The committee then moved onto agenda item 6 and the discussion paper.
Labour commented first. They said they would like the independent Chair to come to the next full Council meeting and meeting the groups. It would be useful to get a feeling of things. It had been raised in the past. He said he would do it if (unfortunately my handwritten notes are unreadable here).
Cllr Blakeley said that on Merseytravel, Standards Committee members were invited to all meetings of Merseytravel. There was an open invitation and independent members were more than welcome to attend Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings which were open to the public.
The Chair responded by saying “(unfortunately my handwritten notes are unreadable here)”
Brian Ellis said that apologies were received from Ken Harrison and Andrew Nuttall. The Chair said he would “take a ” (unfortunately my handwritten notes are unreadable here) “and got in” (unfortunately my handwritten notes are unreadable here). The typos and missing apostrophe was mentioned.
The committee went on to decide the the new procedure for standards complaints. The officer said it had been deferred from the last meeting and addressed the concerns about dealing with complaints more promptly. It included timescales, but was pending the outcome of the Localism Bill.