Licensing Act 2003 Subcommittee Wirral Council 22/2/2012 Part 1 Appointment of Chair, Lifestyle 82-84 Town Meadow Lane, Moreton, CH46 7TB

Panel: Cllr Bob Wilkins (Chair) Cllr Eddie Boult Cllr Steve Niblock The papers for this meeting can be found here. Agenda Item 1: Appointment of Chair Cllr Bob Wilkins said he was the Chair of the panel and that on either side of him was a councillor, who were also on the panel of three. … Continue reading “Licensing Act 2003 Subcommittee Wirral Council 22/2/2012 Part 1 Appointment of Chair, Lifestyle 82-84 Town Meadow Lane, Moreton, CH46 7TB”


Cllr Bob Wilkins (Chair)
Cllr Eddie Boult
Cllr Steve Niblock

The papers for this meeting can be found here.

Agenda Item 1: Appointment of Chair

Cllr Bob Wilkins said he was the Chair of the panel and that on either side of him was a councillor, who were also on the panel of three.

He asked councillors, committee officers, the police and those present to introduce themselves (slowly).

The following people gave their names:-

Anne Beauchamp (Committee Clerk)
Ken Abraham (Legal adviser)
Margaret O’Donnell (Licensing)
Richard Leyland (Licensing Team Leader)
Sergeant ??? (Merseyside Police)
Constable Paula ???? (Merseyside Police)
Unknown (solicitor?)
Unknown male
Unknown male

Agenda item 3: Lifestyle, 82-84 Town Meadow Lane, Moreton, CH46 7TB

The Chair, Cllr Bob Wilkins asked if the appropriate notices and information had been sent out? Margaret O’Donnell said there had been additional paperwork on Monday and yesterday as well. Those documents would be referenced today. She said there were no additional further details for consideration.

Cllr Bob Wilkins asked if there would be any additional witnesses. He asked the applicant if they had provided all the document they wishes the panel to see?

The police answered no (to both questions).

Cllr Bob Wilkins explained the procedure he would be following. He said he would give the applicant time to present his case, questions coud be asked. Once that was over those from the licenced premises would have a chance to put their case, and an opportunity given to ask questions of them.

He said they would also be considering advice issued under Section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 and the four licensing objectives which were:-

prevention of crime and disorder,
public safety,
the prevention of public nuisance and
the protection of children from harm.