What was in the 147 page contract between Wirral Council and Dawnus Construction Holdings Limited for the Wirral Docks Bridges Replacement?

What was in the 147 page contract between Wirral Council and Dawnus Construction Holdings Limited for the Wirral Docks Bridges Replacement?

What was in the 147 page contract between Wirral Council and Dawnus Construction Holdings Limited for the Wirral Docks Bridges Replacement?


And when it was up, it was up,
And when it was down, it was down,
And when it was only half-way up,
It was neither up nor down.

Below is the 147 page contract between Dawnus Construction Holdings Limited for the replacement of the Wirral Docks Bridges.

The original completion date in the contract was 4th December 2017 (later changed to 17th January 2018) but the actual date the bridges were reopened was 28th June 2018.
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