Planning Committee (Wirral Council) 3rd January 2011 Part 6 APP/11/01208 – St Bartholomews Church, CHURCH LANE, THURSTASTON, CH61 0HW – Renewal of planning permission APP/2008/6027 for new entrance for disabled access incorporating ramped access, wheelchair w/c facility, tea point and meeting area & item 10 (ADV/11/01233) Lookers, 143 PENSBY ROAD, HESWALL, CH60 7RD Erection of various Sainsbury’s Local signs on the building and two totem signs either side of parking area

The Chair moved the Committee onto item 9 (APP/11/01208) – St Bartholomews Church, Church Lane, Thurstaton, CH61 0HW – Renewal of planning permission APP/2008/6027 for new entrance for disabled access incorporating ramped access, wheelchair w/c facility, tea point and meeting area. He said it would be a repetition of the past. Matthew said it was … Continue reading “Planning Committee (Wirral Council) 3rd January 2011 Part 6 APP/11/01208 – St Bartholomews Church, CHURCH LANE, THURSTASTON, CH61 0HW – Renewal of planning permission APP/2008/6027 for new entrance for disabled access incorporating ramped access, wheelchair w/c facility, tea point and meeting area & item 10 (ADV/11/01233) Lookers, 143 PENSBY ROAD, HESWALL, CH60 7RD Erection of various Sainsbury’s Local signs on the building and two totem signs either side of parking area”

The Chair moved the Committee onto item 9 (APP/11/01208) – St Bartholomews Church, Church Lane, Thurstaton, CH61 0HW – Renewal of planning permission APP/2008/6027 for new entrance for disabled access incorporating ramped access, wheelchair w/c facility, tea point and meeting area. He said it would be a repetition of the past.

Matthew said it was similar to the last application as it was for an extension of time. The application was to do with the entrance and disabled access. Since it had been approved Planning Policy Statement 5 had replace Planning Policy Guidance 5, in his view the application was not contrary to Planning Policy Guidance 5 and it was recommended for approval.

Cllr Peter Johnson proposed approval, Cllr Wendy Clements seconded approval.

There was a vote.
For: Cllrs Elderton, Clements, Boult, Johnson, Kenny, Salter, Realey, Mooney, Walsh, Kelly and Mitchell (11)
Against: None (0)
abstention: None (0)

Planning Application APP/11/01208 was approved with conditions (11:0:0).

The Committee moved onto item 10 (ADV/11/01233) Lookers, 143 Pensby Road, Heswall, CH60 7RD Erection of various Sainsbury’s Local signs on the building and two totem signs either side of parking area. Matthew said it was the former Lookers Garage, but had opened as a Sainsbury’s Local. There was a forty-nine signature petition. The application was for signs, fascia, car park signage as well as two totem signs. They would be illuminated signs. The two main issues to consider were visual amenity and highway safety. The majority would be to the front elevation with Pensby Road, illumination was not unacceptable, condition 7 would make sure they were not illuminated overnight. The totem poles were limited to two metres in height. The previous commercial use had been subject to a condition on overnight illumination too.

The Chair asked if a person who wished to speak on behalf of the petitioners was present? No one answered.

Cllr John Salter said on page 58, item 7, why were the times 0600 to 0000, couldn’t it be when the store was open and closed?

The Chair asked if it was open at 7am? Matthew answered yes.

The Chair made a comment.
Cllr Dave Mitchell said it was on the main highway with a lot of properties, why not just when the store was open?
The Chair said condition 7 could be amended, which would increase the amenity value.
Cllr Dave Mitchell said he wanted to move an amendment.
Cllr John Salter asked if their Sunday trading hours were 10-4 or 11-5?
The Chair said he didn’t know, but they were open seven days a week.
Cllr John Salter said they were only small.
Matthew said there were no Sunday trading restrictions on them.
Cllr John Salter seconded Cllr Dave Mitchell’s proposal to amend condition 7, with the times amended from “0000 to 0600” to “2300 to 0700”.

There was a vote on the amendment to condition 7 from “0000 to 0600” to “2300 to 0700”.

For: Cllrs Elderton, Clements, Boult, Johnson, Kenny, Salter, Realey, Mooney, Walsh, Kelly and Mitchell (11)
Against: None (0)
Abstention: None (0)

Condition 7 was amended (11:0:0).

There was a vote on approval (with condition 7 amended).

For: Cllrs Elderton, Clements, Boult, Johnson, Kenny, Salter, Realey, Mooney, Walsh, Kelly and Mitchell (11)
Against: None (0)
Abstention: None (0)

Application ADV/11/01233 with conditions was approved (11:0:0).

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