The AV Referendum Count started at 4pm on the 6th May. A select few were there to observe the proceedings, Cllr Bridson, Cllr Clements, Cllr McCubbin, Cllr Steve Williams, Ann Davies.
The Leader of the Council (Cllr Jeff Green) and Deputy Leader of the Council (Cllr Lesley Rennie) came by for a short time to watch it happening in the Civic Hall.
In addition there were some members of the media. The count was done for the whole of Wirral (approximately 103,000 ballot papers). The spoilt ballot papers had to be adjudicated by the counting agents present. However despite the count being finished about 6pm the result is not yet declared.
Bill Norman is awaiting authorisation from Manchester as all North West results will be declared at the same time. Pictures are below!
Whilst we await the result here is the interesting list of people allowed by law to be present at the count (which is something that seemed to confuse some Wirral Council employees under instructions to turn people away!)
the Counting Officer and his staff
the Chief Counting Officer
the Regional Counting Officer
referendum agents
counting agents
Commission representatives
accredited observers
any other person permitted by you, as Counting Officer, to attend
Of course strangely this means the police don’t have a specific entitlement in law to be there, there was one rather bored looking police officer though.