Why did Merseyside Recycling & Waste Authority spend £24,000 + VAT on 4 half hour TV programmes and a short promotional film about re-use and recycling called We Are Stardust?
I’ll start this piece by declaring an interest in that I receive money from working in the broadcast media.
This is a continuation of a series on my experiences doing a citizen audit of local Merseyside public bodies relating to the 2015/16 financial year that started last Friday with Would you like to see 2 invoices (totalling £153,250.61) for pre construction work on the Saughall Massie fire station project?. As a local government elector I obtained this information by exercising a time limited right (there is a 30 working day window each year) using the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, s.26.
Below is a short note about some information revealed to myself on the 19th July 2016 by Merseyside Recycling & Waste Authority (the public name of Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority).
Just for information, Merseyside Recycling & Waste Authority received £15.531 million from Wirral Council in the 2015/16 financial year and the two councillors from Wirral Council currently appointed to it are Cllr Steve Williams (Conservative) and Cllr Irene Williams (Labour).
The below documents are details of £24,000 + VAT spent with Brightmoon Media/Bay TV on four 30 minute TV programmes (plus a short promotional film) with a working title of We Are Stardust.
The producer was Roger Appleton and the Executive Producer for Bay TV Chris Kerr. The Executive Producer for Merseyside Recyclicing and Waste Authority was Stuart Donaldson.
The programmes are about waste prevention, recycling and reuse. As far as I know I haven’t seen the programmes myself, but I just thought you dear reader would like to know the detail about how local council taxpayers’ money is spent. So I include what was provided to myself below by Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority (whose motto is Merseyside… a place where nothing is wasted).

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