I’ve just received an email from the Cabinet Member and the officers have written to her informing her that gritting had been done using the following log.
18:34:08 Ilchester Road, Birkenhead, Merseyside CH41 7BP – 0.01 119 8 298
18:35:08 Hoylake Road, Birkenhead, Merseyside CH41 7BZ – 0.29 275 22 287
18:36:08 Boundary Road, Birkenhead, Merseyside CH43 7PQ – 0.23 220 19 143
18:37:08 Boundary Road, Birkenhead, Merseyside CH43 7PF – 0.40 152 22 158
18:38:08 Upper Flaybrick Road, Birkenhead, Merseyside CH43 7PF – 0.10 056 17 261
18:39:08 Boundary Road, Birkenhead, Merseyside CH43 7PG – 0.25 315 20 328
18:40:08 Worcester Road, Birkenhead, Merseyside CH43 7QB – 0.26 342 21 033
Yes, the log is great; I’m pleased we have satellite tracking to keep an eye on the gritters this year! However it’s for the wrong route. As mentioned in my previous post, which has a link to the gritting routes, Boundary Road (split into two) is on two gritting routes.
The log is clearly showing gritting route 3 (Green), which wasn’t the one I complained about which was route 5 (Purple). All this would make better sense if I had a map to link to!
Has anybody else had problems like this when reporting roads not gritted (or anything requiring a location) or does this confusion explain how frustrated people were getting with Streetscene last year about it?
P.S. My address is well-known and was in the original email. I realise email responses can be tricky to deal with and people make mistakes however the subject line from the officer involved Phil Miner clearly stated “Fwd: lack of gritting on Boundary Road between Worcester Road and Bidston Village Road”. Perhaps I’m being harsh on people just trying to do a difficult job managing this contract; but it’s frustrating!