ICO issues 2nd decision notice stating Wirral Council breached more laws in how it handled a FOI request

So far I’ve written three blog posts about this one FOI request, which in chronological order are ICO issues decision notice stating Wirral Council breached 4 laws in how it handled a FOI request (9th September 2014), Wirral Council take nearly 20 months to respond to a FOI request for SACRE meeting minutes that should only take 20 days (10th November 2014) and Why after 2 years, 3 months and 19 days have Wirral Council U-turned on refusing a FOI request for minutes of a public meeting that they claimed was vexatious? (18th July 2015).
The FOI request this relates to was made through the excellent whatdotheyknow.com website on the 29th March 2013. It’s for minutes of the meetings of 26 different panels, statutory committees, advisory committees and working parties that councillors are appointed to by Wirral Council.
In September 2014, the Information Commissioner’s Office issued 9 page decision notice FS50509081. In a nutshell that decision notice stated that by the 13th October 2014 Wirral Council had to:
a) respond to the FOI request without relying on either section 12(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 c.36 or Regulation 12(4)(b) of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. The first relates to a costs exemption and the second relates to that “the request for information is manifestly unreasonable”.
b) advise whether it held the minutes of these meetings or not.
Wirral Council did not respond to the decision notice by the 13th October 2014. Instead it took a further three weeks than was allowed and Wirral Council responded on the 4th November 2014. Minutes of seven meetings were supplied (some minutes were supplied with some information blacked out). In response to other parts of the request it provided links to its website.
This left nine disputed parts of the request which were in relation to the bodies below (I’ll use the original numbering). JCC stands for Joint Consultative Committee and Members means councillors. I provide under each one what it’s remit was:
4 (School Appeals Panel)
To consider, as part of a statutory review process, appeals against decisions by the Local Authority (or the Governors of voluntary or aided schools) concerning the allocation of places in primary and secondary schools, and decisions by governing bodies concerning the exclusion of pupils.
The School Appeals Panel is drawn from a “pool” of lay members or members with experience in education. However, Councillors are ineligible to serve on Appeals Panels for schools under local authority control.
5 (Standing Advisory Committee on Religious Education (SACRE))
SACRE is responsible for advising the local authority on matters concerning the teaching of religious education and collective acts of worship; it decides on applications for determination of cases in which requirements for Christian collective worship are not to apply; and may require the local authority to review its agreed syllabus.
8 (Adoption / Fostering Panels)
As part of a wider membership, to determine applications for the adoption and for the fostering of children.
10 (Unified Waiting List Management Advisory Board)
To consider appeals from applicants who consider they have been unfairly treated or unfairly excluded from the waiting list, having exhausted the Steering Group appeals procedure.
11 (Discharge from Guardianship by Wirral Council under the Mental Health Act 1983 Panel)
To hear requests to discharge service users subject to guardianship upon the application of a professional responsible for their care.
15 (Headteachers and Teachers JCC)
To meet with headteachers’ and teachers’ representatives to discuss educational issues.
18 (Members’ Training Steering Group)
To advise on the preparation of the annual programme of training for Council members and on individual applications to attend courses.
19 (Members’ Equipment Steering Group)
To review IT equipment provision for members.
26 (Safeguarding Reference Group)
Established by Cabinet on 15 April 2010 for the purpose of ensuring that the most senior community leaders of the Council are enabled to carry out their responsibilities of safeguarding children and adults in Wirral.
Minutes of a School Appeals Panel meeting (part 4 of the request) were refused based on section 40 (personal information) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Minutes of a Standing Advisory Committee on Religious Education meeting (part 5 of the request) were provided but with names other than that of councillors blacked out based on section 40 (personal information) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Minutes of the Adoption/Fostering Panels (part 8 of the request) were refused based on section 40 (personal information) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Minutes of a Unified Waiting List Management Advisory Board meeting (part 10 of the request) Wirral Council merely stated “Officers are investigating if this Board has ever met/if there are any minutes available and we will answer this part of your enquiry as soon as possible.”
