Cllr Dave Mitchell and Cllr Eddie Boult proposed and seconded Application APP/11/00911. All councillors voted in favour so the application was approved.
The committee considered Application APP/11/00932. The officer said this was for a change of use as a hyperbaric training centre was being relocated from Murrayfield. The site near the water was a key location requirement. There had been a letter hand delivered from John Moores University confirming that there had been no commercial discussions or contracts signed and that they had nothing to do with the current application. Therefore the reference to John Moores University should be deleted.
Cllr John Salter and Cllr Eddie Boult proposed and seconded the application. All councillors voted in favour.
The last planning application APP/11/0133 was for a single storey rear extension. Cllr Mitchell proposed it, Cllr Keeley seconded it. All councillors voted in favour.
Cllr Elderton asked for any comments on the quarterly performance report. There were no comments, so the report was noted.
There were comments on the planning applications decided under delegated powers and no any other business so the meeting ended.