Cllr Mitchell asked why numbers 3, 4 and 5 were only 10.5 metres apart? The officer said they recommended a flexible approach between new properties.
Cllr Realey asked if there was any possibility that the speed limit could be reduced to below 20mph as this was “really fast”.
The officer from technical services said there would be physical measures to slow vehicles down and that it was Wirral Council policy to have 20mph speed limits on residential roads. If the speed limit was below 20mph it would be difficult to enforce as speedometers were not accurate at these low speeds.
Cllr Glasman referred to the comments from Merseytravel and the extra traffic that would result from the Asda development in Birkenhead.
The officer from the Technical Services Department asked if she meant whilst it was constructed?
Cllr Glasman said the submission was about buses and was likely to be a problems.
The officer from the Technical Services Department said that in the process of construction, vehicles going to and from the site can be disruptive. It was on a main classified road.
Cllr Salter referred to tree protection and wanted to make sure the trees were reinstated. The officer said there were two conditions on the retention and protection of trees.
Cllr Clements asked about a condition for renewable energy and whether this was feasible or viable?
The officer said that regional policy on this matter gave the developer a get out. However it would be up to the developer to prove.
Cllr Mitchell referred to a Notice of Motion a decade ago and how it was already council policy. He thought they should be doing more to make sure developers were environmentally friendly and reducing the carbon footprint of developments.
Cllr Salter and Cllr Mitchell proposed accepting the application. All councillors voted in favour.