Planning Committee (Wirral Council) 26th September 2013 Minutes, Declarations of Interest and Site Visits

Planning Committee (Wirral Council) 26th September 2013 Minutes, Declarations of Interest and Site Visits

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Planning Committee (Wirral Council) 26th September 2013 Minutes, Declarations of Interest and Site Visits


After the blurb given by the Chair at the start of the meeting and the minutes of the meeting held on the 22nd August 2013 were agreed, the Planning Committee got to declarations of interest.

Cllr Christina Muspratt declared an interest in item 4 (APP/13/01021: The Cottage, REST HILL ROAD, STORETON, CH63 6HL – Proposed alterations/extensions to existing cottage with associated external works – Amendment to APP/12/00848) and item 15 (APP/13/01005: Safe Harbour Nursing Home, 1 ABBOTS DRIVE, BEBINGTON, CH63 – Two storey extension and layout of alternative parking provisions). Quite what the nature and type of the interest was I really don’t know as despite sitting on the second row underneath one of the speakers I couldn’t hear clearly what she said.

The Chair, Cllr Bernie Mooney declared a prejudicial interest in item 6 (OUT/13/00551: Unused Land, VALLEY ROAD, BIDSTON – Outline application for the construction of indoor skate park with associated facilities including offices, café, flexible learning spaces, business support for young entrepreneurs and car parking) as one of the directors of Rampworx Youth Village 2000 Limited is married to her niece.

There were four requests for site visits, Cllr Wendy Clements requested a site visit for
OUT/13/00826: Paddock, KINLOSS ROAD, GREASBY, CH49 3PS – Outline application for development of 4 residential units, and the provision of amenity open space, Cllr David Elderton requested a site visit for APP/13/00811: Land at 37 OLDFIELD DRIVE, HESWALL, CH60 6SS – Erection of a 2 storey residential property together with new access to Oldfield Drive and an attached garage and Cllr Irene Williams requested a site visit for APP/13/01021: The Cottage, REST HILL ROAD, STORETON, CH63 6HL – Proposed alterations/extensions to existing cottage with associated external works – Amendment to APP/12/00848 and APP/13/01005: Safe Harbour Nursing Home, 1 ABBOTS DRIVE, BEBINGTON, CH63 – Two storey extension and layout of alternative parking provisions. All four site visits were agreed and the people who were here just for those items left.

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Coordinating Committee (Wirral Council) 3rd September 2013 Agenda items 1,3 and 4

A report on the Coordinating Committee (Wirral Council) 3rd September 2013 Apologies for absence, Declarations of Interest and Minutes of the meeting of the 3rd July 2013

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1. Apologies for absence 0:17

Cllr David Elderton gave his apologies for Cllr Andrew Hodson (Conservative spokesperson) as he was on holiday. Cllr Andrew Hodson had appointed Cllr David Elderton Conservative spokesperson in his absence.

Shirley Hudspeth (Committee Clerk) gave apologies for Cllr Steve Williams (Conservative).

3. Declarations of interest/Whip 0:50

Cllr Ron Abbey declared an interest in agenda item 5 (Combined Authority – Cabinet Minutes No.45) as a Board Member of Merseytravel.
Cllr Steve Foulkes declared a personal interest in agenda item 5 (Combined Authority – Cabinet Minutes No.45) due to his membership of the Merseyside Integrated Transport Authority (Merseytravel).
Cllr Stuart Wittingham declared a personal interest in agenda item 5 (Combined Authority – Cabinet Minutes No.45) due to his employment (Arriva).

4. Minutes of previous meeting (3rd July 2013) 1:20

Cllr Stuart Wittingham (Chair) said he had one issue on page 2. He said that the Coordinating Committee had resolved to note the comments, not alter the minutes.

Cllr David Elderton said that the second paragraph on page 4 concluded by “He informed that he would circulate an easily understandable form of words in plain English on this matter to all Members of the Committee.” He was not quite sure what that referred to.

Surjit Tour responded that it was to do with the committee having clarity of its remit. Cllr Elderton asked if it had already been circulated as to his recollection he hadn’t received it yet? Surjit Tour replied that the note had yet to be circulated by him. Cllr Elderton asked for it to be sent out.

Cllr Stuart Wittingham asked if subject to his comment and that of Cllr David Elderton were the committee happy with the minutes of the meeting held on the 3rd July? The minutes were agreed.

Continues at Coordinating Committee (Wirral Council) 3rd September 2013 Liverpool City Region Combined Authority.

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Planning Committee (Wirral Council) (27th June 2013) APP/13/00574 5 Speedwell Drive, Barnston, CH60 2SY Change of use of garage to dog grooming parlour

Planning Committee (Wirral Council) (27th June 2013) APP/13/00574 5 Speedwell Drive, Barnston, CH60 2SY Change of use of garage to dog grooming parlour

Continues from Planning Committee (Wirral Council) (27th June 2013) APP/13/00574 5 Speedwell Drive, Barnston, CH60 2SY Change of use of garage to dog grooming parlour.

Cllr Denise Realey: Can I then move approval of the officer’s recommendation?

Cllr Joe Walsh: I’ll second that.

Cllr Denise Realey: For approval.

Cllr Joe Walsh: I’ll second that. I’ll second that.

Cllr Bernie Mooney (Chair): Hang on hold on a minute they had indicated what it is … to hold on as we had a debate so it’s his movement first. Ermm, …

Cllr Anita Leech: Errm, it’s just literally a point of clarification really, errm the actual terms about the number of dogs a day doesn’t seem to include a bank holiday Monday.