Minutes of a Discharge from Guardianship by Wirral Council under the Mental Health Act 1983 Panel (part 11 of the request) were refused based on section 40 (personal information) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Minutes of a Headteachers and Teachers Joint Consultative Committee meeting were refused based on section 36 (prejudice to the effective conduct of public affairs) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Minutes of a Members’ Training Steering Group meeting were refused based on section 36 (prejudice to the effective conduct of public affairs) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Minutes of a Members’ Equipment Steering Group meeting were refused based on section 36 (prejudice to the effective conduct of public affairs) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Finally, minutes of a Safeguarding Reference Group meeting were refused based on section 40 (personal information) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
So I requested an internal review of the application of these exemptions on the 12th November 2014. On the 30th April 2015 Wirral Council responded to the internal review request. I’ll point out here that internal reviews are supposed to be completed within 40 days, but Wirral Council took 5 months.
Wirral Council’s response was that section 14 (vexatious or repeated requests) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 applied and it didn’t have to do an internal review.
This decision was then appealed to the Information Commissioner’s Office.
On the 17th July 2015, Wirral Council did a U-turn. In respect of part of the internal review that challenged obscuring names (other than councillors) in minutes released of the Standing Advisory Committee on Religious Education (part 5 of the request), I’d pointed out that the minutes of this public meeting were open to public inspection because of regulation 7 of the Religious Education (Meetings of Local Conferences and Councils) Regulations 1994. Wirral Council agreed with me and released the complete minutes of the SACRE meeting (which meets in public).
Wirral Council also pointed out that since the Council’s housing stock was transferred out of Wirral Council’s control in 2009, that the Unified Waiting List Management Advisory Board (part 10 of the request) hadn’t met.
In relation to part 21 (Hilbre Island Nature Reserve Management Committee) Wirral Council stated “There are no minutes from 2013 the Hilbre Island Nature Reserve Management Committee as the present Committee was formed in March 2014.”
However Wirral Council still regarded the rest of the internal review request to be vexatious.
On the 29th July 2015 the Information Commissioner’s Office issued a further 13 page decision notice (FS50569254).
This decision notice found in relation to part 4 (School Appeals Panel) and part 11 (Discharge from Guardianship by Wirral Council under the Mental Health Act 1983 Panel) that Wirral Council does not hold information related to this part of the request.
This finding on the school appeals panels I find odd since the school appeals panel meets at Wallasey Town Hall. In response to a previous FOI request Wirral Council stated that it pays the taxi expenses for school appeals panel members and Wirral Council employees from the Legal & Member Services section of Wirral Council take the minutes of these meetings. Apparently Wirral Council states that there were School Appeal Panel meetings in 2012 but as they only keep the decision notices for 2 years that now it’s 2015 that Wirral Council don’t have them any more.
ICO also found that Wirral Council didn’t hold meetings of the Hilbre Island Nature Reserve Management Committee and believed Wirral Council when it stated “There are no minutes from 2013 the Hilbre Island Nature Reserve Management Committee as the present Committee was formed in March 2014.”
This is disputed by both Cllr Chris Carubia and Cllr Pat Williams as you can see by their response to a tweet below:
@cllrccarubia Did the Hilbre Island Nature Reserve Management Committee exist prior to 2014? #FOI #ICO https://t.co/pDHhBls956
— John Brace (@level80) July 17, 2015
@level80 @cllrccarubia Yes, I was a proud member for a number of years.
— Patricia Williams (@mrspatwilliams) July 17, 2015
However, ICO stated that Wirral Council breached section 10 (time for compliance with request) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 with regards to part 5 (Standing Advisory Committee on Religious Education (SACRE)) of the request and part 10 (Unified Waiting List Management Advisory Board) because “it did not disclose information or provide a response in relation to these parts within 20 working days”.
ICO also stated in its decision notice that Wirral Council had incorrectly applied section 14(1) (vexatious or repeated requests) to parts 15 (Headteachers and Teachers JCC), 18 (Members’ Training Steering Group), 19 (Members’ Equipment Steering Group) and 26 (Safeguarding Reference Group) of the request, because “these elements of the request are not vexatious”.
