Why is the Minister directing how Wirral Council prepares its Local Plan and what are councillors doing?

Why is the Minister directing how Wirral Council prepares its Local Plan and what are councillors doing?

Why is the Minister directing how Wirral Council prepares its Local Plan and what are councillors doing?


Cllr Chris Blakeley 5th March 2018 Lead Signatory for the Call-In
Cllr Chris Blakeley 5th March 2018 Lead Signatory for the Call-In on the Local Plan

Councillors on Wirral Council’s Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee will meet again (which is their third public meeting within a month) on Thursday afternoon to decide on a call-in regarding the last decision by Cabinet before Christmas last year on the Local Plan.
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What was the Prime Minister’s answer to criticisms of the government response to the New Ferry disaster?

What was the Prime Minister’s answer to criticisms of the government response to the New Ferry disaster?

What was the Prime Minister’s answer to criticisms of the government response to the New Ferry disaster?


Construction work on new homes happening elsewhere on the Wirral (but not in New Ferry)
Construction work on new homes happening elsewhere on the Wirral (but not in New Ferry)

Earlier today (5th December 2018) in the House of Commons, the Prime Minister was asked a question about the response to the New Ferry disaster from Wirral South MP Alison McGovern. A transcript of the question and answer are below and the matter is on the agenda of a Wirral Council public meeting on 10th December 2018 starting at 6.00 pm at Wallasey Town Hall.
Continue reading “What was the Prime Minister’s answer to criticisms of the government response to the New Ferry disaster?”