What’s in the nomination papers for the Conservative and Labour candidates in Leasowe and Moreton East and the nomination papers for the Labour candidate in Liscard?

What’s in the nomination papers for the Conservative and Labour candidates in Leasowe and Moreton East and the nomination papers for the Labour candidate in Liscard?

Returning Officer for Wirral Council Eric Robinson 25th March 2019

What’s in the nomination papers for the Conservative and Labour candidates in Leasowe and Moreton East and the nomination papers for the Labour candidate in Liscard?


Returning Officer for Wirral Council Eric Robinson 25th March 2019
Returning Officer for Wirral Council Eric Robinson 25th March 2019

Pictured above is Wirral Council’s Returning Officer Eric Robinson. The Returning Officer does have the legal power to determine a nomination paper is invalid (which has the effect of disqualifying a candidate) if either:

(a) the particulars of the candidate or the persons subscribing the paper are not as required by law; or
(b) that the paper is not subscribed as so required.

Although nomination papers and candidates’ consent to nominations are open to inspection until the day before polling day, due to a legal change this year the home address forms are not open to inspection by the public.

Below are the nomination papers and candidate’s consent to nomination for the Conservative and Labour candidates in Leasowe and Moreton East ward followed by the Labour candidate in Liscard ward. So first is the nomination paper and candidate’s consent to nomination for Debra Caplin (the Conservative candidate in Leasowe and Moreton East), second is the nomination papers and candidate’s consent to nomination for Karl Greaney (the Labour candidate in Leasowe and Moreton East) followed by the nomination papers and candidate’s consent to nomination for Sarah Spoor (the Labour Party candidate in Liscard).

nomination paper Debra Caplin Leasowe and Moreton East 2019 front page
nomination paper Debra Caplin Leasowe and Moreton East 2019 front page
nomination paper Debra Caplin Leasowe and Moreton East 2019 back page
nomination paper Debra Caplin Leasowe and Moreton East 2019 back page
candidate’s consent to nomination Debra Caplin Leasowe and Moreton East 2019 page 1 of 4
candidate’s consent to nomination Debra Caplin Leasowe and Moreton East 2019 page 1 of 4
candidate’s consent to nomination Debra Caplin Leasowe and Moreton East 2019 page 2 of 4
candidate’s consent to nomination Debra Caplin Leasowe and Moreton East 2019 page 2 of 4
candidate’s consent to nomination Debra Caplin Leasowe and Moreton East 2019 page 3 of 4
candidate’s consent to nomination Debra Caplin Leasowe and Moreton East 2019 page 3 of 4
candidate’s consent to nomination Debra Caplin Leasowe and Moreton East 2019 page 4 of 4
candidate’s consent to nomination Debra Caplin Leasowe and Moreton East 2019 page 4 of 4
nomination paper Karl Greaney Leasowe and Moreton East 2019 front page
nomination paper Karl Greaney Leasowe and Moreton East 2019 front page
nomination paper Karl Greaney Leasowe and Moreton East 2019 back page
nomination paper Karl Greaney Leasowe and Moreton East 2019 back page
candidate’s consent to nomination Karl Greaney Leasowe and Moreton East 2019 page 1 of 4
candidate’s consent to nomination Karl Greaney Leasowe and Moreton East 2019 page 1 of 4
candidate’s consent to nomination Karl Greaney Leasowe and Moreton East 2019 page 2 of 4
candidate’s consent to nomination Karl Greaney Leasowe and Moreton East 2019 page 2 of 4
candidate’s consent to nomination Karl Greaney Leasowe and Moreton East 2019 page 3 of 4
candidate’s consent to nomination Karl Greaney Leasowe and Moreton East 2019 page 3 of 4
candidate’s consent to nomination Karl Greaney Leasowe and Moreton East 2019 page 4 of 4
candidate’s consent to nomination Karl Greaney Leasowe and Moreton East 2019 page 4 of 4
nomination paper Sarah Spoor Liscard 2019 front page
nomination paper Sarah Spoor Liscard 2019 front page
nomination paper Sarah Spoor Liscard 2019 back page
nomination paper Sarah Spoor Liscard 2019 back page
candidate’s consent to nomination Sarah Spoor Liscard 2019 page 1 of 4
candidate’s consent to nomination Sarah Spoor Liscard 2019 page 1 of 4
candidate’s consent to nomination Sarah Spoor Liscard 2019 page 2 of 4
candidate’s consent to nomination Sarah Spoor Liscard 2019 page 2 of 4
candidate’s consent to nomination Sarah Spoor Liscard 2019 page 3 of 4
candidate’s consent to nomination Sarah Spoor Liscard 2019 page 3 of 4
candidate’s consent to nomination Sarah Spoor Liscard 2019 page 4 of 4
candidate’s consent to nomination Sarah Spoor Liscard 2019 page 4 of 4

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Author: John Brace

New media journalist from Birkenhead, England who writes about Wirral Council. Published and promoted by John Brace, 134 Boundary Road, Bidston, CH43 7PH. Printed by UK Webhosting Ltd t/a Tsohost, 113-114 Buckingham Avenue, Slough, Berkshire, England, SL1 4PF.

2 thoughts on “What’s in the nomination papers for the Conservative and Labour candidates in Leasowe and Moreton East and the nomination papers for the Labour candidate in Liscard?”

  1. Sarah Spoor will NOT, repeat, NOT be another Janette Williamson.

    The people of Liscard will not be *************************************************** this time around.

    1. Have you met Sarah Spoor?

      Cllr Janette Williamson has some admirable qualities, it’s just she is not to everyone’s taste as she can be somewhat fervent and passionate in expressing her political views.

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