ICO did decide that Wirral Council had correctly applied section 14(1) to part 8 (Adoption/Fostering Panels) of the request because it deemed it to be vexatious (but is clarified in the decision notice as being a “disproportionate burden”). Wirral Council supplied the minutes of one adoption panel meeting and one fostering panel meeting to the Information Commissioners Office which came to a total of 95 pages. Wirral Council estimated it would take 23.5 hours of staff time (just over 15 minutes a page) to make the necessary redactions.
However the minutes of the Headteachers and Teachers JCC meeting, Members’ Training Steering Group meeting, Members’ Equipment Steering Group meeting and Safeguarding Reference Group came to less than 15 double-sided pages (30 sides of A4).
The decision notice also states “The complainant will not receive a response to some parts of his request until more than two years after he submitted it.”
Either Wirral Council or myself could appeal this ICO decision notice to the First-Tier Tribunal (Information Rights) within the next 28 days.
So do you think that now Wirral Council can’t rely on section 12 (exemption where the cost of compliance exceeds appropriate limit) or section 14 (vexatious or repeated requests) in respect to the Headteachers and Teachers JCC meeting, Members’ Training Steering Group meeting, Members’ Equipment Steering Group meeting and Safeguarding Reference Group meeting part of this request that I’ll finally get the information?
Here are some quotes from the decision notice (committee in the first quote refers to Hilbre Island Nature Reserve Management Committee).
“The Council, however, confirmed to the Commissioner on 20 July 2015 that, having undertaken a thorough search, it does not hold any Committee minutes from 2013 or earlier.
ICO believed Wirral Council so I suppose these published minutes of the Hilbre Island Nature Reserve Management Committee published on Wirral Council’s website from the 13th April 2007, 23rd November 2006, 13th July 2005 and even as far back as 6th April 2001 are just figments of my imagination. Perhaps I’m not “on message” enough!
Here’s another quote:
“The Council’s information manager had calculated that it took 70 hours and £1,750 to provide its response to the complainant dated 4 November. It argued that the amount of time the information management team had to spend on locating, retrieving and reading information falling within the scope of the request had a detrimental impact on the team.”
On the 4th November 2014 Wirral Council provided 22 A4 pages of information. The rest it either said it didn’t hold, was already on its website or that an exemption applied. That’s £79.54 per a page (or over 3 hours per an A4 page) of released information! How can it have had a “detrimental impact on the team” when Wirral Council took the 35 days the decision notice allowed plus an extra 22 days!
and another
“The Council says this work would cause a disproportionate burden because the request does not appear to have an inherent purpose or value.”
So knowing what and how councillors make important decisions on the public’s behalf doesn’t have an “inherent purpose or value”?
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Mr Brace, Sorry to pop up again, but nearly every rule in relation to Freedom of Information Requests has again been breached in my case, including Data Protection Laws. Again I can name names but they still have to go through “Due Process” The system again they use is the person or process you ask about answers his or her own ” Freedom of Information Request”.
Concerning DATA PROTECTION Nothing is Sacred to these people, whether your Vulnerable, mentally Ill or whatever, they have a Real Good go at you first in the flesh , based on your illness, affliction or perceived by them to be your Weakness and then they Rubbish your Name and Family.
Just like they did with Mr Morton. Everybody has a Choice, whether to sit still and Fall into the little Traps they set you or Fight back. I can confirm what Mr Morton Suffered is no mean thing and to fight back is an example to us all. I have to take my Hat Off to these people who fight back.
My own little troubles are a walk in the Park, however they will not win Lambert. Adderley, Degg, Davies. P. Wilkie, Coleman, Burgess, etc. I am now Fighting back you Bunch of Scumbags, will not be long now, just a few more enquiries and then I will accuse and get you to Court, Believe that if Nothing Else!!!!!!!!!!!
G’day John
Your blogs gone very quiet!
Was it something you said?
The little welsh witchetty grub.
Or, has Jones stabbed everyone in the back?
