Why have Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service submitted a 2nd planning application for a Saughall Massie fire station?

Why have Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service submitted a 2nd planning application for a Saughall Massie fire station?

Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority meeting 17th December 2015 L to R Treasurer, Deputy Chief Fire Officer Phil Garrigan, Chief Fire Officer Dan Stephens, Chair Cllr Dave Hanratty

Why have Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service submitted a 2nd planning application for a Saughall Massie fire station?


Cllr Dave Hanratty (on the right) and his posse 20th October 2015
Cllr Dave Hanratty (on the right) and his posse 20th October 2015

A stranger rides in to Wirral Town in a thrilling Wild West tale about gold, greed, horses, the law and a land grab was the tale of how the pony club were turfed out of Moreton by Phil Davies and his gang. It was described as “this is not an appropriate action for a Local Authority landlord to take”, “accusation of dishonesty”, “gnawed at his professional conscience” and “unfortunate sequence of events” in an independent report (which has since mysteriously vanished) as to how the landlord had behaved.

However, Dave Hanratty and his posse were not taking no for an answer from Phil Davies’ gang this time!

So Dave Hanratty’s men submitted another planning application for the fire station at Saughall Massie.

In case you didn’t know already, Dave Hanratty and his posse had been defeated the first time around by Chris Blakeley (who was in a rival gang).

Just in case, Wirral Council didn’t get the message, this was backed up with £300,000 for Wirral Council for the land if it was approved.

The £300,000 for the land had been approved by Wirral Council councillors on the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority that were also on Wirral Council’s Planning Committee. The Planning Committee would decide which way the planning application was decided.

Of course, in the cosy world of politics, this was neither a conflict of interest that councillors had failed to make, nor a bribe, nor anything really that the public should know about as Dave Hanratty’s gang started going “Shhh!” whenever these matters were brought up.

In fact the public wouldn’t have known, except a brave and a squaw from the nearest reservation had made sure the public were told.

Had Dave Hanratty and his gang been foolish enough to not be diplomatic? Had lies been told to get the answers they wanted?

Dave Hanratty and his posse had had plenty of opportunity to turn back, but instead when the icebergs were spotted, he had given the order, “Full speed ahead!”.

Who will choose the lifeboats? Who will choose the violin? Keep watching over the next months to find out the thrilling end to this story!

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Author: John Brace

New media journalist from Birkenhead, England who writes about Wirral Council. Published and promoted by John Brace, 134 Boundary Road, Bidston, CH43 7PH. Printed by UK Webhosting Ltd t/a Tsohost, 113-114 Buckingham Avenue, Slough, Berkshire, England, SL1 4PF.

5 thoughts on “Why have Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service submitted a 2nd planning application for a Saughall Massie fire station?”

  1. New application but possibly without an Environmental impact assessment the first plan was voted down surprisingly on these grounds as the Labour chair voted against i fear her vote may go the other way now with a bit of political pressure.

    1. The decision over whether an environmental impact assessment is required should be made by the end of the month, but people suspect it’ll go the same way as last year that an EIA is not required.

      As to what’ll happen when the Planning Committee decides, I thought one of the benefits of the Planning Committee was that councillors were free to make their own mind up as there is no whip?

  2. G’day John

    She missed a photo opportunity.

    Her roots must have been showing.

    I don’t know why she dyes her roots black.

    In their ex-local rubbish propaganda sheet.

    Litter pickers take part in Birkenhead town centre clean-up

    That’s right this is work not just posing and cruising tied on to the apron strings of her man AdderleyDadderleyDooLally.



    A shoot missed is better for wirral.

      1. G’day John

        The only thing I miss about AdderlyDadderlyDooLally and his dogsbody is the pair of them fessing up about leading “Highbrow” and I up a six year garden path.

        I cannot believe the **** they have put us through and for what reason?

        Speak up anyone who thinks they have a reputation to save.

        Speak up if you want to defend these dishonest people.

        Speak up if you think they are not liars.

        Speak up if there is any reason to have any respect for them.



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