Matthew Davies: Errm through you Chair, I think we would add then that there are no dogs on a bank holiday Monday.

Cllr Anita Leech: Thank you.

Cllr Bernie Mooney (Chair): Right back to David, David?

Cllr David Elderton: Thank you Chair, I mean I’d just like to comment before I start by saying that the fact you’re trying to start a business is absolutely commendable and I fully support what you’re trying to do. It’s my concern that it would be an inappropriate development in a residential area, it’s simply relating to that associated issue but what I would like to move is that on the basis of granting refusal the Local Planning Authority considers that, by reason of noise and general disturbance likely to be generated, the proposed development would be detrimental to the amenities that the occupiers of adjoining properties could reasonably expect to enjoy. The development would thereby conflict with the provisions of Unitary Development Planning policy HS15. I move that.

Cllr Bernie Mooney (Chair): So we’ve got a mover for refusal and we’ve got a seconder. So, first of all we’ll take a vote on refusal, those for refusal, ok and against. I’ll abstain. I really can’t make my mind up.

Cllr David Elderton: That’s six appear to be [for (Cllrs Elderton, Clenents, Mountney, Hayes and Foulkes] and five [against (Cllrs Realey, Brightmore, Leech, Walsh and Kenny], in favour of refusal when you’ve abstained.

Cllr Bernie Mooney (Chair): I’m awful sorry for the confusion.

Cllr Denise Realey: I propose a small adjournment while people leave.

Cllr Bernie Mooney (Chair): Err, please refrain from saying anything like that while the members of the public leave, thank you very much.

Continues at Planning Committee (Wirral Council) (27th June 2013) APP/13/00398: 11 Templemore Road, Oxton, CH43 2HB – Single Storey Garage.

Planning Committee (Wirral Council) (27th June 2013) APP/13/00574 5 Speedwell Drive, Barnston, CH60 2SY Change of use of garage to dog grooming parlour

Planning Committee (Wirral Council) (27th June 2013) APP/13/00574 5 Speedwell Drive, Barnston, CH60 2SY Change of use of garage to dog grooming parlour

Continues from Planning Committee (Wirral Council) (27th June 2013) APP/13/00574 5 Speedwell Drive, Barnston, CH60 2SY Change of use of garage to dog grooming parlour.

Cllr Bernie Mooney (Chair): OK, so are there any questions?

Cllr David Elderton (Conservative spokesperson): Thank you Chair, I think councillors that the petitioner in his very articulate way of articulating many of the concerns I have about this proposal and knowing what problems dogs can cause if they’re not under control or are out and running in a domestic residential environment, I think that’s asking for trouble if we allow this proposal to proceed. Errm, I’m quite happy to put forward my reasons for refusal on this proposal Chair, the proposal proposed is considered inappropriate in a residential area but I’d be interested to hear first what others have to say on this matter.

Cllr Bernie Mooney (Chair): Denise?

Cllr Denise Realey: Thank you Chair and I don’t actually have a problem with it. All I can see is a younger woman just trying to make a little bit of a business for her, you know, to make a little bit of extra cash and I can’t really see the problem. It’s not going to be a nuisance, it’s going to be noise proofed and everything else and I just can’t see what you’re talking about. We’re talking five dogs per a day and we’re not talking about anything that would lead to a disturbance of the area. You know I live right opposite a dog grooming business and I never hear anything, not one peep out of them. I just don’t have a problem with this and I hope you know ….

Continues at

Planning Committee (Wirral Council) (27th June 2013) OUT/13/0040 41 Noctorum Avenue, Noctorum, CH43 9RZ

A report on Wirral Council’s Planning Committee meeting held on the 27th June 2013 | OUT/13/0040 41 Noctorum Avenue, Noctorum, CH43 9RZ

Continues from Planning Committee (Wirral Council) (27th June 2013) OUT/13/0040 41 Noctorum Avenue, Noctorum, CH43 9RZ.

Cllr David Elderton (Conservative spokesperson): Maybe after we have instructions to vote.

Cllr Steve Foulkes: Oh well I’ll hold this discussion and think I’ll find we have a bit of a discussion.

Cllr Bernie Mooney (Chair): So what will we do?

Cllr David Elderton (Conservative spokesperson): Yes, again we have this situation where a site visit was most beneficial particularly the three-dimensional view on the ground that the impact would likely to occur and would result in this development taking place. I must say I have to agree with errm Steve that the concern about the impact on the area and the changing character of the area so errm I was unhappy about the development and it’s potential to do so. I’ll declare my powder dry until I see what Steve moves and I’m certainly unhappy about that and I’m not happy with the procedures in place. Thank you. Thank you.

Cllr Bernie Mooney (Chair): Errm, I’m just going to say briefly to you that I have family and declare an interest in this item which I do and I’m extremely errm underestimated that the challenge, very late and it’s interesting, so has anybody else got any other comments before we go back to Steve? Steve?

Cllr Steve Foulkes: Whilst I hear issues around community safety, err and those issues I don’t personally think, err I haven’t seen the border treatment to many of the plots in that area that lies at making community safety worse or better and I don’t think the highways issue is one that we could reject in terms of movements to new extension properties are probably minimal err given it’s in a residential area.

Continues at Planning Committee (Wirral Council) (27th June 2013) OUT/13/0040 41 Noctorum Avenue, Noctorum, CH43 9RZ.

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