I must tell you about my dream later I am busy on the work trail today.
It’s because I was over at Liverpool City Council this morning, berating someone who works there for exceeding the timescale set out in Regulation 9 of the The Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2011.
Having now not given me access to the invoices requested within the inspection period (which elaspses today) they’re now going on holiday for a week! Typical eh?
G’day John
“Highbrows” old mate Da** err I mean Reprahnehpets is really fired up above.
I’m excited it looks like I will now have at least 4 cases at that courthouse over Kev and Stella’s Stagnant Wirral Waters to attend and laugh at “The Shyster, Sir Git” with his cheap plastic biro and expensive barrister.
“The Shyster” will be going off on stress leave and trying for one of those super duper envelopes.
He will get what he deserves.
They all will.
The funny thing about “The Shyster” is he is in so deep knowing all the crud, deceit and lies they will not be able to let him go.
How could they get anybody to do the dirty stinking rotten work he has and does do.
He is up there with the lowest of the low at Wirral and we all know who they are
“The Pretend Friend”
“Phil the Dill”
“Phil the Dill’s Ugly Twin Brother with the comb over from Hell”
“Clowncillor Doughnut”
and the ones that are as useful as a chocolate teapot and well passed their use by date
“The Raving Loony” and his exorcist act.
“Him I told on the phone he should retire when he couldn’t do anything about
Wirral “Funny” Bizz that heads up the Lib Dems”
The boss of the tories who had his chance and failed miserably
The tory leaders show pony that must spend all day in the hair salon.
His deputy that was big mouthing about Wirral “Funny” Bizz and fizzled out.
I just laugh when they strut around the Clownhall thinking they are important with their heads up their derrieres.
Mr Griffiths, I could not mention all the stars in this EPIC of a Criminal Enterprise, but QAU does get a very strong mention along with others who play the game from the outside. along with the Raving Loony and his Boss, who let Rick and Hodders off the Hook!!!!!!!
G’day John
I feel trouble is brewing and I bet “The Football Shit” “The Pretend Friend” “Ankles” “Phil the Dill” “Phil the Dill’s Ugly Twin Brother with the comb over from Hell” “The Shyster” “Arm strong from being a wanker” and anyone else that has gone along with all of this crud are all pooping themselves.
“Arm” I did nothing wrong…… but you have been the boss you wanker.
You should set up a permanent camera in that courthouse over Kev and stella’s Stagnant Wirral Waters John I sense “The Shyster” might need to move into a hotel nearby to save on Misery Travel fares.
The 66 councillors should all get the flick for letting this evil evil lot do their worst.
G’day John
We should start a book on which of the scumbags will now jump ship first from “The Wirral Titanic” now that the whistleblowers truths are all coming to the fore.
Or, will they go down with their ship in Kev and Stella’s Stagnant Wirral Waters?
I can imagine who will be the first to say nothing…. as though they never knew.
They all knew “Highbrow” and I have been telling them one way or another
for four years.
“Highbrow” actually stole the database so the irrefutable evidence has been there for anyone to see.
How can anyone their say they are HONEST OPEN OR TRANSPARENT?
If they can’t do the right thing, even now, they should all be sacked and an ADMINISTRATION brought in.
Have you noticed people, I know you have John, that these issues never get near a courthouse.
“The Shyster” the busiest settlements clerk in the country just arranges the filthy dirty work of cheque signing.
Senior Officers and Councillors at Wirral should be spat on with the phlegm of Bobby 47 and thrown in Kev and Stella’s Stagnant Wirral Waters.
What a man he is.
G’day John
Just read in the local rubbish propaganda sheet that Ecca has been sick.
I hope he hasn’t caught what hospitalised that woman.
What was it again she CONTRACTED off them?
A saw ego and ?????
Will they give him the same SICK pay they gave her?
Or, is it just extended holidays because his missus told him you BLINKING well stay off or you might catch it off her?
Do you think that it is caught be physical contact.
Probably not because apparently “The Shyster” did not reply either so he might have CONTRACTED it and no one would touch him with a barge pole.
