Cllr Ellis asked Tracey Smith for an update on Neighbourhood Plans. Tracey Smith gave a brief Powerpoint presentation detailing the timetable, responses so far and community engagement that had been done. Based on the responses so far, she detailed the aspects people liked about the area and the things people though needed improving. The latter covered a range of issues which included parking, tolerance of young people, street lights, transport, the provision of dropped kerbs, refuse collections, activities for teenagers, the signage of the one-way system in Hoylake and road safety at a local primary school.
She said the online questionnaire ended on the 7th October and the findings would be produced in October or November. A report would go to the Area Forums who would each produce an action plan by November, which would be agreed at an Area Forum meeting. There was a special Area Forum planned for the 26th October at 6pm at Westbourne Hall, which would discuss the action plan and allocate Area Forum funding to organisations who had bid for it.
Cllr Ellis asked if there were any questions. A member of the public called John asked how are the focus groups selected. Tracey Smith said they had asked people to get in touch, for those groups that had got in touch they had gone out to speak to them.
A member of the public asked with only fifty-one questionnaires returned for the whole of West Kirby and Hoylake, wouldn’t it just be a snapshot?
Tracey Smith said she didn’t know about how many had been completed online, but the online version was closing on Friday.