Cllr Phil Davies threatens to “terminate” taxi contract following concerns about missing medical and criminal background checks

Cllr Phil Davies threatens to “terminate” taxi contract following Conservative concerns about missing medical and criminal background checks

Cllr Phil Davies threatens to “terminate” taxi contract following Conservative concerns about missing medical and criminal background checks on drivers


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Question from Cllr David Burgess-Joyce to Cllr Phil Davies at the Wirral Council Council meeting 11th December 2017 about taxi licences and the specialist transport contract

Cllr David Burgess-Joyce 11th December 2017
Cllr David Burgess-Joyce 11th December 2017

Cllr David “long arm of the law” Burgess-Joyce (pictured above) subjected Council Leader Phil Davies to a long question at the last Council meeting.

He pointed out that criminal background checks and medical checks hadn’t being done on taxi drivers used to transport disabled children to and from school.
Continue reading “Cllr Phil Davies threatens to “terminate” taxi contract following concerns about missing medical and criminal background checks”

After Lyndale School closure, Wirral Schools Forum told “Special schools in Wirral cannot collectively meet the needs or the demands of all Wirral children with SEND [Special Educational Needs and Disability]”

After Lyndale School closure, Wirral Schools Forum told “Special schools in Wirral cannot collectively meet the needs or the demands of all Wirral children with SEND [Special Educational Needs and Disability]”

After Lyndale School closure, Wirral Schools Forum told “Special schools in Wirral cannot collectively meet the needs or the demands of all Wirral children with SEND [Special Educational Needs and Disability]”


Cabinet 17th December 2014 voting to close Lyndale School L to R Cllr Tony Smith (Cabinet Member for Education), Cllr George Davies, Cllr Ann McLachlan
Cabinet 17th December 2014 voting to close Lyndale School L to R Cllr Tony Smith (Cabinet Member for Education), Cllr George Davies, Cllr Ann McLachlan

Tonight (at the time of publication) the Wirral Schools Forum meets in public. If you’re a glutton for punishment, it starts at 6.00 pm in the Council Chamber at Wallasey Town Hall.
Continue reading “After Lyndale School closure, Wirral Schools Forum told “Special schools in Wirral cannot collectively meet the needs or the demands of all Wirral children with SEND [Special Educational Needs and Disability]””

Employment Tribunal Day 6 of 10: Cross-examination of Kate Robinson

Employment Tribunal Day 6 of 10: Cross-examination of Kate Robinson

Employment Tribunal Day 6 of 10: Cross-examination of Kate Robinson


Kate Robinson (Wirral Council) 2nd September 2015
Kate Robinson (Wirral Council) 2nd September 2015

This is a report of an Employment Tribunal hearing I attended, the matter had already been part heard and this was day 6 of 10. As far as I know there are no reporting restrictions. After the cross-examination of Surjit Tour there was a break and the hearing resumed at 11.25 am.

Venue: Tribunal Room 2, Third Floor, Liverpool Civil and Family Court Hearing Centre, 35 Vernon Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, L2 2BX

Case reference: 2400718/16

Appellant: Mrs A. Mountney

Respondent: Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council

Employment Judge: Judge Robinson

Tribunal Members:
Mr AG Barker
Mrs JE Williams

Clerk: Lynne Quilty

Date: 6.2.2017

Time: 10.00 am

The Employment Judge thanked everybody and asked Mrs Mountney if it was ok to continue? Kate Robinson (pictured above) was asked to read from the blue card.
Continue reading “Employment Tribunal Day 6 of 10: Cross-examination of Kate Robinson”

How will the £16.5 million Hoylake Golf Resort highway improvements be funded?

How will the £16.5 million Hoylake Golf Resort highway improvements be funded?

How will the £16.5 million Hoylake Golf Resort highway improvements be funded?


Cllr Phil Davies on Hoylake Golf Resort at Hoylake Community Centre 9th December 2017
Cllr Phil Davies on Hoylake Golf Resort at Hoylake Community Centre 9th December 2017

On the 22nd December 2017 I announced I was taking a Christmas break from blogging and Wirral Council released further information about the costs of the roads associated with the proposed Hoylake Golf Resort. It was also released a few days after Cabinet’s decision to loan the developer £26 million if a planning application is successful.
Continue reading “How will the £16.5 million Hoylake Golf Resort highway improvements be funded?”

What’s in 143 pages of the contract between Merseytravel and Stadler Bussnang AG for new trains that caused the strike?

What’s in 143 pages of the contract between Merseytravel and Stadler Bussnang AG for new trains that caused the strike?

What’s in 143 pages of the contract between Merseytravel and Stadler Bussnang AG for new trains that caused the strike?


1 Letter from Merseytravel to John Brace 18th August 2017
1 Letter from Merseytravel to John Brace 18th August 2017

This continues from Monday’s blog post What’s in 138 pages of the contract between Merseytravel and Stadler Bussnang AG for new trains that caused the strike?

Today is another day of strike action this week on the Merseyrail network.

The strike action stems from a contract for new rolling stock agreed by politicians in December 2016 and signed in February 2017.

Although I published half of what I was given of this contract on Monday, some of it has been withheld on grounds of commercial confidentiality.

Of particular interest at page 299 onwards is the variation procedure (Merseytravel could vary the contract to have the doors operated by the guards if they wished to). On Wednesday the RMT Union published a letter sent by Merseyrail to guards suggesting that they retrain as drivers.
Continue reading “What’s in 143 pages of the contract between Merseytravel and Stadler Bussnang AG for new trains that caused the strike?”