What are 10 invoices paid by Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority totalling £4,758,470.23 for?
Below are ten A4 images of invoices I requested during the 2015-16 audit of Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority (that goes by the name of Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority).
They are in order from Mersey Waste Holdings Ltd, Veolia ES Merseyside & Halton Limited, FCC Recycling (UK) Limited, Wirral Council, JLT Speciality Limited and Liverpool City Council.
Some are for payments made to do with contracts, the one with Wirral Council is to do with a loan (MRDF stands for Merseyside Residual Debt Fund which MWDA’s share of the former Merseyside County Council’s debts), insurance and business rates to Liverpool City Council for the Gilmoss Waste Transfer Station in Stonebridge Lane.
Amounts for these invoices are for £2,136,797.83, £1,253,141.93, £650,990.21, £472,906.96, £182,600, £37,741.30 and £24,892 (total £4,758,470.23).
However, a good proportion of that ~£4.8 million is VAT as well as a small amount of insurance premium tax. Interestingly one of the invoices shows they are already processing kitchen waste in February 2015, which is part of a 6 week Wirral Council consultation on introducing kitchen waste collections to the Wirral as well as changes to the green bin collections.
I will point however that the costs of dealing with waste on these invoices is at the county level of Merseyside (possibly with Halton added too). Wirral Council’s share will be a fraction of what the total costs are).
Matters involving the current consultation by Wirral Council on food waste and changes to the green bin collection were recently the subject of a call in public meeting (26th July 2016) when opposition councillors requested that the Cabinet decision be reviewed. You can watch footage from that meeting below which discusses the proposed changes to the green bin collections and proposed new food waste collection.
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Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Wirral Council) 26th July 2016 Call in of Cabinet decision on consultation on green bins and food waste
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G’day John
This lot really needs to be looked at closely.
Hear that Joey Blowey and Dicko Docko?
The reason I say this is that Invest (In Thyself) Wirral where AdderleyDadderleyDooLally ruled over Wirral “Funny” Bizz with “The Chamber Potty” and the now “Garbage Lady” allowing them to get away with £2,000,000.00.
As we know Adders (the snake) and his ridiculous football shirt and she who will do anything he says were shunted off to “The Chamber Pot”.
But the third villain was side lined to garbage whilst “Humpty Dumpty” just couldn’t be moved not even towed by all those chinese boats coming into Kev and Stella’s Stinking Stagnant Wirral Waters.
So John neither leopards nor scum bag clowncil people can change their spots.
“The Pot” and “Garbage” should be looked at very closely.
Thought you’d be interested in the DCLG response to my FOI request for the GIAA report into the matters you’re referring to.
Basically they’re asking for more time to refuse it on s.36 grounds.
G’day John
I suppose I could send them a copy.
does that mean a civil servant leaked it to me!! cos I have it and assumed it was a curt dismissal with only a grubby envelope and no compliment slip, and of course the Report they are now quoting s36 whereas the cat is outta the bag.
To answer that point I’d have to breach journalistic ethics about sources.
However commenting more widely on the matter, the report would’ve been sent to Wirral Council too.
What type of envelope was it and where was it postmarked?
“The reason I say this is that Invest (In Thyself) Wirral where AdderleyDadderleyDooLally ruled over Wirral “Funny” Bizz with “The Chamber Potty” and the now “Garbage Lady” allowing them to get away with £2,000,000.00.
As we know Adders (the snake) and his ridiculous football shirt and she who will do anything he says were shunted off to “The Chamber Pot”.
But the third villain was side lined to garbage whilst “Humpty Dumpty” just couldn’t be moved not even towed by all those chinese boats coming into Kev and Stella’s Stinking Stagnant Wirral Waters.”
LOL – Is that how you spoke to Thynne?
“oo-roo Patsy cobber, you’ll fair dinkum never guess what i saw at the Town Hall”
Just one thing Jimbo…..A few articles ago, you said “You just do what you like I am not in the least bit interested in you or who you are”
That all sounds terribly impressive and that, but it would be a whole lot more believable if you didn’t mention me in (practically) every single comment you make.
