Who are the 6 candidates in the Claughton byelection (election of a councillor to Wirral Council)?
The nomination period is over and the six candidates in the Claughton byelection (for the election of one councillor to Wirral Council) are as follows (this list is alphabetic by surname).
EVANS David Robert Cynlais
22 Brancote Road, Claughton, CH43 6TJ
Liberal Democrat
Nominated by Doyle, Francis M
4 Quaile Park, Prenton, CH43 6WA
Green Party
Nominated by Morgan, Michael P
JONES Beryl Rosina
108 Douglas Drive, Moreton, Wirral, CH46 6BY
UK Independence Party
Nominated by Gray, Peter
SINCLAIR Barbara Vera
24 Frankby Road, West Kirby, Wirral, CH48 6EE
Conservative Party Candidate
Nominated by Owens, Rowland
WHEDDON Leon Allen
26 Desmond Close, Wirral, CH43 9XN
Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition
Nominated by Lee, David
WOOD Gillian
74 Vaughan Road, Wallasey, CH45 1LP
The Labour Party
Nominated by Davies, George
The election of a councillor to Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council will be combined with the poll for Metro Mayor. Polling day is 4th May 2017 (most people still vote at a polling station), although people registered for a postal vote may receive their ballot earlier than this.
Please if leaving a comment, a reminder that legal restrictions apply during the election period about statements about a candidates’ character or conduct. So please keep it civil (otherwise I will turn comments off on this post)!
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G’day John
The only thing I miss about AdderlyDadderlyDooLally and his dogsbody is the pair of them fessing up about leading “Highbrow” and I up a six year garden path.
I cannot believe the crud they have put us through and for what reason?
Speak up anyone who thinks they have a reputation to save.
Speak up if you want to defend these dishonest people.
Speak up if you think they are not liars.
Speak up if there is any reason to have any respect for them.
As you know James I write about whistleblowers.
They all get punished.
It’s seen very much by management as us vs them.
You will be aware of the idiom, “To throw (someone) under the bus”.
That is what happens. That is what the tribunal and court system is for though (however flawed) to try and deter this sort of behaviour.
However, in party politics the whistle is rarely blown, because the repercussions bring down governments and end careers.
The cover ups of fiascos are endless in politics with the phrase “sweep it under the carpet” somewhat summing up the usual way of dealing with matters.
That’s quite literally what you are up against James, the political class, the “old boy network” and the machinery of state.
Oh and as this byelection is about Claughton, I think a link to courted and feted is warranted!
Hear Hear John
I was going to quote “Ankles” “The ex-Dunny Chain Wearer” but I couldn’t decide which bit.
They stink.
They could have ended this waste of money years ago.
More FOI’s to come John because they just can’t tell the truth and be open, honest and transparent.