and the LEP (Local Enterprise Partnership presumable the Liverpool City Region one).
In fact NWIUF is an error on the expenses form and should instead be NWUIF (which is the North West Urban Investment Fund).
For four meetings that are not at Wallasey Town Hall (Police Commissioner, City Region, NWUIF and LEP) Cllr Phil Davies should have included the place he was going to on the form. However, as he claimed Mersey Tunnel tolls for going to these meetings, it is assumed they are all outside the Wirral and to the east.
Looking on the bright side though, Cllr Phil Davies’s expense form is typed, which makes it far easier to read than those councillors who fill them in by hand! The total of £241.10 seems to have originally been a different figure, but then tippexed out and replaced with £241.10. However it is to be expected that the Leader of Wirral Council has a busy schedule and diary.
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G’day Mate
It just all gets funnier by the day and they will completely implode.
Bring in the administration.
Instead of a return to London “Phil the Dill” should have got two singles one for him and one for “The Dunny Chain Wearer”.
Wirral would be the better for it.
Ps I hope you haven’t been sneaking around “Graham Burge(r with the lot plus super duper car and 7 mistakes http://goo.gl/znBccO in 29 seconds)ss’” chamber again. He will be accusing you of using HIS Staircase to Heaven next.
They have yet to provide expense claims for the Mayor and Deputy Mayor for 13/14 .
I do know that the Mayor does get the use of a car and driver to official functions, but I’d have to look up the rest.