The agenda and reports for last night’s Standards Committee can be viewed by following the link.
Apologies in advance if I’ve misquoted anyone, but with no microphones it was hard to tell what some of the speakers were saying as there were side conversations going on.
The Chair started off by welcoming everyone and introducing Jane Corrin, the Council’s Freedom of Information Act Manager. Cllr Jones declared an interest in item 5 as he had received a FOIA response. The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.
A council officer introduced item 3 and said the committee would be given an update on any substantial changes but as the bill was going through Parliament it may change. Cllr Williams asked if the Standards Committee would be given updates. Cllr Bridson asked if the requirement on Wirral Council to have a Standards Committee would be abolished.
The officer answered that updates could be circulated by email rather than in a report which Cllr Jones agreed was easier.