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What’s in the nomination papers, candidate’s consent to nomination, request for party emblems and agent appointment forms for candidates in the Oxton byelection of a councillor to Wirral Council in November 2021?
What’s in the nomination papers, candidate’s consent to nomination, request for party emblems and agent appointment forms for candidates in the Oxton byelection of a councillor to Wirral Council in November 2021?
What’s in the nomination papers, candidate’s consent to nomination, request for party emblems and agent appointment forms for candidates in the Oxton byelection of a councillor to Wirral Council in November 2021?
By John Brace (Editor)
First publication date: Tuesday 23rd November 2021, 11:10 (GMT).
There is (at the time of writing) a byelection in Oxton ward in the election of one councillor to Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council following a vacancy caused by the death of Andy Corkhill (who was one of three Oxton councillors at the time of his death) in early October 2021.
The election is contested and there are 4 candidates who are (alpabetically by surname) Mary Heydon (for the Green Party), Susan Mahoney (for the Labour Party), Philip Merry (for the Conservative Party) and Orod Osanlou (for the Liberal Democrat Party).
Polling day is on Thursday 25th November 2021 and it is not known at the time of writing when the result will be announced.
During certain days during the election, nomination papers (along with any attached pages of legislation), candidate’s consent to nomination, party emblem requests and forms nominating an election agent are open to inspection. Those inspecting these documents can also copy the documents.
I inspected these documents at Wirral Tennis and Sports Centre on Thursday 18th November 2021 and copies of what I inspected are published below (in the interests of maximum openness and transparency). Some of the information already in the forms below is in the public domain already in other documents published to do with the election.
Most of what is below should be self explanatory.
Please note due to the ongoing election, any comments left will not be published immediately but are subject to approval by a moderator first.
Mary Rachel Elizabeth HEYDON
Susan Bernadette MAHONEY
Philip Graham MERRY
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New media journalist from Birkenhead, England who writes about Wirral Council.
Published and promoted by John Brace, 134 Boundary Road, Bidston, CH43 7PH. Printed by UK Webhosting Ltd t/a Tsohost, 113-114 Buckingham Avenue, Slough, Berkshire, England, SL1 4PF.
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2 thoughts on “What’s in the nomination papers, candidate’s consent to nomination, request for party emblems and agent appointment forms for candidates in the Oxton byelection of a councillor to Wirral Council in November 2021?”
Thanks John most informative
Thanks for your appreciative comment Paul and you’re welcome.
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Thanks John most informative
Thanks for your appreciative comment Paul and you’re welcome.