Wirral Council paid barrister £6,090 for 2 day planning inquiry hearing & 5 hours of work
Below is a redacted invoice and a partially unredacted invoice. These relate to a planning application for land at the former Ellerman Lines Sports & Social Club, Carr Lane, Hoylake CH47 4AX.
On the 23rd November 2011, Wirral Council received a planning application for “The erection of 62 affordable homes together with associated works” ( planning application APP/11/01348 )
On the 26th April 2012, Wirral Council planning officers decided to refuse the planning application.
This decision was appealed to the Planning Inspectorate by Kirby Park Ltd C/O Agents, JASP Planning and the appeal was accepted on the 31st October 2012.
The Planning Inspectorate then arranged a public hearing in front of a planning inspector (Karen L Baker DipTP MA DipMP MRTPI) on the 7th and 8th of February 2013 with a site visit on the 8th February 2013. The inspector issued her decision on the 18th March 2013 which upheld Wirral Council’s planning officer’s decision (Mr M Rushton) to refuse planning permission.
The invoice below (for £6,090) is for the junior barrister (Mr Jonathan Easton of Kings Chambers) who acted for Wirral Council at the two-day hearing. This is for £5,075 + VAT (total £6,090). I enclose two versions below. The original received from Wirral Council incorrectly redacted Jonathan Easton’s name and the address/planning reference for the inquiry (which is held in public).
You can read the decision on the Planning Inspectorate’s website.
The planning fee Wirral Council charged the developer for this application was £17,765. So at least what they got charged for legal advice and representation at the planning inquiry didn’t exceed this!
The Wirral Globe wrote about this planning application back in December 2011.

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