Ooohh touching “The Shyster”!
Have a great wet Sunday John and keep up the great work.
They must hate you as much as they all hate answering to “Ankles”.
G’day John
On a miserable Merseyside weekend I would like to challenge, for fun, any senior officer or Clowncillor at Wirral to get on your wonderful site and defend Adderley and Wirral “Funny” Bizz.
I am sure they all read you every day to see if you have outed their incompetence, dishonesty and just effing hopelessness.
Come on you numpties tell me Adderley is not a liar.
Tell me Wirral “Funny” Bizz didn’t knock off about £2,000,000.00.
Go on you useless parasites, with a pseudonym if you are a coward, defend the indefensible.
No comments John will be an actual admission that Adderley is a lying, cheating barstard and like the rest not fit for purpose and everybody at Wirral knows what he is.
Mr G, I can appreciate your Frustration, but only the Police and other Agencies can draw inference from Silence and I would hope that the system will wake up shortly and smell the Coffee and do something about it. I constantly ask on this blog for people to go into a police station, make an appointment first and/or request the police and administration to come in.
Basically leave the sinking ship and get in the lifeboats first. Unfortunately their are some who are Now Well Overdue, hey Adderley and Lambert, but they have to stay aboard and may have to go down with the ship. Come on GARYM come once again to get me you scumbag, but always remember never try and turn a turner.
G’day John
C’mon one of you defend your Super director Adderley and tell me why he should not be sacked over Wirral “Funny” Bizz and them knocking off about £2,000,000.00.
Then he went along with a croc of shit of a report from Dave Garry.
He then went along with Basnett keeping her gob shut.
He couldn’t run away quick enough when Martin Moron stood up to speak at that farce of a public Improvement Board Meeting.
He stood and told bare faced lies at Gra Gra’s farce of a public meeting into Big, ISUS and Working Neighbourhoods.
Was it only Stuart Kelly that had any balls? (and Emma Dreggs)
You really are a disgrace to your families and alma mater.
Councillor Ron Abbey, 45 Cameron Road, Leasowe, Wirral, , CH46 1PH, 0151 638 9601, 07957 721 248, ronabbey@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Tom Anderson, 11 Arnside Road, Wallasey, Wirral, , CH45 4LT, , 07917 807776, tomanderson@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Bruce Berry, 6 Merlin Close, Upton, Wirral, , CH49 4PZ, 0151 678 8139, 0772 566 8705, bruceberry@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Chris Blakeley, 74 Grampian Way, Moreton, Wirral, , CH46 0PZ, 0151 677 9040, 07803 614418, chrisblakeley@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Eddie Boult, 37 Meols Drive, Hoylake, Wirral, , CH47 4AE, 0151 632 2605, , eddieboult@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Alan Brighouse, 31 Grosvenor Road, Oxton, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH43 1TJ, 0151 652 6041, , AlanBrighouse@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Phillip Brightmore, 23 Vittoria Court, Birkenhead, Wirral, , CH41 2LE, , 07794 428126, phillipbrightmore@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor David Burgess-Joyce, 19 Millhouse Lane, Moreton, Wirral, , CH46 6HL, 07769 326170, 07769 326170
Councillor Chris Carubia, 81 Bridle Road, Eastham, Wirral, , CH62 8BU, 0151 327 5151, 07720 847265, chriscarubia@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Pat Cleary, 3 Lingdale Road, West Kirby, , , CH48 5DG, 0151 632 5366, 07852 842 559, patcleary@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Wendy Clements, 10 Neale Drive, Greasby, Wirral, , CH49 1SL, 0151 677 4045, , wendyclements@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Jim Crabtree, 12 Hillburn Drive, Bidston, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH41 7DE, 0151 652 4738, 07475 183125, jimcrabtree@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Matt Daniel, c/o Town Hall, Brighton Street, Wallasey, Wirral, CH44 8ED, , 07976 195316, matthewdaniel@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Angela Davies, 190 Prenton Hall Road, Prenton, Birkenhead, , CH43 