What will Cllr Phil Davies answer to a question about the financial risks of Hoylake Golf Resort?

Ed – this was edited on 20th March 2018 at 9:33 pm to include video of the questions to Cllr Phil Davies and answers given on the 19th March 2018
Tonight (19th March 2018) I will be asking at a public meeting of Wirral Council’s councillors the following question of Cllr Phil Davies about Hoylake Golf Resort:
Once Cllr Phil Davies has answered I then have an opportunity to ask a supplementary question.
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Council (Wirral Council) 19th March 2018 Part 1 of 3 Public Question Time
Last week’s public meeting of the Wirral West Constituency Committee (which covers the area of the proposed Hoylake Golf Resort) had a number of written questions and questions that were asked on the evening of the meeting about the Hoylake Golf Resort proposal.
Video of the public question time section of that public meeting can be watched below. There is a short gap between the two parts below due to a battery change.
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Wirral West Constituency Committee 15th March 2018 Part 3 of 4
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Wirral West Constituency Committee 15th March 2018 Part 4 of 4
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What will Cllr Phil Davies answer to Sajid Javid’s latest letter? Lots to keep our transformational council busy in their blue sky thinking chamber…
Thanks, I’ve written more about Sajid Javid’s letter to Cllr Phil Davies today at Why has Minister Sajid Javid requested a “team of experts” to intervene at Wirral Council after Wirral Council’s repeated delays in producing a Local Plan?
Whilst I won’t be there to hear your question John, and whilst it’s yet to be asked, I’ll give you a précis of what your ears, that God equipped you to hear with, will be told by this fellow who probably reached his own personal level of incompetence many years before you were ever able to ask him any questions.
It’ll be something like, I’m passionate about this journey of transformation we’re embarking on with our many Partnerships and I can confidentially predict that this commercial venture will deliver a positive outcome for the people of the Wirral who will, probably in less than a century, be gifted millions in savings, wealth beyond anyone’s wildest expectations and thousands of jobs which will result in huge footfall in our retail zones, more jobs than we could ever need and yet more great bundles of cash falling unabated through the cash registers.
As far as risks are concerned, he’ll answer, absolutely none. It’s a steal. It’s a horses mouth and a gift of an evolving vision that’ll have millions of people travelling to the area just to marvel at the brilliance of it all because that’s what everyone has told him will happen once the button is pressed and the game begins.
Course, the fact that he thinks you think he’s stupid and possibly mad, and others in the room who’ve also been given ears would quietly agree with you, there’ll be no halting him in his pursuit of personal glory. Some want statues or portraits of themselves mounted in public spaces. This fella wants a Golf Course and he’ll be damned if anyone stands in his path of glory and celebration.
You’ll have your Golf Course and in twenty years time when everyone finally agrees the whole idea was a bag of rats and an ever so expensive flea bitten dog riddled with fleas fiscal mistake, they’ll say, ‘we’ve learned from our mistakes.’.
And round and round the game goes. A never ending cycle of bollocks and LOBO loans. The only way this bucket of slime will end up profitable and risk free to the people is if, during the excavation of soil they hit upon a ten foot thick seam of gold that stretches right across the peninsular and up to the front door steps of Wallasey Town Hall.
Thanks for your comment bobby47.
Some of Cllr Phil Davies’ answer was along the lines you predict.
He did say it was to bring in more money to the council through business rates and council tax.
What he left out though, is that more homes itself don’t bring in any more council tax, as the budget required through council tax is just spread across slightly more houses.
He was very enthusiastic about the project though and does want to leave a legacy.
This Golf course reminds me of the Tall Ships, they where coming to Merseyside and Wirral Council wanted a piece of the action, for the first year everyone was happy, Millions flocked to our shores to see the ships in the docks and sailing out, and the Council thought, hang on a minute, were not making any money from this, and put metal fencing up all over the docks, so the next time people can’t just wander about and look over the ships, the following year it was a flop and who paid for the metal fencing, that’s right, the council tax went up to foot the bill.
How did it all happen? Well here’s my shot at trying to unravel this public service conundrum of bollocks and at the same time answering me own bloody question.
They took a public service that, until the Common Purpose suits moved in, was a relatively simple, straightforward and probably a tiny bit boring area of business which they then developed into a model of business corporate strategy, they outsourced the dull stuff like filling in potholes, cutting the grass, watering the hanging baskets, sweeping the streets and emptying the bloody bins and they then embarked upon an evolving vision of nightmarish proportions hoovering up all the interesting stuff that’d feed their inflated egos like the delivery of democratic services, global bloody warming and its carbon emissions, drugs, crime, economic development, social development, any bloody development, diversity and anything else that you can think of that the public don’t bloody need.
Then to swell the ranks, they recruited all the Solicitors and Business leaders who the private sector had long ago spat out because they quickly became cognisant that they were bloody useless and a liability to any future prosperity and profits, planted them in amongst us giving them vast authority to create an out of control fat bloated bureaucratic beast of burden that’s now in desperate need of culling.
Worse, the very people who are in a position to hold these crazy narcissistic suits to account are our modern day here and now elected Councillors who through cunning and bloody guile and a good measure of sheer stupidity, find themselves castrated of any influence because our hole is so deep and the rot so badly dug into our poor lifeless flesh, it’d take a full bloody frontal lobotomy and an unbridled determination to sack all the hierarchy before we could ever discern the beat of a living bloody pulse.
So buggared up are we, and so knackered has our economic future become, it’s got to the stage that no one in a position of influence is prepared to lance the boil, grasp the bastard stinging nettle and kick their arses down the steps and out of the Town Hall and end the misery of it all.
God help us all I say! Bereft of hope and weighed down by a mountain of LOBO debt with little prospect of striking gold any time soon, the sooner we all gather together and jump off a high public building and allow our kids to cash in on our life insurance policy the better as far as I’m concerned.