Cabinet 1st September 2011 Part 7 – Setting the Scene for Wirral Waters – A Green Infrastructure Investment Framework M53 Junction 3, Woodchurch – Major Safety Scheme – Cost Variation, Pothole Funding

Item 8 and its appendix were considered next. Kevin Adderley said there was a change in 4.2 which refers to the Housing and Community Agency which they had been informed of yesterday. The Department of Business, Innovation and Skills was taking forward the Green Infrastructure Framework but it was not confirmed yet. There would be … Continue reading “Cabinet 1st September 2011 Part 7 – Setting the Scene for Wirral Waters – A Green Infrastructure Investment Framework M53 Junction 3, Woodchurch – Major Safety Scheme – Cost Variation, Pothole Funding”

Item 8 and its appendix were considered next. Kevin Adderley said there was a change in 4.2 which refers to the Housing and Community Agency which they had been informed of yesterday. The Department of Business, Innovation and Skills was taking forward the Green Infrastructure Framework but it was not confirmed yet. There would be some costs but they did not know what they were.

Cllr Phil Davies said it was a “really good report”. He referred to the £1.4 million of North West Development Agency money to be spent over four years. He said hopefully there would be job opportunities for local people. He was happy to accept the report and agree its recommendations.

Cllr Anne McArdle spoke next about the bidding process. The report was agreed.

Dave Green introduced the next report on M53 Junction 3, Woodchurch – Major Safety Scheme – Cost Variation. He said these were the final scheme costs, one overran but it was working very well. Cllr Harry Smith said the work caused deterioration to the highway due to the Winter weather conditions and that the Highway Agency was keen to reduce disruption to road users. The report was accepted.

Dave Green then introduced the report on Pothole Funding. He said this was a specific grant, where it had been used had been posted on the internet. Cllr Harry Smith said he had “not much to add” as the potholes had been identified after inspection he had no problem. The report was agreed.

Cabinet 1st September 2011 Part 6 – You Choose Budget Consultation, Local Development Framework – Local Geological Sites Update

Jim Wilkie said in parallel with the simulator the engagement team had planned 120 events at a range of facilities. He said he had the list with him. Cllr Phil Davies asked if this was at supermarkets, One-Stop Shops and libraries and if this was in addition to the work on the Neighbourhood Pans and Scrutiny? He also asked when it will run till? Ian Coleman answered that it would run until the 30th November then a full analysis would come to Cabinet in December. Jim Wilkie said he couldn’t find any supermarkets on the list. Cllr Phil Davies said they had a flavour of the budget simulator and how it works. He expected further reports at the end and encouraged everybody to have a go. He said 40-odd local authorities of all political colours were signed to it. He said it made residents think about issues about spending. Cllr Chris Meaden thanked the staff for the wonderful job meeting with residents and asked this to be passed on please. Cllr Phil Davies said the Community Engagement Team had promoted it well especially for people who were not good with computers. He thanked Ian Coleman and Peter Molyneux. The report was noted.

The Cabinet then considered a report on the Local Development Framework – Local Geological Sites Update and its Local Geological Sites Report Appendix. Kevin Adderley said he had nothing to add to the report. Some had been added, some deselected and some modified. The report was agreed.