3BL, 0151 608 7223, 07747 735 133, angeladavies@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor George Davies, 46 Shamrock Road, Claughton, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH41 0EQ, 0151 653 4265, 07713 644330, georgedavies@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Phil Davies, 16 Westbourne Grove, West Kirby, Wirral, , CH48 4DL, 0151 691 8540, , phildavies@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Bill Davies, (Address not supplied) , 0151 652 0766, 07867 772437, billdavies@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Paul Doughty, 2 Duncote Close, Oxton, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH43 6YA, 0151 651 2059, , pauldoughty@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor David M Elderton, Ennis House, 11 Roman Road, Meols, Wirral, CH47 6AG, 0151 632 3195, 07973 662395, davidelderton@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Gerry Ellis, 9 Eddisbury Road, West Kirby, Wirral, , CH48 5DR, 0151 632 1976
Councillor Steve Foulkes, (Address not supplied) , , 07712 133696, stevefoulkes@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Leah Fraser, 56 Broadway Avenue, Wallasey, Wirral, , CH45 6TD, 0151 630 2939, , leahfraser@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Phil Gilchrist, 2 Gordon Avenue, Bromborough, Wirral, , CH62 6AL, 0151 334 1923, , philgilchrist@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Jeff Green, 181 Irby Road, Irby, Wirral, , CH61 2XE, 0151 648 5913, 07766 725 125, jeffgreen@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Robert Gregson, 152 Falkland Road, Seacombe, Wallasey, Wirral, CH44 8ER, 0151 691 0470, , robgregson@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Pat Hackett, 7 Wood Lane, Wallasey, Wirral, , CH45 8QP, 0151 638 1543, 07771 972302, pathackett@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor John Hale, 46 Lake Place, Hoylake, Wirral, , CH47 2DW, 0151 632 4570, , johnhale@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Paul Hayes, 79 Wallasey Village, Wallasey, Wirral, , CH45 3LE, , 07837 205171, paulhayes@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Andrew Hodson, Savoia, 36 Pipers Lane, Lower Heswall, Wirral, CH60 9HW, 0151 342 6253, , andrewhodson@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Kathy Hodson, Savoia, 36 Pipers Lane, Heswall, Wirral, CH60 9HW, 0151 342 6253, 07747 603408, kathyhodson@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Treena Johnson, 41 Daneswell Drive, Moreton, Wirral, , CH46 1QD, 0151 923 1854, 07722007309
Councillor Adrian Jones, 10 Elmswood Road, Seacombe, Wallasey, , CH44 8DB, 0151 638 9050, , adrianjones@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Chris Jones, 10 Elmswood Road, Wallasey, Wirral, , CH44 8DB, 0151 638 9050, 07853 042243, christinejones@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Brian Kenny, 6 The Pier, Waters Edge Apartments Tower Promenade, Wallasey, , CH45 2PP, 0151 638 5488, 07850 091517
Councillor Anita Leech, c/o Town Hall, Brighton Street, Wallasey, Wirral, CH44 8ED, 0151 691 0540, , anitaleech@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Ann McLachlan, 27 Danefield Road, Greasby, , , CH49 3BP, 0151 522 0299, , annmclachlan@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Moira McLaughlin, 15 Stoneleigh Grove, Rock Ferry, Birkenhead, , CH42 4NH, 0151 644 8234, 07880 348024, moiramclaughlin@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Chris Meaden, 19 Inglemere Road, Rock Ferry, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH42 4QL, 0151 645 1729, 07738 824130, chrismeaden@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Dave Mitchell, 85 Crosthwaite Avenue, Eastham, Wirral, , CH62 9DF, 0151 327 2095, , davemitchell@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Bernie Mooney, 30 Brompton Avenue, Liscard, Wallasey, Wirral, CH44 0BD, 0151 200 8089, 07811 060891, berniemooney@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Christina Muspratt, 49 Fairacres Road, Bebington, Wirral, , CH63 3HA, 0151 645 8864, , christinamuspratt@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Steve Niblock, Wallasey Town Hall, Brighton Street, Wallasey, Wirral, CH44 8ED, , 07939 578 