Horses or 100 houses at Fernbank Farm? Liverpool City Region Combined Authority agrees to list it for housing
Councillor Phil Davies and Graham Burgess at a meeting of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority on the 13th June 2014
Today was the second meeting of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority. The agenda and reports can be read on Knowsley Council’s website. Item 19 was “Liverpool City Region Strategic Local Investment Plan (2014-17) Housing Sites” and had in its appendices a list of housing sites that are currently in the pre planning stage.
This particular entry in appendix 3 (which can be found on page 124 of the reports pack) caught my eye and is below.
Site | Potential Total Units | Comments |
Moreton (Wirral) | Approximately 100 dwellings | Cabinet resolution on 7 November 2013 to defer decision for disposal until the outcomes of legal proceedings for the relocation of the existing tenant are known. A court order dated 13 February 2014 granted a Possession Order to the Council which provided tenant with six months to relocate. The Council has since offered to extend this period to 12 months from the date of the court order. No current resolution, however, to dispose of site. |
The Cabinet resolution of 7th November 2013 in relation to Fernbank Farm was (3) the decision on land at Manor Drive be deferred and reconsidered at the next scheduled meeting of the Cabinet when the outcome of legal proceedings will be known. The legal proceedings didn’t deal with relocation of the existing tenants but merely Wirral Council’s claim for a possession order.
The court order dated 13th February 2014 gave twelve months, not six as stated in the report before the possession order had effect. The Council hasn’t “offered to extend this period to 12 months” as that’s the date in the court order!
A copy of the court order is below. So who wrote the comments in the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority report which got the history of what had happened so wrong?
Possession Order (February 2014)
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