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Cllr Phil Davies (Chair)
Cllr Adrian Jones
Cllr Harry Smith
Cllr Tony Smith
Cllr Ann McLachlan
Cllr George Davies
Cllr Brian Kenny
Cllr Pat Hackett
Cllr Chris Meaden
Part 1 of 2
Welcome | 00:01 to 00:39
1) Declarations of Interest | 00:39 to 01:46
Cllr Phil Davies Item 14 (School Funding Formula) Wirral Metropolitan College Governor
Cllr Phil Davies Item 14 (School Funding Formula) Gillbrook Primary School Governor
Cllr Phil Davies Item 14 (School Funding Formula) Woodlands Primary School Governor
Cllr George Davies Item 14 (School Funding Formula) Bidston Avenue Primary School Governor
Cllr George Davies Item 14 (School Funding Formula) St Anselms School Governor
Cllr Adrian Jones Item 14 (School Funding Formula) Oldershaw School Governor
Cllr Brian Kenny Item 14 (School Funding Formula) Mersey Park Primary School Governor
Cllr Brian Kenny Item 14 (School Funding Formula) St Werburghs RC Primary School Governor
Cllr Ann McLachlan Item 14 (School Funding Formula) Wirral Metropolitan College Governor
Cllr Ann McLachlan Item 14 (School Funding Formula) Priory Primary School Governor
Cllr Chris Meaden Item 14 (School Funding Formula) Bedford Drive School Governor
Cllr Pat Hackett Item 14 (School Funding Formula)
Cllr Brian Kenny Item 14 (School Funding Formula)
Cllr Harry Smith Item 15 (Fees for residential and nursing homes) by virtue of his brother-in-law
2) Minutes 01:46 to 02:08 | Minutes of meeting of 27th September 2012
The minutes were agreed.
15) Fees for Residential and Nursing Home Care | 02:08 to 14:53 | Fees for Residential and Nursing Home Care report | Equality Impact Assessment
The Chair (Cllr Phil Davies) asked Graham Hodkinson, Director of Adult Social Services to introduce the report. Graham Hodkinson introduced the report and mentioned the current oversupply of two hundred beds across the 111 care homes.
The Chair (Cllr Phil Davies) gave apologies for the absent Cabinet Member for Public Health and Social Care, Cllr Anne McArdle who was “poorly”. He said she had read the report and had a “keen interest in it”. He said that they would consult on option 2, with a further report on the 29th November 2012. He said that Cabinet Members had received a communication from WCA Limited about their feelings on the work so far. The recommendations at 14 were agreed which were as follows:
14.1 It is recommended that:
i) the fee framework reflecting actual cost as set out in Option 2, is presented to providers for consultation with a further report presented to Cabinet on 29 November taking account of the views of providers prior to final agreement and implementation.
ii) all old contracts based on 2010/2011 to be terminated by giving the required 3 months written termination notice and that all payments following this period are made at the fee level set for 2012/2013.
iii) the Council only contract for residential and nursing care using the current contract.
iv) once residential and nursing rates are agreed it is proposed that further work will be undertaken to establish variations to the model for specialist providers.
v) the revised fees are back dated to 9 April 2012 and that financial contingencies are explored to allow this to be achieved within the Council’s budget; as a consequence of this work it is proposed to build the agreed fee levels into the budget 2013/2014.
The Cabinet (after meeting for just under fifteen minutes) adjourned to allow members of the public who were there for agenda item 15 to leave the room.
When the adjournment finished, the Cabinet meeting resumed.
Part 2 of 2
3) Annual Governance Statement | 00:20 to 01:30 | Annual Governance Statement report | Appendix 1 | Appendix 2
David Armstrong spoke on the Annual Governance Statement. Cllr Phil Davies spoke about the Annual Governance Statement. The recommendation at 12.1 was agreed.
That the revised Annual Governance Statement for 2011/12 be agreed.
4) Statement of Accounts 2011/2012 | 01:30 to 02:15 | Statement of Accounts 2011/2012 report | Appendix 1 | Appendix 2
David Armstrong spoke on the Statement of Accounts 2011/2012 and referred to the “one small variation”. Cllr Phil Davies said it had been discussed in previous meetings. The recommendation (below) was agreed.
That Cabinet agrees the Statement of Accounts for 2011/12 and the Annual Governance Report.
5) Annual Governance Report – Wirral Council | 02:15 to 03:39 | Annual Governance Report – Wirral Council report
David Armstrong said that the Annual Governance Report had already been to the Audit and Risk Management Committee. He referred to the public interest report. Cllr Phil Davies asked Cllr Ann McLachlan to make some comments. Cllr Ann McLachlan referred to the Improvement Plan. Cllr Phil Davies asked if it was agreed. It was agreed.
6) Statement of Accounts 2011/2012 Merseyside Pension Fund | 03:39 to 04:24 | Statement of Accounts 2011/2012 Merseyside Pension Fund report | Appendix
David Armstrong referred to the “unqualified opinion” on the 2011/2012 Statement of Accounts for the Merseyside Pension Fund. Cllr Phil Davies said this was “excellent” and the recommendation (below) at 12.1 was agreed.
That Cabinet agrees the Statement of Accounts for 2011/12 and the Annual Governance Report.
Continued at Part 2.