041, steveniblock@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Tony Norbury, 58 Glenwood Drive, Irby, Wirral, , CH61 4UH, 0151 643 8796, 07952 297652, tonynorbury@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Matthew Patrick, Flat 4 78 Shrewsbury Road , Oxton, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH43 2HY, , 07966 747137, matthewpatrick@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Tracey Pilgrim, 1 Hornby Road, Bromborough, Wirral, , CH62 2EG, , 0783 1269506, traceysmith1@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Cherry Povall, JP, “Brookdale” 22 Dibbins Green, Bromborough, Wirral, , CH63 0QF, 0151 343 9976, 07814 913 975, cherrypovall@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Denise Realey, 667a Borough Road, Prenton, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH42 9QB, 0151 652 3059, , deniserealey@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Louise Reecejones, 16 Third Avenue, Prenton, Wirral, , CH43 9YX, , 07468 419765, louisereecejones@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Lesley Rennie, 4 Greenlea Close, Bebington, Wirral, , CH63 7RU, 0151 644 8137, 0779 545 0497, lesleyrennie@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Denise Roberts, 3 Mount Pleasant, Birkenhead, Wirral, , CH43 5SY, 0151 652 3309, , deniseroberts@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Les Rowlands, 63 Sandham Grove, Heswall Hills, Wirral, , CH60 1XN, 0151 342 2454, , lesrowlands@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor John Salter, 7 Churchmeadow Close, Egremont, Wallasey, , CH44 8HQ, 0151 638 7184, , johnsalter@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Tony Smith, 27 South Drive , Upton , Wirral , , CH49 6LA, 0151 677 1384, , tonysmith@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Walter Smith, 25 Manor Hill, Birkenhead, Wirral, , CH43 1UG, 0151 652 3222, 07795 243 342, waltersmith@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Chris Spriggs, 22 Hill Road, Prenton, Wirral, , CH43 8TL, , 07855 315 088, christinespriggs@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Jean Stapleton, 85 Grange Road West, Birkenhead, Wirral, , CH43 4XB, 0151 201 5057, 07929 780326, jeanstapleton@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Michael Sullivan, 30 Martin Close, Irby, Wirral, , CH61 0HP, 0151 648 5672, 07584 207739, mikesullivan@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Adam Sykes, Crofts Bank, Thornton Common Road, Thornton Hough, Wirral, CH63 4JT, 0151 324 2866, 07855 379397, adamsykes@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Joe Walsh, 239 Spital Road, Bromborough, Wirral, , CH62 2AF, , , joewalsh@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Geoffrey Watt, 41 Croome Drive, Grange, West Kirby, Wirral, CH48 8AD, 0151 625 3941, , geoffreywatt@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Stuart Whittingham, 16 Fender Way, Prenton, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH43 7ZJ, 0151 653 5539, , stuartwhittingham@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Irene Williams, 49 Parkhill Road, Prenton, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH42 9JD, 0151 608 7806, , irenewilliams@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Jerry Williams, 49 Parkhill Road, Prenton, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH42 9JD, 0151 608 3769
Councillor Mrs Pat Williams, 126 Holm Lane , Oxton , Birkenhead, Wirral, CH43 2HT, 0151 653 7166, , patriciawilliams@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Steve Williams, 34 Beech Avenue, Saughall Massie, Upton, Wirral, CH49 4NJ, 0151 677 8848, 07974 717 666, stevewilliams@wirral.gov.uk
Councillor Janette Williamson, Flat 1, 70 Park Road West, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH43 8SF, 0151 653 3723, 07871 075182, janwilliamson@wirral.gov.uk
Come on one of you must have a mind of your own or are you all just thick as shit, arrogant self important individuals who will do NOTHING/ANYTHING evil just for your allowance.
If you are the example no wonder 1,600 Wirral kids got thrown out of school last year.
You, each and everyone of you set the standard for your children and grandchildren and the standard is as low as “Ankles”.