Why did Wirral Council fail to publish its draft Annual Governance Statement by the legal deadline?

Why did Wirral Council fail to publish its draft Annual Governance Statement by the legal deadline?

Why did Wirral Council fail to publish its draft Annual Governance Statement by the legal deadline?


Shaer Halewood (Director for Finance and Investments (Wirral Council)) 29th January 2018
Shaer Halewood (Director for Finance and Investments (Wirral Council)) 29th January 2018

A week ago I made an objection to Wirral Council and its auditor Grant Thornton, that prior to the thirty-day inspection period running from 1st June 2018 to 12th July 2018 that the draft Annual Governance Statement hadn’t been published on Wirral Council’s website prior to this 30 day period starting. Publication prior to the 30 day period starting is a requirement of regulations 15(2)(a)(ii) and 15(3) of the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (when read together).
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Welsh Assembly Government awards franchise for Wrexham-Bidston Borderlands line to KeolisAmey Wales

Welsh Assembly Government awards franchise for Wrexham-Bidston Borderlands line to KeolisAmey Wales

Welsh Assembly Government awards franchise for Wrexham-Bidston Borderlands line to KeolisAmey Wales


Bidston Train Station (Borderlands Line) 13th August 2016 (John Brace)
Bidston Train Station (Borderlands Line) 13th August 2016 (John Brace)

The Welsh Assembly Government has awarded the Wales and Border franchise (which includes the Bidston to Wrexham Borderlands line) to KeolisAmey Wales.

KeolisAmey Wales will take over from the current franchise holder Arriva Trains Wales on the 14th October 2018. From December 2018 an extra two trains will run on Sunday morning and two extra trains will run on Sunday afternoon between Bidston and Wrexham.
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Councillors call for independent report into Northern Rail timetable changes to be published and RMT union agree to three further days of strike action

Councillors call for independent report into Northern Rail timetable changes to be published and RMT union agree to three further days of strike action

Councillors call for independent report into Northern Rail timetable changes to be published and RMT union agree to three further days of strike action


Northern Rail train Chester 9th June 2018
Northern Rail train Chester 9th June 2018

Councillors on the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority’s Transport Committee last Thursday afternoon agreed an urgent motion proposed by the Lead Member for Rail and Freight (Cllr Gordon Friel) which you can watch below.
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Lancashire Police fraud investigation widened to “include alleged criminality within Liverpool City Council and the Merseyside Pension Fund”

Lancashire Police fraud investigation widened to “include alleged criminality within Liverpool City Council and the Merseyside Pension Fund”

Lancashire Police fraud investigation widened to “include alleged criminality within Liverpool City Council and the Merseyside Pension Fund”


Ged Fitzgerald (Former Chief Executive, Liverpool City Council) is on bail after being arrested last year
Ged Fitzgerald (Former Chief Executive, Liverpool City Council) is on bail after being arrested last year

Regular readers of this blog will remember a story last year about the arrest of former Liverpool Chief Executive Ged Fitzgerald on suspicion of both conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and witness intimidation.
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Why did University of Liverpool staff go on strike?

Why did University of Liverpool staff go on strike?

Why did University of Liverpool staff go on strike?


University Square (Liverpool) 24th April 2018
University Square (Liverpool) 24th April 2018

Above is a photo of University Square, Liverpool where hundreds of people gathered on the 8th March 2018 (not the day that photo was taken) as part of a UCU (University and College Union) strike to do with proposed changes to pensions.

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UCU (Universities and Colleges Union) protest in University Square, Liverpool (8th March 2018)
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