Do you have a crush on me Jimbo?
You have to be a clowncil person its taken till Wednesday to respond.
Course I fancy ya who couldn’t?
It wouldn’t have been anyone at wallasey admitting they could have messed up, without covering it up and hiding it for at least five years.
And, it certainly wouldn’t be anyone being open, honest and transparent.
Thymme told me she was deaf on the phone so I didn’t call her back.
Deaf a euphemism for I’ll get them off anything for another £17,000.00.
Below is my most recent video of Kevin Adderley (taken at the Birkenhead Constituency Committee last month).
G’day Joey Blowey
Now we’ve established we are bffe or possibly more.
What do you think about Grant Thornton clearing clowncil officers but never actually quizzed any?
What do you think about Thymme clearing clowncillors without interviewing the pottiest mouth and least hirsute of all?
I can wait till Wednesday for your reply if you are on flex or having a lay day down at Kev and Stella’s Stinking Stagnant Wirral Waters tomorrow and then have to wind up to some work next week.
Don’t worry about my flex Jimbo, I’m in plenty of credit. Been racking up time taking potential whistleblowers round the back of Brighton St and putting *** ***** ******* *** **** ** ***** *****, the way that good ol’ Uncle Joe used to do…… That’s Stalin Jimbo, not Mayor Anderson, although you wouldn’t put it past him, would you?
You must be busy I can just imagine how many potential whistleblowers there are.
Poor old Uncle Joe he’ll just have to settle for going to Oz to bring the games home.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Thynne’s company Reach Consulting (Cumbria) Ltd (that she’s the director of and contracted to Wirral Council through) filed to be struck off the Companies’ House register of companies and dissolved on the 12th July 2016.
The first Gazette notice was published on the 19th July 2016, so unless anybody objects by around the 19th September Reach Consulting (Cumbria) Ltd will be no more.
The curse of Wirral Council strikes again eh?
G’day John
Thymme is as morally bankrupt as those she interviewed and especially those she didn’t.
I just can’t believe what people stoop to for power and lucre.
I think Thynne didn’t realise that the whole point of an independent investigator into a complaint/s about a councillor/s is to find *cue dramatic drumroll* no case to answer.
I mean let’s face it she clears Cllr George Davies.
I mean don’t contractors understand that it’s more expensive for Wirral Council holding meetings, paying expenses etc, dealing possibly with an appeal etc if there is a case to answer?
And isn’t it terrible that Labour has only one vote out of 3 on the Standards Panel, therefore can’t just use its political party majority to clear its own councillor (or even have a Labour councillor chair the meeting)?
I mean seriously!
G’day John
Did Joey Blowey surprise you?
He seems to think honest whistleblowers are worse than corrupt clowncil people.
A bit of a worry especially if his job is as big as his rage and ego.
Did he ever tell you who he was because I think he could be an issue?
An issue of what I don’t know.
I’ll be honest with you James, I don’t know who he or she is.
G’day John
It (he/she) really doesn’t bother me if he sides with a corrupt clowncil rather than a couple of honest whistleblowers.
And to talk that violently shows the intellect.
I know that the Land Down Under isn’t known for its intellectual giants but, strike a flamin’ light, you’re dense even for a dingo-lover.
Jimbo, I never said I worked for the Council mate. You did.
To refresh your memory, you decided that I *must* work for the Council, simply because I called you out for hijacking every single article on this site and others, and for talking gibberish.
I get the impression that you think that, as a whistleblower, we should all be on bended knee to you for having done what you did, and so should just tolerate your narcissism and incessant drivel?
It’s interesting that, out of every comment I’ve made, you’ve cheerfully ignored everything I’ve said, and decided that I ‘side’ with the Council, simply because I object to the way you behave online?
Mate, I admire you for doing the right thing, I just don’t understand why you have to be such an ar**hole about it.