Tommy Dunne tells Liverpool City councillors about his Alzheimer’s diagnosis, “At that time I had to hold out my hands and they put a diagnosis in one hand and in the other they put a superpower. That superpower was the ability to become invisible in society. Nothing has changed in the past seven years, I am still invisible.”

Yesterday before the public meeting of Liverpool City Council there was a protest outside Liverpool Town Hall about greenspace issues.
Amplified speeches to the protest were about injustice, suffering and threats to local greenspaces by Liverpool City Council.
The protestors are concerned (amongst other things) about an upcoming public meeting on Friday 18th January 2019 starting at 5.00 pm in the Council Chamber at Liverpool Town Hall to carry out pre-decision scrutiny of a Liverpool City Council Cabinet recommendation about land at St James Place EDITED 18.1.19 – Liverpool City Council has now cancelled this meeting.
Continue reading “Tommy Dunne tells Liverpool City councillors about his Alzheimer’s diagnosis, “At that time I had to hold out my hands and they put a diagnosis in one hand and in the other they put a superpower. That superpower was the ability to become invisible in society. Nothing has changed in the past seven years, I am still invisible.””